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The point is they're competing with shows on CNN and MSNBC that are also a mixture of hard news and commentary. It's an apples to apples comparison. Fox has O'Reilly and Hannity. MSNBC has Schultz and Maddow. Originally Posted by joe bloe
true you have a point there, but this is not an accurate list.

it maybe comparing apples to apples in some respects, but its more like comparing apples (news reporting) to oranges (news discussion) given the way the list was set up.

these people (hannity, maddox etc.) are not reporting news, they are discussing the news event of the day and forming/pushing opinions.

have a list that reports the news, not talk about it. then we'll have some meritable discussion on where this news network is fair and balanced and accurate. I suspect that this probably would be a very small list.

otherwise, I think you have to re-word your poll to be more reflective of what you had in mind.
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  • Doove
  • 05-13-2012, 04:18 PM
See the irony? See the hypocricy? Originally Posted by joe bloe
It's official. You're willing to spend more time trying to convince everyone you're not an idiot than we're all willing to spend trying to convince everyone you are.

Says a lot.
It's official. You're willing to spend more time trying to convince everyone you're not an idiot than we're all willing to spend trying to convince everyone you are.

Says a lot. Originally Posted by Doove
Speak for yourself. You are not everyone and at least the thread was intriguing.
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  • Doove
  • 05-13-2012, 04:39 PM
Speak for yourself. You are not everyone and at least the thread was intriguing. Originally Posted by Can I Play Too???
Sorry, i guess i just don't find the voices in Joe Bloe's head to be all that informative.
Joe don't want no head from you so FUCK off asshole.
DF: I know, I was giving the other side a "mulligan" by including PBS.......

PBS is not Cable, its public tv network along with ABC, CBS, NBC. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Sorry, i guess i just don't find the voices in Joe Bloe's head to be all that informative. Originally Posted by Doove
Delusion does seem to be your forté.
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  • Doove
  • 05-13-2012, 06:11 PM
Delusion does seem to be your forté. Originally Posted by Can I Play Too???
Weak, but you show potential.

IIFFOWHATEVER would be wise to take notes.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-13-2012, 06:37 PM

Which always has me scratching my head those on here that are super religious and super conservative that pay for sex and post on a hooker board..lmao

See the irony? See the hypocrisy? Originally Posted by Sexyeccentric1

But hypocrits never see their own hypocrisy.

Which always has me scratching my head those on here that are super religious and super conservative that pay for sex and post on a hooker board..lmao

See the irony? See the hypocrisy? Originally Posted by Sexyeccentric1
I was at the movie show getting some popcorn. The girl in front of me was scratching her head. I looked real close. Lice Bugs. Gross.

See the irony? See the hypocrisy?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
The point is they're competing with shows on CNN and MSNBC that are also a mixture of hard news and commentary. It's an apples to apples comparison. Fox has O'Reilly and Hannity. MSNBC has Schultz and Maddow. Originally Posted by joe bloe
true you have a point there, but this is not an accurate list.

it maybe comparing apples to apples in some respects, but its more like comparing apples (news reporting) to oranges (news discussion) given the way the list was set up.

these people (hannity, maddox etc.) are not reporting news, they are discussing the news event of the day and forming/pushing opinions.

have a list that reports the news, not talk about it. then we'll have some meritable discussion on where this news network is fair and balanced and accurate. I suspect that this probably would be a very small list.

otherwise, I think you have to re-word your poll to be more reflective of what you had in mind. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
my bad. I made an error on the last paragraph. Whirlaway wrote the poll, not you. not sure how got you mixed up with whirly.

Which always has me scratching my head those on here that are super religious and super conservative that pay for sex and post on a hooker board..lmao

See the irony? See the hypocrisy? Originally Posted by Sexyeccentric1

Joeblows uses the tired old "Clinton Excuse" LMAO! It's older than the Bush excuse they say Liberals use! Talk about hypocrisy ("hypocricy" if joeblows is reading). He can't even spell it while reading it at the bottom of your post! TFF

Leftists love to accuse conservatives of being hypocrites when it comes to sexual morality. Leftists have an advantage in this area, since they don't pretend to have any morals when it comes to sex.

No one thought Bill Clinton was a hypocrite when it was proven that he was committing adultery with an intern in the oval office. After all, no one ever thought he was a moral person. It was widely understood that Clinton had been cheating on his wife for decades, probably from day one.

The left tends to minimize the importance of personal behavior in terms of establishing a person's morality; what matters to the left is that the individual supports socialist policies. Left wing politicians typically give little or nothing to charity, but because they support the social welfare state, they pat themselves on the back for being compassionate to the poor.

Al Gore advocates government policies to deal with the phony problem of global warming. In his private life, he flys around in a private jet and lives in a mansion. Gore has a carbon footprint like a sasquatch. He won a Nobel prize for his work fighting global warming. No doubt, he flew to Stockholm in his private jet to pick up the prize.

See the irony? See the hypocricy? Originally Posted by joe bloe

LMAO! Yeah, I saw your stupid ass misspell hypocrisy AND use a whole bunch of BULLSHIT to rationalize your own morals when it comes to being on a SHMB

I also saw you all avoid the unbiased poll results I posted. Poor, stupid Fox viewers. All they have to keep their minds focused is their irrational hatred for Obama and their lack of understanding about everything they learn watching the puppet show at Murdoch's place.

The Clinton comparison when you and Whirly squeal every time Bush is mentioned was PRICELESS!
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  • Old-T
  • 05-13-2012, 09:25 PM
I was at the movie show getting some popcorn. The girl in front of me was scratching her head. I looked real close. Lice Bugs. Gross.

See the irony? See the hypocrisy? Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
I know SexyE doesn't need anyone fighting her fights for her, but your comment was so weird I had to reply. It just might be the most innane post on this board in a very long time--and given how low the bar is on here, that's saying a lot.

Is that really the pithiest comment you could come up with? Weak, and says a lot about the truth of SexyE's original post.
I was at the movie show getting some popcorn. The girl in front of me was scratching her head. I looked real close. Lice Bugs. Gross.

See the irony? See the hypocrisy? Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

Well that almost seems like something some young kid would say because they don't know how to properly respond or have no real intelligent rebuttal.

But alas I don't expect much from you as you have shown how truly immature and uneducated you really are.

I think I must have hit home hard with that statement eh? A bit close to the truth am I?