Increased No Shows?

DJIncognito's Avatar
Inflation is definitely taking it's toll. On everyone. I did increase my rate by 100 since I started in 2019. But I feel it's still in tune with local talent. Also, I don't feel like I'm better than anyone else. However, I do try hard to make it a good experience for my clients. And from the reviews you guys post, that's not always the case with other providers. So I don't feel you can group us all together. There are good quality providers that take pride in what they do.

Side note: If you're someone I don't see anymore, it's not because of going over a few minutes. Going to take more than that for me not to want to see you. Originally Posted by Nadya511
You are 100% one of my all time favorites Just an all around AWESOME person.

Side note to your Side note: Not sure how I fell from your list I always felt we had mutual attraction...I am still seeing stars from our last encounter....
44formore's Avatar
Gas, rent, food, etc were much less expensive 2 years ago. Can't afford to play? Don't.
Hey Nadya! I sent you an email!
I agree with you Nadya. It's different for all of us. I feel I do my best to give a good experience. I am much older but it just makes me more experienced! I feel like if all you men are having such bad experiences maybe you should be more picky about the girls/women you are picking to see. I have found that most of the providers that are in there own place not a motel (Staff edit) therefore your chances are 50/50 your gonna have a bad experience. I know it take a pretty dumb person to rob or do anything distasteful to a client in my home I mean they know where I live. I know there is a lot of other bad things besides getting robbed that are concerning such as laziness , dirtiness,etc...I know for me I'm always trying to find more ways to please my clients. I offer a clean safe private place that I host in, a wide variety of services, and a playroom with warm oil, a swing and toys so I feel I do my very best to deliver a good experience I am always dressed up am well shaven and fresh . I have never just ghosted someone there has been a couple times when I was unable to meet up but I will communicate that with my client however I lately have hade twice as many no-shows then I have actually seen them. It is very frustrating to the point I'm thinking of going out of town.
Back to the topic. IMHO, there are times when 'we', as males, get a feeling that we need to address. I usually try to set up an appointment with a provider after a beer or two. For my part...I ALWays follow through with my obligations. I have experienced a, shall we say, "lack of communication" from a few providers, ut I never back out on appointments that I have confirmed. These days let me just say one word..."bidenomics". Times are tough. Pleasures of the skin are taking a back seat to asic human necessities. I'm not giving an excuse to those tha schedule and back out, just that sometimes, frequently, decisions are made with the 'little head' and not the 'big head'. On the other end, some, SOME, providers aren't making decisions with a clear mind either. Can anyo of you ladies deny that their are SOME providers that are suffering an addiction not unlike a male's addiction? I may have an addiction to sex, but but there are some SOME..providers that have a chemical addiction. Just my thoughts. Don't hate the thoughts...debate them.
BulldogCountry's Avatar
Back to the topic. IMHO, there are times when 'we', as males, get a feeling that we need to address. I usually try to set up an appointment with a provider after a beer or two. For my part...I ALWays follow through with my obligations. I have experienced a, shall we say, "lack of communication" from a few providers, ut I never back out on appointments that I have confirmed. Originally Posted by Markmeup
Same here. If I have agreed on an appointment, I follow through unless something important comes up. I've only had to cancel an appointment a couple times (once due to car trouble, and once due to a family emergency).

But I've messaged random providers in the past, and some providers consider that first text as an "obligation". For me, that's not the case. I don't consider an appointment made until a day/time is agreed with by both parties. My first few texts are usually to get more information (what are your rates? what options do you offer? because not all ads specify the details.)

I've sent first texts to providers in the past, and their first reply is "Can you be here in 15 minutes?"

SOME providers (especially the ones who are inexperienced) don't understand that not all of us live right down the road from them. Some of us might live an hour away, and I'm not even going to leave my house until I have a confirmed appointment time and a location of where to go. I'm not going to drive one hour to Pensacola and one hour home for NOTHING. lol

I've even had some providers where I'd text, "Are you available tomorrow at 6pm?" and I never hear back from them. Then, when tomorrow at 6pm comes, I get a text from them asking "Where are you?".

UMMMMMmmmmmmmmm, you never confirmed? And never even gave me a location of where to go. Talk about FLAKEY! lmao

And yeah, that actually happened once several years ago.
My personal favorite was someone that had “blew the timing window” once before that assured me she had things together and was, in her words, going to go above and beyond to make up for it. The day comes and she’s a bit late (3pm) and then disappeared until 5am when she wants to say I messed up, and where am I?
whereaminow's Avatar
Two weeks ago I had two different ladies either stop comunicating 30 minutes before time, or not communicate at all on the day of. I am at least an hour and a half away from most all of you ladies, and when I take a day off from work, it is a full day of either lost pto or lost productivity. I loose more in pto than the lady lost in not seeing me, and I cannot get the pto time back. And, I am a nice guy who usually will not book anything less than an hour. I am at the point of never trying again because of it.
I have been here a long time and have seen a lot, but this trend is growing, and I believe will end up causing grief to more than just the people who cause it, both male and female.