Mr Bill's Avatar
Happy late birthday.
Happy Birthday a day late!
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 10-01-2011, 09:27 PM
Happy Birthday, Fawn! Hope you can celebrate by playing some golf! Originally Posted by JackNapier

Thank you Jack, but it looks like my golf days are over.... maybe I
will pick up another sport..... got an ideals?

Shooter, thank you for the birthday wish from half way around the world... and we will buy you a glass of tea and a plate of good nachos
at our hang out.... kiss and be careful....

Bill and Heather better late than never....
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Hope your day was great pretty lady!!
Mojojo's Avatar
Happy late bday
Papacorn's Avatar
Fawn - is it that magical day? I hope you enjoyed it fully! Remind me to smack your bottom next time I see you! Wait, that was already on the list! hmmmm
Wow.... Happy Birthday, Fawn. You're an awesome lady... and look better every year that passes... Keep up the great work. May God Bless you with many many more. Love and respect you so very much.

Much continued success for ya.

Stay safe and always loved by many!!!

Amber Rain
Happy Belated Birthday. Never met you but feel I like I've known you for some time.

demsrsb's Avatar
Have the happiest of birthdays.
Happy Belated Birthday sweet lady!