Thanks to all the providers that DO provide references

I've only started doing everything myself for about 6 months now, & I had learned the importance of client referrences, etc.... It's a massive feeling of comfort for me knowing that she will be okay during her session, simply because I answered back. All it takes is a simple Yes or No on our end. Here lately, I've been getting more & more referrence checks because I've been responding... I'd rather contribute to our safety than the train wreck that could've been avoided....

I know I didn't make any of the lists, but I will!
I sincerely appreciate all you Hott Austin Adorables who are always considerate to send me prompt all rock!!
Everyone mentioned or that has chimed in is super awesome at answering reference requests. I think it's great that their is a lot of camaraderie between the ladies here in A-town and beyond. I am always very thankful when someone is prompt and detailed when they respond to a reference request. I am always more than happy to return to favor to any lovely lady. It's a good feeling to have that the gals here want to promote safety!
ThrillBill88's Avatar
I thought P411 took care of all the screening issues. Is P411 not an acceptable screening standard? Do you ladies contact the Providers who have given an "OK," just to double check? Are there that many guys who are not in the P411 network or a similar screening organization? Just curious and trying to understand it from the ladies perspective. I've always just given my P411 ID and never had a problem.
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
More than half of the guys who request a visit with me are not p411 members, hence the need for references. But I really do appreciate you guys that do make it easy on me with p411 and that's why I give p411 members a discount.
rekcaSxT's Avatar
p411 has made my hobby life a lot more simple.