beware miss ava starr you two are attracted to each other. Just suck each others Dick and get jet over with. The sexual tension between you two is killing us.
Miss Ava is one of the nicest and hottest providers ever. Clearly a case of obsession, and I appreciate you for owning your misguided emotions and recanting your rant. Get help or get laid elsewhere.

Keep you comments focused to the topic of this thread.

If you have "issues" with each other, take it off-line.

Biomed1 Originally Posted by biomed1
He's too chickenshit to do anything offline. He's more the internet warrior type. He's since been put on my ignore list. Enough assholes out there without having to deal with one more.
Lazrback's Avatar
Ficker and UC, cease and desist your sniping in this thread. If you two want to spar with one another verbally, take your argument to the National Men's Locker Room where the guidelines are much more relaxed and hammer it out there, but stop taking threads off subject in open forums.

Afterall, this might have been an important thread, and it is, but not in the way it was intended.

I am moving this thread from this forum as the op has retracted his allegations, it will be transferred to the co-ed discussion and branded as a false alert. It will not be deleted because it does have merit as an indirect alert.

Feel free to carry on the discussion, but let's keep it on topic please.
I must say this is some funny shit its like reading a novela
Aint' that the truth! Not even sure how it got started lol. Ava Starr moved on quick and never did surface. She advertised she was in Conway til the end of the month and I see she has ads for Kansas City again.
Trinity Kane's Avatar
Well this was a rather interesting read; however I am unimpressed with the OP and his sad attempt at ruining a young provider. I do hope that he has learned a lesson in proper board etiquette and unwanted behavior here on Eccie. This is an upscale board for top tier ladies as well as first class gentlemen to mingle and enjoy ourselves. Not a place to try to ruin a young women and her upcoming career with a bunch of lies. Had the OP's statement have been true then the information would have been welcomed and sadly accepted by our community as we watch another provider get red flagged. Thankfully the truth came out and hopefully the young ladies career didn't suffer do to this unfortunate post. Hopefully the OP will be more mindful about his future post from here on out. But for now OP, Fuck You, Your Fired.
hogmanjones's Avatar
"The other side of the story" from Ava would be good to hear.
Yes it would.
Hatty242's Avatar
That was a good post, Trinity. It summed up the whole thing well and was a reminder that at the heart of it we are a community and need to support each other when things get whacky, as they seem to from time to time.
Trinity Kane's Avatar
That was a good post, Trinity. It summed up the whole thing well and was a reminder that at the heart of it we are a community and need to support each other when things get whacky, as they seem to from time to time. Originally Posted by Hatty242
I couldn't agree with you more about us being a community and needing to support each other. As I went back over the entire thread I realize that I was possibly to hard on the OP considering the fact the the provider in question still has not responded to the "false" allegations that have been brought against her. I personally would have responded immediately had the context been about myself; however giving the fact that she has not responded does make one wonder about all aspects of the situation. There are two sides to everything and I just hope that this will be a learning experience for us all as we see and realize the possible dangers that can sadly occur within our beloved hobby. I pray that each and everyone of you, both provider and hobbyist will use caution and practice safety inside this hobby. Not only for yourselves but also the safety of our community.

Hatty242's Avatar
I have to agree. The whole thing is a little weird, especially with a timeframe schedule for visiting the area but then cut short and posting in another area with no response. And the guy's weird retraction. The whole thing is weird. To a certain extent great drama and as Selena said just like an novella!! That part is definitely fun!!

Maybe that's the wrong word but still - it's a bit like reading a gossip column. But then there's the other part of me that thinks there's some nasty drama behind it that isn't fun at all. For some reason I'm reminded of a while ago when I decided to descend into BP-land and ended up in some rathole place with pimps and thugs and women being dragged around by one arm and that still affects me. Sorry, I'm waay too introspective tonight. Must be the gray weather and the sound of sleet hitting the pavement.

Ok that was indeed WAAAY too introspective!!!! The bottom line is that (as a community) there are wonderful people here to get together and work for each other's positive benefit!! I clearly need to go to bed early because I woke up way too early!!
Ava Starr's Avatar
Hello Everyone this issue was addressed with the client as well as with the moderator's. But long story short he misunderstood that I tour once or twice a Month to other areas and that I do have friends in different parts of the world, He thought I stayed here and was going to visit with him once a week, but I agreed to visit with him once a week as long as I was in KC and not touring. Just a case of miss-communication, that went way to sour without speaking to me first, but at the same time I hadn't responded to him in a couple of days which was another reason he got so upset. I do apologize for not being able to set any dates up while visiting, I went down to help my sister with her 4 children because she became Ill and her husband couldn't afford to take anytime off, due to money and attendance points. I unfortanetly do not get service at her house, and wasn't able to respond to, to many people without driving into town. Once she felt better and fever was gone, I came back because they said there was going to be a nasty winter storm starting Sun. I am from Southern California and do not drive to well in this type of weather so I did not want to get stuck In Arkansas. That is the short story version to all your worries and concerns. If you have any further question's or concerns please feel free to contact me. He had apoligized to me as well as admitted the truth, we did speak about this amongst one another and since he admitted the truth and him and I as well as the moderator spoke I assumed that the case was closed, but I see everyone was still having some concerns about the situation is why I am letting you know what really happened. But I do want to say that him and I and the moderator did resolve the issue at hand.

Thank you,

Miss Ava Starr
Glad to see you posted and provided an explanation. There's no excuse for a JA like the OP. I think most everyone thought the original post was BS but when you had an add up and didn't respond to anyone, reply to the OP, and then show up again with an add in another city it only fuels the fire. Hope your family is better and you escape the winter weather we're having. Hopefully you'll be back in the area soon and can make it up to all of that missed you!