FIV - Why?

Adrienne I just got a boner reading this post, you have a way with words. Trimming my nails now and checking your calender! Originally Posted by nicholas linnear
I'll have my soap and lube ready!
I never knew FIV was an issue until I found the hobby world. It has been my experience that the ladies that allow and enjoy this activity are a better match for me.
Alfred's Avatar
I do it because there is something just HOT AS SHIT ABOUT IT!! I am still wanting to find a provider that will guide me to her gspot(read all about the pulling the trigger techniques but I want a live teacher)

I have a very very acute sense of smell and know almost instantly if I'll be going down on a chick ( which is honestly 95%of the time, providers have the best pussy!) Originally Posted by nicholas linnear
Im the Exact Same on that !
EROS725's Avatar
I love the sensation of feeling a women's slippery pussy, but I am not a total douche, if I am doing it for a few minutes and there is no response I will assume I am doing it wrong or she is just not into it and I will move on to something else.
I always trim, file, and clean my nails before a session, just common courtesy.
I never assume I know it all, always open to suggestions.
I use my left hand's fingers to insert in the pussy. I do this so that after the session, at home, I can masturbate with my right hand and smell my left hand's fingers. It's like getting cash back on a credit card or leaving the gas pump in your car as your drive away, it just keeps paying dividends down the road.
That sir is exactly the reason to have a mustache....
Nurseguy76's Avatar
I do it for a discrete whiff test to see if her cooter smells like a pooter. That determines whether I DATY or not. What's the saying? If it smells like fish eat if you wish but if it smells like cologne leave it alone.