I can't believe this hasn't been discussed yet II

Sisyphus's Avatar
...or of the WTF school of fallacious logic. Originally Posted by gnadfly
...because, on some level, all roads lead to dialog from "White Men Can't Jump"....

Flight: Oh! Shit! That's just TOO easy!

Willie: No. That shit is too EASY!

Flight: It's TOO easy!

Willie: No. that shit is...too EASY!

Flight: Fuck it. I don't wanna play no mo'.

Willie: We won't play no more.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-08-2010, 10:50 PM
...or of the WTF school of fallacious logic.

. Originally Posted by gnadfly
You forgot the icon
edited because it deserves its own thread when I'm less tired
I comprehend just fine. A "fair trial" tribunal affords KSM freedoms your OP said you were comfortable denying Muslims one sentence previously. I stand by my response to your OP.

Now...as for logic....

"An either/or fallacy occurs when a speaker makes a claim (usually a premise in an otherwise valid deductive argument) that presents an artificial range of choices. For instance, he may suggest that there are only two choices possible, when three or more really exist. Those who use an either/or fallacy try to force their audience to accept a conclusion by presenting only two possible options, one of which is clearly more desirable.


These tactics are purposefully designed to seduce those who are not well informed on a given topic. A clever writer or speaker may use the either/or fallacy to make his idea look better when compared to an even worse one. This type of selective contrast is also a form of stacking the deck. This type of argument violates the principles of civil discourse: arguments should enlighten people, making them more knowledgeable and more capable of acting intelligently and independently. "

I'm available for tutoring in logic...and grammar...at your convenience. Originally Posted by Sisyphus
I don't stand corrected. Bad or Poor, you obviously knew the what was being communicated.

The fallacious logic is just more sorry slippery slope arguments along with generating and assigning propositions to me that I neither said, inferred or implied.

I see that your tutoring business is not doing so well as you have time to respond to whore board rhetoric. Perhaps you are overcharging at the price of 'free.'
Sisyphus's Avatar
* defend the freedom to permit the expressions of ideas & opinions that we personally may find repugnant - or galatically stupid Originally Posted by Sisyphus
I don't stand corrected. Bad or Poor, you obviously knew the what was being communicated.

The fallacious logic is just more sorry slippery slope arguments along with generating and assigning propositions to me that I neither said, inferred or implied. Originally Posted by gnadfly
I don't recall ever using the words, "stand corrected" but - now that you mention it - yes, you do so stand. Pity you're just too stupid and/or willfully-ignorant to realize it.

Something about teaching a pig to sing comes to mind about now. It reminds me that anything more in the course of this conversation would be a waste of my time...