secondly...Let her choose and set up the 3rd partner, trust her instincts and judgement...remember that if she has great chemistry with you she will have the best insight and will likely know what you like...thus let her choose as to who to do this with rather than you trying to "cold match" it based on your own opinions...this also is best cause she most likely would have chemistry with that other lady to some degree as well...
Originally Posted by evood F
Even though I agree with everything you say, I am going to play devil's advocate for one second.
Why is it that men should allow the lady to choose? Logic would dictate that the ladies have just as much a chance of a "cold match" as if the man were to choose. This is putting aside for one second that most men have no understanding of women.
If the man chooses who both partners are, then if there is a problem with the chemistry, the burden is on him. If the lady chooses and there is a problem, then the burden is on her and then there is the possibility of an unsatisfied customer.