Eccie clients seeing bp providers.

I will see whoever the hell I want to see. If a BP gal is reasonable and gives a good session I will see her. Eccie providers have no claim on eccie guys. Originally Posted by burkalini
burkalini's Avatar
Originally Posted by Jackie S
If you read my posts you would know I didn't put anything in private
Gotyour6's Avatar
Clients, johns, smohns, daddy, whatever you wanna be called Originally Posted by Misti Ryder
No idea why this was said but Mkay...
For 1 second there aren't bad hobbiest on here?? Do you not read how many members get banned on here for un- speakable things or bad behaviors??

SCREENING is what gives us providers peace of mind. Not just some hobby board named Eccie.
YOU have give yourself peace of mind by doing your due diligence and screen the client to YOUR comfort level.

It goes both ways. YES Eccie is a fun little community, and there are some wonderful people here, but don't get too complacent and think that YOU are safe just because you are on this site.
Remember there are NO Mod police to protect you if you run across a dangerous man you met on here. When guys sign up on Eccie there is no forum that asks a guy if he will be a potential harmful and dangerous client to the ladies he see's on here for an appointment.

M.M. Originally Posted by Melissa Madyson

I'm not complacent.
I screen.
I said I get annoyed at guys who try to rush you through that process so they can see you ASAP when there are PLENTY of websites that cater to guys who don't really want to go through that process.
On here, girls screen.
Even when I was on BP I'm asking all types of questions.
You can't deny that ECCIE has a higher level of safety because of the RESOURCES it provides for hobbyist AND providers. It assists with the screening process.
Of course there are crazies on here. There are crazies everywhere.
My last BP call I almost walked into the home of a fuckin MENTAL PATIENT. Had it not been for the neighbor to warn me as I'm knockin on the door GOD KNOWS what could have happened to me.
Had I been on ECCIE and been able to see his reviews, contact his referrals, and do some extensive screening, I would not have been in that sutuation.
You can ask BP clients all the questions in the world, but they don't have to necessarily tell you the truth. And I dare you to attempt to extensively screen all your BP calls (all 200/day of tthem) and tell me if you aren't ready to pull your hair out st the end of the day.
Working on BP is working HARDER not SMARTER. The site has a bad rep (sorry not sorry) if you're still taking calls or looking for girls on there you're only asking to trouble it's inevitable.

PS my first BP call I ever took tried to rob me.
Who's REALLY crazier, the guys you call you or the girls who remain on that site despite the OBVIOUS danger?
ugh I miss bars where lady's of the evening can be found Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
I still go to bars and have found some of my best dates there. It's fun and you can really smell someone out when you meet them in person.
If I see a guy I like or who I think could be a potential date I'll buy his next round. He'll come over and talk to me and the rest is history

Take notes ladies ☺️✨💋
You right guys. It's not about the site it's about the screening. I guess the reviews just scared me off. I had a friend I used to work with who used bp, she never had any problems cause she screened properly. I just feel lucky I started out here & I shouldn't of involved bp to say that lol.

P.S. I'm a riot maker
Originally Posted by Misti Ryder
Don't apologize. BP in my hometown has a horrible reputation. I made a lot of money off BP hell I bought a fxckn car off the money I made there but the shit I had to put myself through and the type of clientele I had to deal with ... unmentionable ..
RyanFromTER's Avatar
No population is devoid of bad people. But in larger cities/towns any venue that provides SOME reviewing of members, both ladies and men, is likely to have a smaller set of the bottom end people. And more likely that the bad ones will be identified and hopefully avoided.

All you can do is improve your odds.

The bigger issue are many smaller places where there is only BP and similar venues. And I think your odds on BP-only ladies (or clients) is much worse.
Originally Posted by Old-T
I agree with you. My issue was she made it sound like this site was bullet proof to having undesirable elements.
Monica13's Avatar
I've never had a bad date from BP. Just goes back to screening and using common sense. You can tell if a client is a dick a lot of times
by talking with them.

BP makes me money and that's not something I'm gonna turn down because some people think it's bad.

To each their own, being on eccie doesnt make you a better provider or a better client.

Some of my best clients i got off BP. Just saying.
These are professional buyers and sellers of pussy. Who cares which store they buy/sell from. There's bad apples everywhere.

BP is simply a platform reaching a larger audience.

I'm sure ladies who advertise on EROS feel the same about Boards whores.

It's ALL the same shit, different toilet.
SoSexyMsT's Avatar
Well, bp girls arent too bad.
If you get a lot of hits here, lucky you. We dont all get a lot of hits and have luck charging $300hr. *rolleyes*
SoSexyMsT's Avatar
If op doesnt want to see men who see bp gals, thats more sausage for me!!!!
If op doesnt want to see men who see bp gals, thats more sausage for me!!!! Originally Posted by SoSexyMsT
It's the one who gets themselves into sketchy situations that this is geared towards. Unless someone is new to the hobby & didn't do their research before scheduling, they should know by now.
  • Luxie
  • 08-09-2017, 03:49 PM
I take advantage of every advertising platform I can. This means I'm on Backpage and I'm also on Eros, amongst several other websites, but regardless I screen every single gentleman the same way. Do I get more time wasters on Backpage? You bet! But I've also met some of my favorite clients on there.
SoSexyMsT's Avatar
It's the one who gets themselves into sketchy situations that this is geared towards. Unless someone is new to the hobby & didn't do their research before scheduling, they should know by now. Originally Posted by Misti Ryder
Op made it sound like she was better than bp girls and that bp girls somehow taint clients.
Bp is more of a risk, but id go under very quickly if not for bp. I have a lot of great regulars from there.
I'm def not better than anybody else