Trump's Solyndra 1.3B$ wasted

The difference between a cuntservative and a terrorist is..
There isn't any
Zollner's Avatar
Saw lots of that on Jan 6 with those trump terrorist traitors!
The difference between a cuntservative and a terrorist is..
There isn't any Originally Posted by keeponrisin
Plagiarism really IS the sincerest form of flattery....
And it happens to me all the time.....
Zollner's Avatar
Plagiarism really IS the sincerest form of flattery....
And it happens to me all the time..... Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
Owning up to being a cuntservative...are ya?....LOL
First -- What's wrong with conservatives?
Second I said no such thing, I schooled keep for stealing my material....
No need to school you.... everyone else does that for me....
First -- What's wrong with conservatives?
Second I said no such thing, I schooled keep for stealing my material....
No need to school you.... everyone else does that for me.... Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
conservatives believe they can tell women what to do with their bodies, refuse equality for homosexuals, get worked up easy with headlines, believe an invisible man in the clouds watches them 24/7, believes there is an afterlife, praises god on sunday and will murder an intruder on monday because their country says its their right.

I guess flipping from what an invisible man wants and what your country wants is having no hardline opinions or beliefs.

Brown people from the south of an invisible border line who believes in the same invisible god are less human and those people would have no problems using genocide to wipe out their perceived threat of invasion, by people of common faith and beliefs.

But outside of THOSE things, I mean theres nothing really wrong with conservatives

Its amazing I need to point out the obvious, but transgender people who look like the sex they feel have been using their choice of bathrooms forever, it took a law making it acceptable and FOX to report this as a thing for the Conservative Mob to get all worked up and grumble about how sick and perverted trans people are, for doing what they have done for decades.

And yes gay people join the military even though there are laws against it, they also becoms priests and join the Republican party too.
Willie Wanker's Avatar
conservatives believe they can tell women what to do with their bodies, refuse equality for homosexuals, get worked up easy with headlines, believe an invisible man in the clouds watches them 24/7, believes there is an afterlife, praises god on sunday and will murder an intruder on monday because their country says its their right. Originally Posted by bf0082
Conservatives could care less what a woman does with her own body, just don't kill the other life living inside her.
If another human starts growing out of men's asshole's then the same would apply. Thankfully that hasn't happened yet, although I'm sure libs are working on it.

I guess flipping from what an invisible man wants and what your country wants is having no hardline opinions or beliefs. Originally Posted by bf0082
Conservatives don't care what religion you do or don't practice. But the country was founded on Jude-Christian principals. Many of our laws and values based on it.. Too bad if you don't like it.

Brown people from the south of an invisible border line who believes in the same invisible god are less human and those people would have no problems using genocide to wipe out their perceived threat of invasion, by people of common faith and beliefs. Originally Posted by bf0082
Both parties have supported warmongering, so spare me the bs BF. Modern democrats cheer on endless wars in far away lands. Personally, I'm against it.

But outside of THOSE things, I mean theres nothing really wrong with conservatives
Its amazing I need to point out the obvious, but transgender people who look like the sex they feel have been using their choice of bathrooms forever, it took a law making it acceptable and FOX to report this as a thing for the Conservative Mob to get all worked up and grumble about how sick and perverted trans people are, for doing what they have done for decades.

And yes gay people join the military even though there are laws against it, they also becoms priests and join the Republican party too. Originally Posted by bf0082
Fuck all that.. Keep Johnny Pecker out of the ladies room. It's fucking disgusting.
btw: He's still Johnny Pecker even if he chooses to disfigure himself.
Funny that you think gay priests are Republicans. Betcha most are dems.
Zollner's Avatar
Funny that you think gay priests are Republicans. Originally Posted by Willie Wanker
They are. Face it that is very cuntservative cult.
Willie Wanker's Avatar
They are. Face it that is very cuntservative cult. Originally Posted by Zollner
Not in 2021, not by a long. shot. Even the pope is on the.limp wristed side.
Not in 2021, not by a long. shot. Even the pope is on the.limp wristed side. Originally Posted by Willie Wanker
leaning Christian, not catholic. most Catholics lean left, they dont really follow their religion anyways

Willie keeps saying dems are war mongers, but in my lifetime i cant find any dem wars, then we could go deep back in the day before the lib/concerv flip and again it was the conservative dems going to war, pre-1960.

So much for following your party, maybe FOX will have a special to explain again what you are supposed to think and feel.

Trump wasted $1.3B on a fake company that couldnt supply 1 vaccine before 2021, wasted $11B on a broken wall, wasted $3T by giving corporations a tax break, its disgusting.
Willie Wanker's Avatar
leaning Christian, not catholic. most Catholics lean left, they dont really follow their religion anyways

Willie keeps saying dems are war mongers, but in my lifetime i cant find any dem wars, then we could go deep back in the day before the lib/concerv flip and again it was the conservative dems going to war, pre-1960.

So much for following your party, maybe FOX will have a special to explain again what you are supposed to think and feel.

Trump wasted $1.3B on a fake company that couldnt supply 1 vaccine before 2021, wasted $11B on a broken wall, wasted $3T by giving corporations a tax break, its disgusting. Originally Posted by bf0082
I only watch one show regularly on Fox.. Tucker Carlson, aka the GOAT as NBT puts. it. I watch a little bit all of the news including the abominable CNN and MSNBC. Mostly get news online these days. NY Post and WSJ are a few favorites. I try to a avoid sources that cite Wikipedia as a source.

All catholics are Christians. There are many denominations. The Catholic pope was for Biden, not Trump btw.

Catholics, Protestants, baptists, etc are dems too. They're hypocrites, but claim to be nonetheless. I'm agnostic and don't care about any of that. I don't have to believe in a magic man in the sky to to see the value, and respect the judeo christian principles that the country was founded on. They've worked quote well for us over the past few centuries.
Catholics, Protestants, baptists, etc are dems too. They're hypocrites, but claim to be nonetheless. I'm agnostic and don't care about any of that. I don't have to believe in a magic man in the sky to to see the value, and respect the judeo christian principles that the country was founded on. They've worked quote well for us over the past few centuries. Originally Posted by Willie Wanker

been mentioning the dem war mongering several times and have never mentioned which conflict you speak of, I've asked several times and never gotten an answer.

I am really interested in hearing your opinion on this liberal war mongering.

Only thing I can find is 1963 Vietnam with Kennedy as POTUS.
my parents were 4 years old.
Willie Wanker's Avatar

been mentioning the dem war mongering several times and have never mentioned which conflict you speak of, I've asked several times and never gotten an answer.

I am really interested in hearing your opinion on this liberal war mongering.

Only thing I can find is 1963 Vietnam with Kennedy as POTUS.
my parents were 4 years old. Originally Posted by bf0082
Warmongering by Cheering on endless wars in far away lands. Dem outrage when Trump wanted to pull troops. I realize that replicans did as well, but I said both sides do it, and I'm against it.
Where was Obama's exit strategy?
I guess I dont view occupying foriegn lands as war mongering, maybe it is, but i think of invading countries as warmongering.

I have no opinion on where our troops are stationed, we were spending 600 billion a year under obama, and then 700 billion a year with trump.

There would be no reduction in the military budget if we are home or not, so i have no opinion on it. Using occupied lands as a means to control the area seems pretty logical to me.

I dont think the troops ever left, as im certain they are still over there.

Appears Trump waited 3 years and 9 months to come up with a plan after his election loss, to remove troops by may 15, 2021.

Talk about passing the buck to the next guy.
Willie Wanker's Avatar
I guess I dont view occupying foriegn lands as war mongering, maybe it is, but i think of invading countries as warmongering.

I have no opinion on where our troops are stationed, we were spending 600 billion a year under obama, and then 700 billion a year with trump.

There would be no reduction in the military budget if we are home or not, so i have no opinion on it. Using occupied lands as a means to control the area seems pretty logical to me.

I dont think the troops ever left, as im certain they are still over there.

Appears Trump waited 3 years and 9 months to come up with a plan after his election loss, to remove troops by may 15, 2021.

Talk about passing the buck to the next guy. Originally Posted by bf0082
The military spending isn't my main concern though. I'm not sure. how it isn't costing more than them being home. The cost of flying in supplies, remote facilities, hospitals, etc?
Optics and intention are more important to me. We should have left years ago. We fly bodies over pretty quickly but there's never a good exit plan.
I'll go out on a limb and say I'm fairly certain that Trump had no intention of passing the buck to their next guy. This is something he really wanted. He wouldn't want the credit to go to someone. else. That's not his style.