Oops! A Rich Venture Capitalist Lets the Cat Out of the Bag...

SkyDriver's Avatar
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Thanks, Captain Midnight. We occasionally piss down each other's pants leg, but I appreciate you taking the time to post some thoughts that focus on the REAL dilemma.
I B Hankering's Avatar

I think one of the first orders of business in 2009 should have been to resurrect Glass-Steagall (or something similar), but I don't believe that goes quite far enough. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight

But Fast and Furious was done to protect you from those evil drug dealers. In another thread you said you were for that. Just not for it enough to actually want to pay for it. Originally Posted by WTF
Some in Congress (Dims) have argued that it's proof that U.S. gun laws are too lax and are arguing for more stringent laws. Of course, that would mean there might be an entirely different premise behind Operation 'Fast and Furious'.