Why are American bitches so expensive?

@Old-T Who is gonna pay people $200, $300 an hour even in the US? Originally Posted by media00
After that comment I definitely know you are not one of those ELITE men you refer to. ELITE men don't look for a bargain, they will pay what the price tag list only if they think the lady justifies the price.

Rather than starting a thread complaining about $$$$, only to find out your budget is -$.

Sweet N Little's Avatar
After that comment I definitely know you are not one of those ELITE men you refer to. ELITE men don't look for a bargain, they with pay what the price tag list only if they think the lady justifies the price.

Rather than starting a thread complaining about $$$$, only to find out your budget is -$.

Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou
+ 1 Skylar

this is a new one, whining about the price difference of other countries

Because they actually speak English?

In London, a lot of the agencies are full of Eastern European women, and yes they are beautiful and cheaper, but 9/10 times clients tell me when they call to book someone they specifically ask for someone that's English or American because the EE girls have shit personalities, are robotic, and don't seem to enjoy what they are doing. Originally Posted by Valerie

I want to Valerie you. Can I visit you?
After that comment I definitely know you are not one of those ELITE men you refer to. ELITE men don't look for a bargain, they will pay what the price tag list only if they think the lady justifies the price.

Rather than starting a thread complaining about $$$$, only to find out your budget is -$.

Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou

You are right. Or they can be acutally THANKFUL for paying such a fee instead yammering about the members who are gentlemen clients. Much better than Walmart where they will make $10/hr after all. It is at least 2000% as much.

I'm sure most members are fine with paying a decent price provided an excellent service. That's how us men are.

Like some women don't mind dropping 100s of dollars on hair if they are satisfied.

Gentlemen, what will you charge to have someone, who know what they will be like, use your arse for hour?
When you will take $150 from a guy or me and let us use a strap on on your Arse for an hour, then you can bitch.
Don't like the rates ladies get here in the US. Don't see us.
Quality is the perception of the consumer. A smart consumer does a lot of research before they drop their hard earned cash on anything, from products to pussy!
As long as the BIG head is doing the thinking!
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-07-2012, 06:09 PM
Sometimes you’re just in the wrong place at the wrong time. I’ve had a really long two weeks and I am not in a good mood. I have spent the last day and a half dealing with one idiot after another who all kept telling me I couldn’t do something that their own literature said I could. Likely grade school drop outs who somehow got into a position where they thought they deserved far more authority than their lack of intelligence warranted.

That’s my long winded way of saying you probably don’t deserve the blast you are about to receive, but today you get no sympathy from me.

What is this "free economy" stated here, the reason for the price is because the hobby is illegal. Originally Posted by ThekNight
Yes, I do seem to recall I mentioned that quite specifically—that being illegal is ONE reason the supply curve is set higher than where it would likely be set otherwise. But that is completely independent of whether it is a free market or not. There are legal free markets and illegal ones, and because they often lack the regulations of legal ones, illegal markets are often freer. Essentially any lady (or guy) who wishes to become a provider can do so. There are no education, certificate, training, or regulatory barriers she has to overcome (except in parts of NV). Entry into the market as a supplier is very, very fluid. There are also no big investment expenses that keep people out. It doesn’t require a lot of equipment, years of planning, etc. In the same way people can leave very easily—all the have to do is stop taking appointments. No clean-up costs, no rules that prevent closing the store for the public safety.

Not sure what part of “free” you didn’t get.

So I guess all my life long friends who are high level execs needed to find wives from European countries and not mail order either but women who have multiple degrees, speak more than one language, and some even in European fashion magazines.

But I guess my friends could of found these same woman here. Oh shit I forgot my friends divorced the woman here.
I’m not quite sure which of these two comments is the one you intended as sarcastic. Or are you an equal opportunity misogynist? You seem to slap the European woman, and then follow it up with slapping the American ladies. Curious what group that leaves you to like?

You realize the reviews are not always the truth?
Well Duh! But I would still argue the reviews provide the best cross-verification for the fees a lady posts. Do you have a better set of data points for price? Are you implying a guy would claim to have paid $300 when he really paid $30? So every other guy who saw her at $30 can laugh at him and know he’s a liar? That doesn’t make a lot of sense to me. Originally Posted by ThekNight

Funny how the providers here bash about he OP but looking at the site that post leaks from the powder room most bitch about the clients or not having any clients and trying to not starve hoping the next client calls. Originally Posted by ThekNight
And this is pertinent how? Let’s overlook the fact that you “slightly” exaggerate with your generalities, and let’s overlook the fact that it’s guys and ladies who seem to have issues with the OP, and take the illogic of your argument on face value. So, to follow your logic I should be able to walk up to a homeless guy on the street who says he’s hungry and say, “I’ll give you five bucks for one of your kidneys”, and he should be happy to accept. After all the fact that he is hungry should make him drop his price to whatever YOU think you should pay. Or want to pay.

I am curious: since you think the prices are too high, why don’t you take Angella up on her offer—that can fund your playing for an evening. Or is your advice about “shut up and take the lesser fee” only for others and not you?

Now some of the providers I have seen and had communication with were very nice and I am very nice in return but I am paying them to be nice to me.
Nope. You are paying them to be with you. Niceness is almost always earned by how you treat them, not how much you pay them. Two guys can pay a lady the same rate and get treated very, very differently based upon how they treat her. other guys do—and often get treated nicer. Originally Posted by ThekNight

So wickedmilf are you going to pay the appropriate rate for this help or do you expect a reduced rate by an accomplished web developer? Originally Posted by ThekNight
Let me see how this goes:
If your not happy with American web developers. Then don't fucking use them. it's that damn simple. Bitching about American web developers and the right they have to charge whatever the fuck the web developer want for say, someone like you to have your way with their mind and knowledge. Is, get this: THEIR choice to do so.
If you don't like the prices they CHOOSE to charge someone like you. Then go abroad and pay for knowledge you dont have all you want. And leave the American web developers for the respectable fine clients who adore them.
Any questions?
Ready, fire, aim! Let‘s see, WM is talking about wanting to hire someone in the US since she wants to watch them when they have her computer. So how is she belittling US web developers, or claiming foreign web developers are better???? Has she moved overseas????

With this post you seem to have come full circle, no longer agreeing with the OP. Sir, I think you are confused. Are you suffering from multiple personality disorder today? Originally Posted by ThekNight
They got a diamond stuck in their pootang?

Hoping for a realist answer.

. Originally Posted by media00
Ask yourself this question and you may find your answer. How much would you charge to fuck you?
Media, it is legal in Nevada and some of the brothels (Bunny Ranch) included charge anywhere from 500 to 2500.00 an hour.

Maybe you should cruise the streets for what you are looking for.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Ask yourself this question and you may find your answer. How much would you charge to fuck you? Originally Posted by acp5762

Dawgs's Avatar
  • Dawgs
  • 09-09-2012, 01:14 PM
I'm quite happy with what the providers ask for in donations and I'm not about to ask them for a discount.
OK, this just my limited experience. Have not lived in Europe so not sure about costs of things there.
I live between Las Vegas, NV and Panama City, Panama. I pay a hell of a lot less for company in Panama than I do in Las Vegas... duh!
I also pay a hell of a lot less for gas, beer and everything in Panama.
My rent in Panama City is $360 a month, very similar apartment in Vegas is $1100.
Gas in Panama is between .90 and $1.10, Vegas $4.30
Beer in Panama around $1, Vegas around $3
2 Hrs of FS in Panama $150, Vegas $400-$500
So I'm paying appox 40% of what I pay for rent in both places for the same type of service.
Just going by what I know and have no idea of what is going on anywhere else.
georgeosborna's Avatar
I think American bitches looks more charming and gorgeous that dutch or russian that's why they charging too high than normal charges. They have also great sense of sex than others.