43% of Repblicans believe President Obama is a Muslim

wellendowed1911's Avatar

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
IFF you truly are an idiot - have you ever looked at photos of people in the Middle East ? Are you aware that Christians that live in the Middle East where similar garbs and clothing as their fellow Muslims ? If you have a photo of a person wear a sports team jersey I guess by your dumb logic that person must be an athlete or played for that particular team?
you .. know .. for .. sure .. that .. Obama .. is .. no .. Muslim?
i had to put that in a format your pea brain can understand. so tell me, how exactly do you know this? post your photo of you and Obama chillin'. show me a photo of the two of you studying the Bible together. throw in the Rev. Wright and you'll look even dumber than you already are.

i suppose this is just a Freudian slip of the tongue? that's a clear sign of a liar. they forget their own lies and utter the truth.

just how many times can the mulatto muslim in chief slip up and tell the truth about his real beliefs before you idiots will get it?

if he's a christian why does he slam Christianity yet defend Islam at every opportunity?

show me one speech, article, anything where this muslim dares to criticize Islam.

SHOW ME. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Careful Kid ! Ole WE is liable to sic his "pitbull" LIE-yer from Dewey, Cheatum & Howe on you for having an "AGENDA" with him ! He's threatened it before and when the mods wouldn't take his side in a previous battle with COG, he claims to have had the LIE-yer go after the mod for this forum and have him removed ! Are you a-skeered yet ? !
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
IFF you truly are an idiot - have you ever looked at photos of people in the Middle East ? Are you aware that Christians that live in the Middle East where similar garbs and clothing as their fellow Muslims ? If you have a photo of a person wear a sports team jersey I guess by your dumb logic that person must be an athlete or played for that particular team? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

pay more attention to the section that states: Religion: Islam
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Practicing muslim at one time in his life and still a muslim today aren't the same thing. For someone who seems to be all about little differences in crime scenes, you don't seem to carry over that same attention to detail when discussing Obama. It's this disingenuous attitude that is frustrating. I don't personally give a shit what he is. I personally believe he's an agnostic, but that's just me. Originally Posted by WombRaider
You are wrong again. It is a capital offense to leave the religion of Islam. If Obama were a Muslim at one time (as you suggest) then he is under a fatwa at this time or he is a closet Muslim.

As for your claim about him being an agnostic, cite some evidence or something he said that shows that. Try this...

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I rest my case. Each one of you idiots also apparently believes it.

It's sheer stupidity. President Obama is not a Muslim, there is zero evidence that he is and if you believe that he is, you are a moron. Originally Posted by timpage
You're not too good with this thinking stuff are you? Nothing that we said supports saying that we believe any of this stuff (unlike say...Bush was behind 9/11 or something like that). It is possible to entertain the notion and talk about it. Some lesser intellects can't tell the difference. By the way, there is actually more evidence that suggests that Obama IS a Muslim than he is a Christian.

Obama attended church=Obama attended a madrasas
Obama says that he is a christian=Obama says that he is a Muslim
Obama has paperwork saying that he is a christian (does he?)=Obama does have paperwork saying that he is a Muslim
Obama defends christianity (not really)=Obama defends Islam
Obama doesn't say anything about church attendance other than he does=Obama has been very poetic about attending Muslim services

Yes, I would say that there is more evidence that Barry is a Muslim than a Christian....but I don't really KNOW for certain. (and neither do you)
Yes, I would say that there is more evidence that Barry is a Muslim than a Christian....but I don't really KNOW for certain. (and neither do you) Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
JDIdiot, is there "more evidence that" the missing Malaysian Airlines 777 is parked on a remote island, camouflaged by wilted shrubs and netting....but you "don't really KNOW for certain."

Do you?
wellendowed1911's Avatar

pay more attention to the section that states: Religion: Islam Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
So can you please enlighten us peasants what was Barack Obama doing in rev wrights church all those years ? Chicago has many mosques can you tell me what Mosque he attended ? Also, in Islam they list your faith but whatever faith your father practiced point blank !
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-18-2015, 10:01 PM
By the way, there is actually more evidence that suggests that Obama IS a Muslim than he is a Christian.

) Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

You Tea Wackers run with that. ...not that Obams is running for reelection!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
So can you please enlighten us peasants what was Barack Obama doing in rev wrights church all those years ? Chicago has many mosques can you tell me what Mosque he attended ? Also, in Islam they list your faith but whatever faith your father practiced point blank ! Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
certainly! HE BE HATING WHITEY and forming his radical agenda. he was also a gaytard looking for a beard to marry from the Down Low club to advance his political agenda. This guy isn't stupid. that alone makes him dangerous. he knows perfectly well America being highly religious isn't going to vote for a Muslim.

his involvement with the radical Rev. Wright was a front to get elected, find himself a transvestite beard and advance the agenda of the socialist left. it worked you mope.

by the way, christian, are you a liar? Rev Wright says you are. so are you?
You're not too good with this thinking stuff are you? Nothing that we said supports saying that we believe any of this stuff (unlike say...Bush was behind 9/11 or something like that). It is possible to entertain the notion and talk about it. Some lesser intellects can't tell the difference. By the way, there is actually more evidence that suggests that Obama IS a Muslim than he is a Christian.

Obama attended church=Obama attended a madrasas
Obama says that he is a christian=Obama says that he is a Muslim
Obama has paperwork saying that he is a christian (does he?)=Obama does have paperwork saying that he is a Muslim
Obama defends christianity (not really)=Obama defends Islam
Obama doesn't say anything about church attendance other than he does=Obama has been very poetic about attending Muslim services

Yes, I would say that there is more evidence that Barry is a Muslim than a Christian....but I don't really KNOW for certain. (and neither do you) Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
There is more evidence you are a idiot, than that you aren't.
There is more evidence you are a idiot, than that you aren't. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
dirty dog's Avatar
Hey DSK 100% of the hobbyist who post in the political forum say you are Jewish Lawyer- what do you think of that poll? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
100% of the hobbyists who post in the political forum think your a dumb fuck - what do you think of that poll?
dirty dog's Avatar
What is wrong if he were Muslim? Isn't every Christian part Jew since they follow the Torah? Isn't every Muslim part Christian and part Jewish since many of the stories are re-told in Koran ? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Is every man your daddy, since many men have had your momma.
your a dumb fuck Originally Posted by dirty dog
Pot, meet Kettle!
dirty dog's Avatar
Practicing muslim at one time in his life and still a muslim today aren't the same thing. For someone who seems to be all about little differences in crime scenes, you don't seem to carry over that same attention to detail when discussing Obama. It's this disingenuous attitude that is frustrating. I don't personally give a shit what he is. I personally believe he's an agnostic, but that's just me. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Maybe Weendowed's lawyer can sue the muslim out of him.