Why aren't our right wing loons trumpeting the IG report?

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-12-2019, 07:08 PM
Comey, et al, used the lame-stream media to trumpet the news. An intelligent person with both eyes open can see that. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Nothing like the FBI Director getting in front of the cameras and announcing an investigation into your campaign....on a piss tape!

Oh wait, that didn't happen
Redhot1960's Avatar
So if the FBI had it out for Trump , Comey could have made some lame ass like you just did and announced an investigation into the Trump campaign. That was not done shit for brains... Originally Posted by WTF
Go Wax your own damn Balls, WMB's...

Redhot1960's Avatar
Nothing like the FBI Director getting in front of the cameras and announcing an investigation into your campaign....on a piss tape!

Oh wait, that didn't happen Originally Posted by WTF
And you ain't getting no gynecological exam, WMB's...

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-12-2019, 07:25 PM
And you ain't getting no gynecological exam, WMB's...

https://comicallyincorrect.com/categ...ical-cartoons/ Originally Posted by Redhot1960
Trump wouldn't have his Russian whores piss out the burning bush if it meant he'd have to share.

Those Jews depending on Trump will get their little bowel hats handed to them
I B Hankering's Avatar
a piss tape didn't happen Originally Posted by WTF
FTFY. Can't you read what Mueller and Horowitz reported? Meanwhile, hildebeest did indeed send Top Secret info over her unsecured server.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
FTW, those lies you parrot are melting away like ether. are you in panic mode?
rexdutchman's Avatar
HoeHummer's Avatar
Are you telling me that all’s this fuss is about 4,500 Jews? I think we have more than that in Winnipeg.
  • oeb11
  • 12-13-2019, 08:59 AM
Omar and Tlaib have millions of Jewish people in their sights and plans.

They look forward to firing up their own ovens!
HedonistForever's Avatar
Wow....this is exactly wtf Trump is doing now!

Riddle me this Grasshopper...if the FBI had bias against Trump,why was Hillary's email investigation made public again right before the election and Trump's piss tape investigation not? Originally Posted by WTF

As another poster wrote, Comey had no choice because not only did the press have this information, it was rumored that Comey got an ultimatum from other agents that either he put out the information on Hillary or they would.

As to the so called "piss tape" Comey had no verification ( unlike Hillary ) that such a tape ever existed and now we know from the Horowitz testimony that the primary sub source for the Steele dossier said it was a "joke he heard being told in a bar" and apparently Steele thought that was worthy of putting in his dossier. Just more "raw intelligence" as Steele called it.

But what I find funny but not surprising, is that people after reading well, some of us did and hearing Horowitz's testimony about the FBI lawyer who doctored an official report that Carter Page was not a CIA asset when in reality he was simply because this FBI agent hated Trump so much, he gave no thought apparently to losing his job and his freedom because of TDS. That people are still clinging to "no bias at the FBI", after 17 omissions all against Trump is stunning. What possible motive could there be other than bias/ hatred of Trump? Maybe Horowitz can't prove it with "documentary evidence" but any sane person can figure this out.
As another poster wrote, Comey had no choice because not only did the press have this information, it was rumored that Comey got an ultimatum from other agents that either he put out the information on Hillary or they would.

As to the so called "piss tape" Comey had no verification ( unlike Hillary ) that such a tape ever existed and now we know from the Horowitz testimony that the primary sub source for the Steele dossier said it was a "joke he heard being told in a bar" and apparently Steele thought that was worthy of putting in his dossier. Just more "raw intelligence" as Steele called it.

But what I find funny but not surprising, is that people after reading well, some of us did and hearing Horowitz's testimony about the FBI lawyer who doctored an official report that Carter Page was not a CIA asset when in reality he was simply because this FBI agent hated Trump so much, he gave no thought apparently to losing his job and his freedom because of TDS. That people are still clinging to "no bias at the FBI", after 17 omissions all against Trump is stunning. What possible motive could there be other than bias/ hatred of Trump? Maybe Horowitz can't prove it with "documentary evidence" but any sane person can figure this out. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
HedonistForever's Avatar
Now I know why some Leftist are so ignorant about what Horowitz testified to ( among other things ). Heard an interview with Chris Wallace today and it was confirmed by another media reporter this evening that CNN did not cover Lindsey Graham's scathing opening remarks and only covered Diane Feinstein remarks, repeated by every single Democrat on the committee, that Horowitz found no political bias in opening the Russia investigation.

OK but you missed the part that once it was opened many people at the FBI lied, fabricated evidence all because they hated Donald Trump but CNN never shared that with the viewers. I find that stunning and I just got another confirmation tonight talking to my Democrat neighbor when she asked "where did you hear that"? Rather than say I heard it on Fox news and get the "look", I said I watched the coverage on NBC assuming she would never know the difference and what I said was a fact. People that watched CNN that day never heard the name Klinesmith, the FBI lawyer that altered an official document to say that Carter Page was not a CIA operative when he was, leading the FISA court to take the word of Comey's FBI that Page was a Russian operative in the Trump campaign. SMH.
HedonistForever's Avatar
This is a long read but well worth it IMHO for a more detailed understanding of the IG report.

  • kochu
  • 12-13-2019, 07:43 PM
How else they can neutralize the Marxist terrorists?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Are you telling me that all’s this fuss is about 4,500 Jews? I think we have more than that in Winnipeg. Originally Posted by HoeHummer

how about one jew at Nau's in Clarksville, Winnipeg?