Racism in the South, and Texas - Reply to Adav8s28 from closed thread

Not all republicans are racist

But nearly all racists are republicans
adav8s28's Avatar
that article doesn't prove in any way your contention that there was some en masse movement of racist democrats to the republican party. in fact, show me where it is even addressed in the article? it's not.
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Yes, it is.

The segregationists that supported Thurmond in 1948 started to vote for republican candidates in presidential elections in 1964. Then in 1968 the former dixiecrats or those who shared the same beliefs as Thurmond voted for Nixon. This is the time period when the "Switch" occurs.

From the dixiecrats link right before the end notes.

In the 1964 presidential election, Republican Barry Goldwater won all four states that Thurmond had carried in 1948. In the 1968 presidential election, Republican Richard Nixon or third party candidate George Wallace won every former Confederate state except Texas.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Yes, it is.

The segregationists that supported Thurmond in 1948 started to vote for republican candidates in presidential elections in 1964. Then in 1968 the former dixiecrats or those who shared the same beliefs as Thurmond voted for Nixon. This is the time period when the "Switch" occurs.

From the dixiecrats link right before the end notes.

In the 1964 presidential election, Republican Barry Goldwater won all four states that Thurmond had carried in 1948. In the 1968 presidential election, Republican Richard Nixon or third party candidate George Wallace won every former Confederate state except Texas.

https://brewminate.com/dixiecrats-ra...-20th-century/ Originally Posted by adav8s28

also from the article ...

Regardless of the power struggle within the Democratic Party concerning segregation policy, the South remained a strongly Democratic voting bloc for local, state, and federal Congressional elections, but increasingly not in presidential elections. Republican Dwight D. Eisenhower won several Southern states in the 1952 and 1956 presidential elections. In the 1956 election, former Commissioner of Internal Revenue T. Coleman Andrews received just under 0.2 percent of the popular vote running as the presidential nominee of the States’ Rights Party.[17] In the 1960 presidential election, Republican Richard Nixon won several Southern states, and Senator Harry F. Byrd of Virginia received the votes of several unpledged electors from Alabama and Mississippi.

if your contention that southern states voted for republican presidential candidates despite remaining solidly democratic at the state level is proof that "racist democrats" became republicans that's nonsense. why aren't the state level political makeup republican?

the article does not prove your point in any way, in fact it does not even address it.

you can keep claiming 2 + 2 = 5 when in fact it's 3.5. bahhaa. it's 4 but you get the point.

there is no dispute that the Democratic party for over 100 years post 1865 (and before) are the party of racism. it's history and fact. are you claiming the Democratic party is no longer racist and therefore the Republican party must be? Nonsense!

the bulk of the article you cited is irrefutable proof of the Democratic party's prior racism on a massive scale. the Democratic party today, as a progressive movement in the younger members is even more racist today than the Democratic party of 1865.

the progressive agenda is racist.
Not all republicans are racist

But nearly all racists are republicans Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Do you really believe that? If so, white democrats have you seriously fooled. Lot of white democrats have made a living fanning the flames of racism.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Do you really believe that? If so, white democrats have you seriously fooled. Lot of white democrats have made a living fanning the flames of racism. Originally Posted by Charley3

yeah, he does believe that.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
That's some weak ass argument you got there. Almost like a conspiracy theory but a conspiracy theory has more meat on it's bones.

So, because Thurmond won those four states, anyone who wins those four states is a racist? That's your argument.

In 1948, Thurmond won Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, and South Carolina.

In 1952, Adalai Stevenson won those same states. Does that mean that uber liberal Stevenson was a racist? You must believe that.

In 1956, Stevenson won three of the four. I guess he wasn't so racist then.

In 1960, Kennedy and Byrd split those states. Both of them were racists right? Byrd being a Grand Kleagle kind of seals the deal.

In 1964, Goldwater won those four and Arizona. OMG, the racists had spread to the west!

In 1968, Racist Wallace (a democrat in independent clothing) won three of the four.

In 1972, Nixon won the four and 44 others to win. That racism was nation wide now.

In 1976, Carter won those four states which proves Carter was a racist.

In 1980, Reagan won those four states and 40 others.

In 1984, Reagan won every state except Minnesota.

In 1988, Bush won those four states and most of the rest.

In 1992, that racist Clinton won three of the four states.

In 1996, same result...racist Clinton wins the election.

In 2000, Bush won all four and Florida.

In 2004...well, whats that point now. Your conspiracy theory has been blown out of the water and you look foolish for advancing it. You have nothing, no proof, no evidence, just a debunked talking point for dweebs.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
ada, ada, why do you do this to yourself with the phoney trope about "racist" democrats becoming republicans.

yeah, there were right wing democrats and left wing democrats and moderate democrats.

prior to 1970; back then democrat party were open tent.

democrats were mostly right and moderate wing; lefties were in the minority.

republicans were for the most part very liberal.
Not be a party full of racists. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Wait, You mean all of the Demacrats that run places, like connecticut, New York, Detroit, Chicago, are the non-racist? And that makes sense to you? You may want to actually take a look at those dems and ask them why minorities in their areas? Where are you finding the most racism? I believe that if you are honest with yourself you will see that all of the major cities in this country are and have been run by demacrats for decades. They have been killing our cities and pointing at Republicans. You people are and have been voting in Democrats that have been promising and not delivering. So, why don't you hold them to the promises that lead you to give them all of this power instead of pointing at Republicans for the failings, lies, and treason that they are perpetrating on the democratic side.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Wait, You mean all of the Demacrats that run places, like connecticut, New York, Detroit, Chicago, are the non-racist? And that makes sense to you? You may want to actually take a look at those dems and ask them why minorities in their areas? Where are you finding the most racism? I believe that if you are honest with yourself you will see that all of the major cities in this country are and have been run by demacrats for decades. They have been killing our cities and pointing at Republicans. You people are and have been voting in Democrats that have been promising and not delivering. So, why don't you hold them to the promises that lead you to give them all of this power instead of pointing at Republicans for the failings, lies, and treason that they are perpetrating on the democratic side. Originally Posted by MrLanman

interesting first post stranger. you are of course correct about the DemonRats but what took you 13 years to post it?
adav8s28's Avatar
Wait, You mean all of the Demacrats that run places, like connecticut, New York, Detroit, Chicago, are the non-racist? And that makes sense to you? You may want to actually take a look at those dems and ask them why minorities in their areas? Where are you finding the most racism? Originally Posted by MrLanman
Did the north have any Govenors like George Wallace standing in front of the administration building yelling as loud he could Segregation now and Segregation forever as black students tried to Register for class in 1963? President John F. Kennedy had to send the National Guard down to Alabama so black students could register for class. Of course there is/was more racism in the South than in the north. In the 1960's Black players could play college football at schools like Notre Dame, Michigan, Michigan St, Penn St, Ohio St. Black players could not play football in the South Eastern or South Western conference until 1970. It should be pretty clear that the Deep south was more racist than the north.

When Jackie Robinson went to Spring training for the Dodgers in 1947 in the south, it was the first time he saw seperate water fountains for people. Robinson grew up in Passadena, Calif where the Rose Bowl is. They didn't have stuff like that in Calif.
winn dixie's Avatar
Racism in the South is bs. That's what the northern arsonists have pushed since occupation of the south started.
Occupation (reconstruction) never ended.
Ive been out ofthe hobby for that long. But I like to know What's goins or outthere so I Check-in from timm to time to See What you folks are upto. I hope thats not a problem.
adav8s28's Avatar

The world has changed radically since the 1960's. The racist Democrats who dominated the Klan and who instituted and maintained a ban on Black players in the Southwest Conference are long dead, as probably is Blackman's old senior partner.

My reading of Blackman's post was that the impediment to career prospects of Blacks in his firm isn't based on racism, but rather a tendency for people to want to hire and associate with people who are like themselves. Exxon most likely is run by Republicans, who hail from places like Texas and Louisiana. And who does Exxon go to when they need help defending themselves from lawsuits in Louisiana and Texas? Blackman. Originally Posted by Tiny
Tiny, has the world really changed in the deep south? A black Fedex driver in Mississippi got shot at by two white guys while on the job. Have you ever heard of a white Fedex driver being shot at by anyone while on the job.

Not much has changed in the deep south regarding general attitude towards black people. This is 2023. The Civil War ended in 1865. Two recent examples of overt racism are the white boaters attacking the black dock worker and the incident with the black Fedex driver being shot at for no reason by two white guys.

The only thing that's different is if you can run the football like Hershal Walker or Bo Jackson you can get a scholarship to play football in the South Eastern conference. When Joe Namath was the QB at the Univ of Alabama in the early 1960's that was not the case.
winn dixie's Avatar
Good grief
  • Tiny
  • 08-26-2023, 10:14 PM
Wait, You mean all of the Demacrats that run places, like connecticut, New York, Detroit, Chicago, are the non-racist? And that makes sense to you? You may want to actually take a look at those dems and ask them why minorities in their areas? Where are you finding the most racism? I believe that if you are honest with yourself you will see that all of the major cities in this country are and have been run by demacrats for decades. They have been killing our cities and pointing at Republicans. You people are and have been voting in Democrats that have been promising and not delivering. So, why don't you hold them to the promises that lead you to give them all of this power instead of pointing at Republicans for the failings, lies, and treason that they are perpetrating on the democratic side. Originally Posted by MrLanman
Come back any time Mr. Lanman