I'm not pissed. Paul Ryan is smarter than Obimbocrate and 10 Bidens. LOL
Alan418's Avatar
How do think the seniors in Florida are going to react to Ryan? Do you think the AARP crowd is going to just sit on their hands? Romney/Ryan- they're toast.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
. . . . You wonder what the reaction is going to be?

Bunch of scared crybabies...Y'all need to worry about your own problems...double fuck you IDIOTS...LOL
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
FastGoon is posting pics from his latest speech.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
No, not even close.

That was yo routund moma relieving herself on the convention floor;

. . . You better get a big-ass broom to sweep that dump up, old geezer!

FastGunn is posting pics from his latest speech. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
My mother is dead, FastGoon. Thanks.
My mother is dead, FastGoon. Thanks. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
COG it's time to pick sides. Which side are you on? If none. You should site out the next 90 days...Is that unreasonable?...
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Gary Johnson.
Paul Ryan is not only a very capable sharp politician, he us also a tough opponent. The Ryan pick signals that he intends to hold Obama accountable for his destructive policies. Read this Ryan part of a recent Ryan speech at the Clermont Institute and understand the coming campgain theme :

"Instead of changing his failed policies, the President has turned to the politics of division. Instead of appealing to the hope and optimism that were hallmarks of his first campaign, he has launched his second campaign by preying on the emotions of fear, envy, and resentment.

This has the potential to be just as damaging as his misguided policies. Sowing social unrest and class resentment makes America weaker, not stronger. Pitting one group against another only distracts us from the true sources of inequity in this country – corporate welfare and cronyism that enrich the powerful, and empty promises that betray the powerless.

It’s disappointing, but it seems that the President is using the politics of division to distract from his record of inaction on our nation’s most pressing fiscal challenges:

He still has not put forward a credible plan to tackle the threat of ever-rising spending and debt.

He’s deferred the task of solving these challenges to one commission after another, only to ignore their recommendations…

… and it’s been over 900 days since his party even bothered to pass a budget in the Senate.

The reason seems simple enough: The President and his party’s leaders do not and cannot publicly commit to the kinds of tax increases required to pay for their spending promises, which they refuse to back down from.
BTW, I had dinner last night with a married couple; both voted for Obama in 2008, they are Independents and have voted Democratic more times than Republican......but in November they will be voting for change. They fear what an Obama 2 nd term means.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Even you should know that means nothing.

The battle will not be won or lost by two such insignificant people.

. . . The battle will be determined by the battleground states.

BTW, I had dinner last night with a married couple; both voted for Obama in 2008, they are Independents and have voted Democratic more times than Republican......but in November they will be voting for change. They fear what an Obama 2 nd term means. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
  • Laz
  • 08-12-2012, 07:46 AM
Even you should know that means nothing.

The battle will not be won or lost by two such insignificant people.

. . . The battle will be determined by the battleground states.

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn

Those two so called insignificant people are Obama's problem. When election time comes how many millions of independent voters will feel the same way. Obama has done nothing to give people confidence in his ability. They might not love Romney as an option but they might want change again.
rex111999's Avatar
Fast Gunn, I know you are going to put me on full blast here, but you and people like you are a giant problem in the political process.
Why must you call names, post disgusting pictures, and blast us all with venom every time you post.
How about intelligent discussion? Want to win people to your side of the argument? Do it calmly and with thought.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
What? Me? Put you on full blast?

What? Me? The problem? You can't be serious!

This may come as a surprise to you, buddy, but I am the solution.

When a solution does not agree with your own preconceived notions about how things should be than you label it as a problem.

For example, when this country invaded Iraq, it took me about 30 seconds to decide it was a terrible idea. However, many otherwise intelligent friends were convinced that it was a very good idea.

To this day, it still puzzles as to why some basic things are so patently obvious to me and yet totally impenetrable to others.

Sometimes, I feel like the only sane man left and the lunatics are running the asylum and making the rules.

The preponderance of economic problems that we face today came about when this country elected Bush.

. . . Finally, you should know that there is no venom in me whatsoever, but if I come on a little strong sometimes, it is only because there are some mighty thick heads out there and it takes force to penetrate.

Fast Gunn, I know you are going to put me on full blast here, but you and people like you are a giant problem in the political process.
Why must you call names, post disgusting pictures, and blast us all with venom every time you post.
How about intelligent discussion? Want to win people to your side of the argument? Do it calmly and with thought. Originally Posted by rex111999