Lies blame & same bs from trumpf

The bigger picture that every one seems to be ignoring is that Trump is a damned liar. He has done it so often and for so long people have gotten immune to it. He’s the definitive poster boy for narcissistic personality disorder. He cares for no one else but himself. He has no problem violating the law to get his way. He throws anybody who opposes him under the bus.

I just don’t understand how anyone with an ounce of integrity could ever vote for that fat lying fuck. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Biden can lie better than Trump can ever hope too. Let me tell you just how far he can lie. In 1972 when Biden was a young Senator his wife was in a fatal car accident with an 18 wheeler truck. She had her three kids with her. Mrs Biden was killed in the accident along with her thirteen month old daughter her two sons survived. For Decades Joe Biden made comments that the Truck Driver drank his lunch implying he was drunk when the fatal accident occurred. That turned out to be untrue and the daughter of the truck driver demanded an apology from Biden to clear her father's name. In fact the accident was Mrs. Biden's fault when she failed to stop at a Stop Sign. In 2009 Joe Biden Vice President at the time after much scrutiny apologized to the truck drivers daughter and her family. Joe Biden is no amateur when it comes to lying. So don't give us any crap about Trump lying because was doing even more you can bet on it.
Precious_b's Avatar
... CNN made mention that the Monitours there would NOT interrupt
or be fact-checking the candidates during the debate.

So that's that.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Seemed to be true to their word.

And *I* would not accept completely any fact checking that was done by the party hosting the debate.

And that's trending number one!
Very irresponsible! Cnn is being called out hoggely for not fact checking. Magas can't stand fact checking.
I wonder if that was a concession for trumpf? Heh Originally Posted by winn dixie
Glad they didn't. *BUT* I would have gladly welcomed announcement that an independent non-partisan third party would do fact checking in real time.

Biden lied about everything, but to be fair Joe didn't even know he lied. Originally Posted by farmstud60
I get so tired of hearing from “fact checkers “ They are nothing but a sponsorship sword (Soros) of the left. Even Facebook has admitted in court that they are just opinion.

“Oh but fact checkers say….””

Bullshit. Shut the fuck up. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Anyone that would accept such a vaulted impartial source as FB deserves to have their opinion kicked to the curb.
Everyone that *rage whines* (as someone here is quoted) here is just as guilty for having the lack of checking the journalistic integrity of sources, factual content, and how much leaning their quoted "sources" have.

A fact checker that scores top marks in the above (by being able to give a who/why/where/when/how to back up what they say) gets kudos from me.

Remember, WD said Biden was going to wipe Trump out in the debate.

His hatred for ANYTHING Trump has went from obsessive to being delusional. Originally Posted by Jackie S
You and every other lefty should be ashamed for supporting this dementia ridden old man. I can't wait for your head to explode in November. Originally Posted by Budman
His hatred is the quality and content of what the parties said to given questions. And rightly so.

And every lefty and righty should know that no matter who gets the brass ring here, they will suffer what the magas are raging on. Their fearless leader will end up the same as the object of their rage postings. They've been turning a blind eye to the same tell tale signs of their beloved melange one that they say joey has. Been plain to see in all of his rallys.

You and every right wing cultist should be ashamed for supporting a serial liar, twice impeached, convicted felon, old man. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Oh, don't you try posting facts for them. You've already read what they think of fact checkers. To them, they are shame announcers.

The only thing open about you is your big mouth. Biden came as close to winning the debate as the Dallas Cowboys did to winning last years super bowl. Originally Posted by Budman
Oh you had to go there! Son, you are tarnishing the Great State of Texas with that remark, LOL! But no sweat of my back: Anybody but the Cowgirls.

Which is besides the point. Here is a list of the lies that each person told.

Of course the majority of the lies were told by Ole Schitzenpants. Not just the number but the actual lies were especially egregious. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
...speaking of fact checkers
The AP is a good one. But seeing that they are nearer to center like the magas are nearer to the edge of right field, they won't like them. Regardless that the AP factual content is orders of magnitude better that those rightie keyboard pounders given quoted sources in the rare blue moon when they give them.

The subject of the thread? Lies blame & same bs from trumpf.
How are the lies that Trump told not germane to the conversation. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
They both lied you even posted a list. Biden is the sitting president and he's standing there lying his ass off looking like a fucking dunce. At least Trump lied with some class and didn't look like he needed another B12 shot lol. Originally Posted by Levianon17
So, can you post the percentage of the lies given by each party?

Biden can lie better than Trump can ever hope too. Let me tell you just how far he can lie. In 1972 when Biden was a young Senator his wife was in a fatal car accident with an 18 wheeler truck. She had her three kids with her. Mrs Biden was killed in the accident along with her thirteen month old daughter her two sons survived. For Decades Joe Biden made comments that the Truck Driver drank his lunch implying he was drunk when the fatal accident occurred. That turned out to be untrue and the daughter of the truck driver demanded an apology from Biden to clear her father's name. In fact the accident was Mrs. Biden's fault when she failed to stop at a Stop Sign. In 2009 Joe Biden Vice President at the time after much scrutiny apologized to the truck drivers daughter and her family. Joe Biden is no amateur when it comes to lying. So don't give us any crap about Trump lying because was doing even more you can bet on it. Originally Posted by Levianon17

Thank you for showing that joey can apologize for a mistake.

Show us where donny ever owns up to any fuckup he makes of any importance.
Seemed to be true to their word.

And *I* would not accept completely any fact checking that was done by the party hosting the debate.

Glad they didn't. *BUT* I would have gladly welcomed announcement that an independent non-partisan third party would do fact checking in real time.

Anyone that would accept such a vaulted impartial source as FB deserves to have their opinion kicked to the curb.
Everyone that *rage whines* (as someone here is quoted) here is just as guilty for having the lack of checking the journalistic integrity of sources, factual content, and how much leaning their quoted "sources" have.

A fact checker that scores top marks in the above (by being able to give a who/why/where/when/how to back up what they say) gets kudos from me.

His hatred is the quality and content of what the parties said to given questions. And rightly so.

And every lefty and righty should know that no matter who gets the brass ring here, they will suffer what the magas are raging on. Their fearless leader will end up the same as the object of their rage postings. They've been turning a blind eye to the same tell tale signs of their beloved melange one that they say joey has. Been plain to see in all of his rallys.

Oh, don't you try posting facts for them. You've already read what they think of fact checkers. To them, they are shame announcers.

Oh you had to go there! Son, you are tarnishing the Great State of Texas with that remark, LOL! But no sweat of my back: Anybody but the Cowgirls.

...speaking of fact checkers
The AP is a good one. But seeing that they are nearer to center like the magas are nearer to the edge of right field, they won't like them. Regardless that the AP factual content is orders of magnitude better that those rightie keyboard pounders given quoted sources in the rare blue moon when they give them.

So, can you post the percentage of the lies given by each party?

Thank you for showing that joey can apologize for a mistake.

Show us where donny ever owns up to any fuckup he makes of any importance. Originally Posted by Precious_b
Yeah, he apologized after smearing a guy for over thirty years after he was backed into a corner by the Truck Driver's daughter. He didn't have to lie from the start but he did.
Biden stood there at the debate and blatantly lied about being endorsed by the Border Patrol. On Social Media Border Patrol stated they never endorsed Biden and never will.
winn dixie's Avatar
Fact checkers site I saw had Biden at 8 lies and trumpf at plus 33. This does not include his trivial ongoing lie about his height. Very juvenile.
Fact checkers site I saw had Biden at 8 lies and trumpf at plus 33. This does not include his trivial ongoing lie about his height. Very juvenile. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Oh the Masonic 33 how convenient. That's bullshit if Trump had 33 Biden had 80.
Precious_b's Avatar
Thank you for showing that joey can apologize for a mistake.

Show us where donny ever owns up to any fuckup he makes of any importance. Originally Posted by Precious_b
Yeah, he apologized after smearing a guy for over thirty years after he was backed into a corner by the Truck Driver's daughter. He didn't have to lie from the start but he did. Originally Posted by Levianon17

Thank you for taking this opportunity in misdirecting people here that donny will never acknowledge a fuck up he has done and sincerely apologize.