Common Problems For The Ladies

caroline!'s Avatar
Are there no exceptions or is this an iron-clad rule with providers? Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
are you serious? lemme guess.. you FELL for a provider?! If I'm right, you better get your shit together. That is one road you do not want to take.

I can't begin to imagine how it's an Obama thing. But given the ridiculous allusions people are relating to my president, why not! Originally Posted by Black Sedan
Uh, I thought he was all of us's president. Even if he is called out on some things, he is still our president and deserves our respect.

Speaking of Obama, where the fuck was he when BP started gifting the coast with millions of barrels of oil? Oh yeah, he was attending parties in D.C. telling his famous jokes. Katrina anyone?

I have to say though, Michelle Obama sure makes a stunningly elegant first lady.H
boardman's Avatar
Uh, I thought he was all of us's president. Even if he is called out on some things, he is still our president and deserves our respect.

.H Originally Posted by Sweet Heather
Sorry H but He lost any any respect I might have had left for him when he let The Mexican President lecture Congress and the U.S. about how unfair our laws are and did not have the balls to rebutt or rebuke. Rather his speech afterwards basically agreed with Calderon. Yet another apology. Then he goes and gives him a full State dinner.
This after almost completely ignoring the Israeli Prime Minister(except to tell him Israel had no right to sovereignty) to the point that He didn't feel welcome in the White House and made arrangements to stay elsewhere.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 05-24-2010, 01:39 PM
Speaking of Obama, where the fuck was he when BP started gifting the coast with millions of barrels of oil? Oh yeah, he was attending parties in D.C. telling his famous jokes. Katrina anyone? Originally Posted by Sweet Heather
The private sector does everything better. Or so i've been told.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 05-24-2010, 01:43 PM
Sorry H but He lost any any respect I might have had left for him when he let The Mexican President lecture Congress and the U.S. about how unfair our laws are and did not have the balls to rebutt or rebuke. Originally Posted by boardman
Face it, your real beef is that the Mexican President wasn't standing next to Sarah Palin and calling Obama a fascist socialist nazi commie.

Rush Limbaugh would be hailing him as a hero.
Willen's Avatar
Hmm, this thread certainly has migrated about as far as the BP oil spill.
Hmm, this thread certainly has migrated about as far as the BP oil spill. Originally Posted by Willen

Indeed. It's far more productive, far more informative, and far more conducive to intelligent conversation now. Don't you agree?
boardman's Avatar
Sorry H but He lost any any respect I might have had left for him when he let The Mexican President lecture Congress and the U.S. about how unfair our laws are and did not have the balls to rebutt or rebuke. Rather his speech afterwards basically agreed with Calderon. Yet another apology. Then he goes and gives him a full State dinner.
This after almost completely ignoring the Israeli Prime Minister(except to tell him Israel had no right to sovereignty) to the point that He didn't feel welcome in the White House and made arrangements to stay elsewhere. Originally Posted by boardman
I guess I should have said that the office of the president deserves our respect.

As to the rest of your post? Can't disagree with one single bit of it.

In Mexico, they throw illegal immigrants in PRISON for TWO YEARS for the FIRST offense and it's a FELONY. And Mexico reserves the right to deport any immigrant that can't produce a valid MEXICAN birth certificate.That hypocrite Calderon can kiss my ass.
ISRAEL is our ally. MEXICO is our leech to the south. Period.
That hypocrite Calderon can kiss my ass. Originally Posted by Sweet Heather
Is that for free or must he have the donation. If free is involved, I might be interested also.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 05-24-2010, 07:30 PM
MEXICO is our leech to the south. Period. Originally Posted by Sweet Heather
They send us their people, and we send them our assault weapons and our demand for drugs.

Seems we're getting the better of the deal.
w900l's Avatar
  • w900l
  • 05-24-2010, 08:02 PM
I guess I should have said that the office of the president deserves our respect.

As to the rest of your post? Can't disagree with one single bit of it.

In Mexico, they throw illegal immigrants in PRISON for TWO YEARS for the FIRST offense and it's a FELONY. And Mexico reserves the right to deport any immigrant that can't produce a valid MEXICAN birth certificate.That hypocrite Calderon can kiss my ass.
ISRAEL is our ally. MEXICO is our leech to the south. Period. Originally Posted by Sweet Heather
Sweet Heather you are right on target about Mexico and their President Calderon!! I think I love you OH SHIT, I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I take these three words back, us hobbyist can't be saying that to a provider.
DFK Hunter's Avatar
They send us their people, and we send them our assault weapons and our demand for drugs.

Seems we're getting the better of the deal. Originally Posted by Doove
Sorry to hijack the thread but I just couldn't let this one go.

Wrong on several counts, the trafficking of firearms into Mexico is primarily from the south of Mexico, all those countries flooded with the weapons of liberation; an AK47 or 74 from Nicaragua is 10 times cheaper than an AR15 brought in from the US. According to ATF documents, only 13% of weapons found to have been used in crimes in Mexico are from the US.

The myth of US firearms in Mexico is just that, a myth perpetrated by the Mexican Government to defect blame for its own failings & the Obama Administration to support the President's well known goal to disarm the US population. However, is it a stated public policy goal of Mexico to export its poor & criminal class to the US. Ever wonder why 23% of the prison population in the South West are illeglas? Because the Progressives in the Democratic Party believe, if allowed to vote, the illegals will mostly vote for them. (Contrast it to the Progressive opposition to increasing legal immigration from Eastern Europe, a group of people they believe, if naturalized, would vote Republican.)

Forgive my cynicism, its not about "Human Rights" or "Privacy" or any other such crap, it all power and how they will use that power to control your lives.
rednecksatyr's Avatar
Well, Well. I have to admit in the er, ah, heat of the moment I have said a few things. Mostly another name, or some endearing term. I meant no offense and I certainly understand the terms of the "sale" so to speak.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 05-25-2010, 03:26 PM
Sorry to hijack the thread but I just couldn't let this one go. Originally Posted by DFK Hunter
Perhaps you should have.

According to ATF documents, only 13% of weapons found to have been used in crimes in Mexico are from the US.
Uh, wrong. First, nobody is claiming 13%. And FOX News - at 17% got it wrong (again). Bless their hearts. Honest mistake, i'm sure.

Granted, the US estimate, 90%, seems to be off base by a pretty wide margin also. But at least it can be spun as accurate by limiting the sample to guns given to the ATF to be traced. The article actually indicates THAT number is closer to 94%. But given that all the guns recovered aren't given to the ATF to be traced, they settle in somewhere around 34%. Which assumes none of the guns not given to the ATF come from the US. Not sure how likely that is, but there ya have it.

Either way, 13% (or even 17%) is just a totally made up number. And nothing in the ATF documents alone indicate 13%. In fact, the ATF documents all throw out numbers of 90% or more, but again, they only include guns given to the ATF. So not only are your numbers made up, but so is your source.