Kamala Covid Positive

I believe one thing is becoming obvious.

Mask are useless in preventing the spread of Covid.

I doubt anybody is more dedicated to the mask cult than the Washington crowd. But it seemed that just about everybody in the administration this side of Joe Biden has been Covid positive despite their masks.

Granted, since all are fully vaccinated and in most cases boosted, none become very Ill. But they still become infected, and by all accounts can spread it despite the masks.

I am pro vaccination, (or what ever you can call what is being administered).

But the masks, or at least the cheap paper or home made things everyone is fixated on, are simply an exercise in futility.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...I doubt anybody is more dedicated to the mask cult than the Washington crowd... Originally Posted by Jackie S
Allow me to introduce you to Tiny. He might be in Juarez ATM, doing err, uhhmm, research. Yeah, re-search. That's the ticket...
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Trump is vaccinated, and a vaccine advocate. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
"Advocate" is a far, far better choice than having no choice at all, aka mandates. I shudder at the thought of the CDC claiming it is above the law, a higher power, our betters, the authority. Gheeze, they sound like a frick'n Southpark episode: You will respect my authority! I recall the French Elites getting overly uppity in years gone by. It ended pretty badly for them.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
people who are still wearing masks are wearing it out of fear!

thats some fear porn!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

I'm worried about the First Gentleman.

Wait, no.. I hope Willie Brown gets tested Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Chung Tran

poor little flamingo got his wings clipped again.

cum home soon little flamingo (in about 90 days).
people who are still wearing masks are wearing it out of fear!

thats some fear porn! Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
What's even scarier is that as a person breaths through the mask they most likely are depositing Periodontal Bacteria. These oral Bacteria are too large to pass through the fibers of the Mask and become lodged within the fibers. If a person with Periodontal disease, which fifty percent of the population has some form of breaths these prolific Bacteria into the lungs a serious lung disease can develop, which can be just as dangerous as Covid-19 itself.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
What's even scarier is that as a person breaths through the mask they most likely are depositing Periodontal Bacteria. These oral Bacteria are too large to pass through the fibers of the Mask and become lodged within the fibers. If a person with Periodontal disease, which fifty percent of the population has some form of breaths these prolific Bacteria into the lungs a serious lung disease can develop, which can be just as dangerous as Covid-19 itself. Originally Posted by Levianon17
yeah.. dentists has a name for it, covid teeth or something like that. thats from wearing a mask too long.
yeah.. dentists has a name for it, covid teeth or something like that. thats from wearing a mask too long. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Well actually there is on going research by Periodontist, the specialized field of Dentistry that treat the diseases of the mouth, Gingival Tissue(the gums) ect. Many Periodontist suspect the Bacteria that causes Periodontal diseases if these Bacteria enter the lungs they can alter lung tissue function similar to a Cancer and of course they suspect prolonged use of Masks maybe a gateway for periodontal bacteria to enter the lungs. Just a side note the Gums should never bleed some people think they flossed or brushed too hard that's usually not the case the Gums are bleeding because of the Bacteria colonizing in Gum pockets causing inflammation. Now just imagine those same bacteria colonizing in the lungs where they are not generally found or even suppose to be.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
people who are still wearing masks are wearing it out of fear!
thats some fear porn! Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
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  • Mass Formation Psychosis
  • Psychology of Totalitarianism
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