Simple question, do you think George Zimmerman got a fair trial?

You're still lost in illiteracy, Ekim the Inbred. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

It is a fn wonder you can tie your shoes in the morning. Ass up IB.
The first vote was two for manslaughter and one for second degree, three for not guilty. And you think there should not have been a trial? Why not just have you and 2Dogs tell us who should go to trial and who should not. Save all the states some money. Originally Posted by WTF
You don't need me or 2Dogs. The police didn't want to press charges and neither did the DA. The special prosecutor did not want to bring this in front of a grand jury of actual citizens either.

Yes, I - and others - could of saved the state of FL some money....
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
And your evidence that he "picked a fight" is what, exactly?

That he followed Trayvon? That he got out of the car when he lost sight of Trayvon? Or that he told Trayvon "I don't have a problem" when Trayvon asked him what his problem was?

This may come as a surprise to many on this board, but it someone follows you around your neighborhood or just generally acts creepy, you do NOT have the right to kick their ass. What you should do is call the cops - not your girlfriend - and tell them you are being harassed by a creepy acting guy.

As it turns out, the person who called the cops that night was Zimmerman. Originally Posted by ExNYer

You don't need me or 2Dogs. The police didn't want to press charges and neither did the DA. The special prosecutor did not want to bring this in front of a grand jury of actual citizens either.

Yes, I - and others - could of saved the state of FL some money.... Originally Posted by gnadfly
Yssup Rider's Avatar
It is a fn wonder you can tie your shoes in the morning. Ass up IB. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
we all know what IBSyndrome does every morning before he goes down to the mine shaft....
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-16-2013, 09:13 PM
You don't need me or 2Dogs. The police didn't want to press charges and neither did the DA. The special prosecutor did not want to bring this in front of a grand jury of actual citizens either.

Yes, I - and others - could of saved the state of FL some money.... Originally Posted by gnadfly
So they brought it in front of a jury...which I support.

You do understand that this is a world of compromise. You and 2Dogs might think it was not worthy of a trial but other did. They won out. Others may have thought Zimmerman guilty, you and 2Dogs POV won out. That is how life works....we are all political animals. We win some, we lose some.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
I would say he got a fair trial.

I will also say there will be a second trial.

A civil trial.

Those require only a majority of the jurors to vote yes/no, not 100%.

That's what took out OJ.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-16-2013, 09:26 PM
I would say he got a fair trial.

I will also say there will be a second trial.

A civil trial.

Those require only a majority of the jurors to vote yes/no, not 100%.

That's what took out OJ. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Yssup Rider's Avatar
redriverronin's Avatar
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
The verdict did not shock America it shocked liberal idiots who live in their made up fantasy land where every body who doesn't have a mandatory anal implant is wrong evil and stupid.Pretty soon useless robots like you will see that the majority of people in this country and the world hate people like you and will do everything in there power to stop this evil and destructive agenda.
So they brought it in front of a jury...which I support.

You do understand that this is a world of compromise. You and 2Dogs might think it was not worthy of a trial but other did. They won out. Others may have thought Zimmerman guilty, you and 2Dogs POV won out. That is how life works....we are all political animals. We win some, we lose some. Originally Posted by WTF
I didn't win anything. As Chris Rock once said "I went to the mailbox and didn't find my OJ check." Evidently you lost 200 bucks.

The ethics course of your Internet JD GED encourages overt political manipulation of our judicial system, mine does not. And you have the audacity to portray me and others as lynching Klansman. You probably agree with and approve of TimPage's post on how the Obama administration is going to use the DOJ placate the race peddlers.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
The verdict did not shock America it shocked liberal idiots who live in their made up fantasy land where every body who doesn't have a mandatory anal implant is wrong evil and stupid.Pretty soon useless robots like you will see that the majority of people in this country and the world hate people like you and will do everything in there power to stop this evil and destructive agenda. Originally Posted by redriverronin
NOW WHO CAN ARGUE WITH THAT? Strong talk for an illegal alien!

But just for shits and giggles ... Provide some manner of support for your "majority of people in this country and the world hate people like you" assertion. Was it the same majority who re-elected the President? Maybe your pals on the right can help you with the "facts" since they are so intimate with them... I'm sure they're RUSHING to help you out!

LMAO @ illegal alien!

I would say he got a fair trial.

I will also say there will be a second trial.

A civil trial.

Those require only a majority of the jurors to vote yes/no, not 100%.

That's what took out OJ. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
I agree, the next trial will be a civil trial, where George Zimmerman and his legal team will bring law suites against the entire prosecution team, the news media, and the race baiters who pushed this case to prosecution.
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  • CJ7
  • 07-17-2013, 01:05 AM
You don't need me or 2Dogs. The police didn't want to press charges and neither did the DA. The special prosecutor did not want to bring this in front of a grand jury of actual citizens either.

Yes, I - and others - could of saved the state of FL some money.... Originally Posted by gnadfly


It was reported Monday that Special Prosecutor Angela Corey would NOT be giving the Trayvon Martin case to the assembled and waiting Grand Jury in Seminole County, Florida. As it requires a Grand Jury to bring an indictment of first degree murder, the move by the Special Prosecutor takes the possibility of a capital
charge against George Zimmerman, the man who shot Martin, off the table.

see why you're an idiot ?
Well, that's what lawyers get paid to do. Surely, you're not saying that Zimmerman's attorneys didn't argue to keep out evidence that they deemed harmful to their case? You file those motions and make those arguments, and the judge rules one way or the other. The fact that you think some texts that Martin sent back and forth about weed and guns is relevant doesn't make it so. There are legal precedents for those types of rulings and the court rules on such motions as best it can. Some they get right, some not so much. The lawyers make those arguments, the judge makes the decision on what the jury does and does not hear in evidence.

There is some very credible evidence that Zimmerman lied under oath at his bond hearing. You think that might be something a jury might be interested in? Would that make you look askance at the story the guy told about what happened that night? He, and his wife, were willing to lie, under oath, about their financial condition in order to try to keep him out of jail or get his bond lowered. But, you don't think he'd lie to the cops about what happened out there in order to avoid going to jail? Yet, the jury didn't hear a word about any of that. Originally Posted by timpage
Of course Zimmerman's attorneys argued on his behalf. As you say, that's what they're paid to do. The difference is, if they did they were arguing known issues. There is no information that they withheld anything from the prosecution that may have been germane to the case. Conversely, there is overwhelming evidence that the prosecution withheld significant amounts of information, including the data from Trayvon's phone, which the prosecutors' IT guy testified to. (Then was summarily fired.) If the prosecution wanted the perjury accusation against Zimmerman's wife put in front of the jury they should have tried to introduce it. I don't personally think that had any bearing whatsoever on the facts of the case against Zimmerman, but that's what juries are for, right??

I saw an interview with O'Mara yesterday where he said that he had never before, in his 30+ years of practice, filed for sanctions against a prosecutor. In this case, he filed eight motions for sanctions due to prosecutorial misconduct. The bottom line is, the state had a suck-ass case and they knew it. They knew they had to keep certain things about the "real" Trayvon out of the court proceedings. Even with their shenanigans, O'Mara and West destroyed them.
LexusLover's Avatar


It was reported Monday that Special Prosecutor Angela Corey would NOT be giving the Trayvon Martin case to the assembled and waiting Grand Jury in Seminole County, Florida. As it requires a Grand Jury to bring an indictment of first degree murder, the move by the Special Prosecutor takes the possibility of a capital
charge against George Zimmerman, the man who shot Martin, off the table.

see why you're an idiot ? Originally Posted by CJ7
Actually, whoever reported it is the ignorant idiot.

If Corey said that .. she should be fired ... if she hasn't been already.

And if she didn't say it, then whoever did say it should be fired, as well, ... so that fools like you wouldn't "report" bullshit on the internet and take up bandwidth for meaningless and erroneous statements. The Florida constitution DID (AND DOES ) NOT PROHIBIT taking the Zimmerman case to the grand jury. Although double jeopardy does NOW!

Not many things are above prosecutors blaming jurors for a case they lost on my "disgust list"! This public airing of their dirty laundry is nudging to the top quickly. One only has to air their "opening remarks" to the jurors empaneled to hear the case to be nauseated when listening to their ass-covering criticism and excuses. If they didn't have prosecutorial immunity they would get popped big time on this one ...

.... "the shoe is on the other foot soon enough!!

A "capital charge" was never "on the table" factually or legally in this case. But that doesn't prohibit the government from taking the case to the grand jury. Go read the Fla. Const., and if you can't I'll try to translate it for you, provided you understand English.