What size do escorts prefer?

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And the correct answer is
US currency bills are are 2.61 inches wide and 6.14 inches long; they are .0043 inches thick and weigh 1 gram Originally Posted by John Rockhead
The EXACT same size as my dick! I married a vending machine cuz the sex was so good. We grew apart though.
I'm curious about how escorts feel about penis size. Do they prefer a small dick so they don't feel anything, or a bigger one so they can experience some pleasure (not too big). For instance, you have two guys, both are great customers, they come, they stay their allotted time, they tip, then they leave, but one has a small dick and you don't feel any pleasure whatsoever, and the other has an above average size dick and he fucks you til you orgasm every time. Who would you choose? Originally Posted by Bruce Fassbender
They only care about the size of your wallet!