Lol I know my guy would do great at it... I can be his handler lmao JUST KIDDING!!!
Where is this market lol
Do you think its possible for a woman to be in this line of business and still be able to find a man that will truly love her completely mind heart body and soul..and no judgements, without having to hide what you do... or will we always be____________… in the eyes of others.. I like to believe Its possible.. but everything shows other wise...what goes on the internet, is forever. words, pictures, videos. everything. searchable, indexed. It never goes away. Anyone that looks with enough persistence can find it.
PS just a random question cause I'm not trying to do this forever just wondering if this hobby will always be a factor even when I'm done with it .
Please be honest and respectful when you respond to this thread. Thank you Originally Posted by raquel santos