Black Cop Driving F. Gray in Police Van in Baltimore Charged with 2nd Degree Murder!!

We are now in "Bizzarro World".

Street thugs, punks, drug dealers, and thieves are now "revolutionaries"
The Bloods and Crips are now "peace keepers"
Al Sharpton is a "statesman".

A CNN reporter asked some young people what would happen now. They said the community would settle for nothing less than guilty verdicts, or what happenned the first few nights would only be a perquisite to what will happen after.

But this is what is really going to happen. Corporations and businesses will see Baltimore as a worthless cesspool, run by inept polititians who offer nothing but the rhetoric of pander.

Business will dry up, and the already blighted landscape of ghettos will grow. With no tax base, the city will start to run into even more financial trouble. Anybody with any sense will get out.

And then, in a few years, we will be reading about another big city bankruptcy.

You reap what you sow. Baltimore has planted the seed for a whole new crop of thugs, thieves, street bums, drug dealers, and addicts.

But what do you expect when you allow the animals run the zoo.

Your shithole of a city will become an even bigger shithole. Enjoy. Originally Posted by Jackie S
You've gone full racist. You never go full racist.

I guess since you can't see your way to a brighter tomorrow, we should just give up.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You've gone full racist. You never go full racist.

I guess since you can't see your way to a brighter tomorrow, we should just give up. Originally Posted by WombRaider

No one even knows what you're talking about.

There is another class of black people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Afro-American race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs — partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Afro-American to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.
LexusLover's Avatar
No one even knows what you're talking about. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I'm beginning to suspect that's why his Black GF dumped his ass.

His nonsensical whining.
LexusLover's Avatar
I guess.... Originally Posted by WombRaider
That's all he can do.
I'm beginning to suspect that's why his Black GF dumped his ass.

His nonsensical whining. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Who said she dumped me...

do you ever get tired of being an idiot? It must be taxing, constantly trying to prove you belong amongst your betters. Relax.
I never know what I'm talking about. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Most truthful statement I've ever seen on this board.
  • DSK
  • 05-03-2015, 07:18 AM
You'll believe anything that lets you sleep better at night. Originally Posted by WombRaider
No, I moved to the suburbs for that.
No, I moved to the suburbs for that. Originally Posted by DSK
Are you referring to your short-lived, month-long sabbatical to the "suburbs" of Tel Aviv?
At the same time these things happened, the police in this country shot and killed more white people than black people. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Well they have to have something to complain about. To liberal minorities as well as some whites police are oppressors. I got stopped the other day. I didn't get tazed or beat up. I didn't even get a ticket, the officer was black he was a pretty nice guy.

  • shanm
  • 05-03-2015, 11:38 AM
Well they have to have something to complain about. To liberal minorities as well as some whites police are oppressors. I got stopped the other day. I didn't get tazed or beat up. I didn't even get a ticket, the officer was black he was a pretty nice guy.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
NO ONE is arguing that most police officers are bad. In fact, get stopped by a police officer and 99 times out of a 100, it'll go without incident.

The question is, why is that 1/100 still happening? This isn't a scientific experiment. It's state officials appointed by law to serve and protect us.
Am I saying they can't make mistakes? Of course not. But it goes beyond that. It's much more than a mistake when you pull out your gun and shoot someone 8 times in the back. It's much more than a mistake when you choke someone to death because he was "suspected" of selling cigarettes. It's much more than a mistake when you have to beat an arrested suspect so bad that his spine tears off in half.

That goes way beyond protecting and serving in my book.
LexusLover's Avatar
Who said she dumped me... Originally Posted by WombRaider
Who said she didn't, .... besides you?

You have no credibility.
LexusLover's Avatar
The question is, why is that 1/100 still happening? Originally Posted by shanm
Ask the 1% to whom "it" is "happening" ... whatever "it" is!!!

Sounds like, according to you, there is no "epidemic"!!! Finally some truth.

Or is this more "rhetoric" from the peanut gallery.
NO ONE is arguing that most police officers are bad. In fact, get stopped by a police officer and 99 times out of a 100, it'll go without incident.

The question is, why is that 1/100 still happening? This isn't a scientific experiment. It's state officials appointed by law to serve and protect us.
Am I saying they can't make mistakes? Of course not. But it goes beyond that. It's much more than a mistake when you pull out your gun and shoot someone 8 times in the back. It's much more than a mistake when you choke someone to death because he was "suspected" of selling cigarettes. It's much more than a mistake when you have to beat an arrested suspect so bad that his spine tears off in half.

That goes way beyond protecting and serving in my book. Originally Posted by shanm
Unfortunately "the State" is not the one on "the beat", it is a live real life human being, that has one thing the State cannot change, and that is PERCEPTION. When one has been "on the beat" for any length of time, it is only logical that their PERCEPTION will change. When your beat has been in a neighborhood (aka war zone) of drug dealers, killings of one another, without a second thought, liars, (I would imagine most people that get arrested always "fine tune" what they say to the police, and that includes faking being hurt, sick or what have you) etc etc etc . Most of these people "in the hood" would kill all cops, if they knew they could get away with it, and the officers know this, so naturally they
are constantly "on their toes" and cognizant at all times, as they know, they are in the war zone, and the enemy wishes to make them a statistic.

THe old idiom, walk a mile their shoes certainly applies, until we have, how can we correctly speak on what their PERCEPTION is.
LexusLover's Avatar
It's much more than a mistake when you pull out your gun and shoot someone 8 times in the back. It's much more than a mistake when you choke someone to death because he was "suspected" of selling cigarettes. It's much more than a mistake when you have to beat an arrested suspect so bad that his spine tears off in half.

That goes way beyond protecting and serving in my book. Originally Posted by shanm
THe old idiom, walk a mile their shoes certainly applies, until we have, how can we correctly speak on what their PERCEPTION is. Originally Posted by Cherie
Cherie ... He lacks a grasp of the facts. He has no knowledge of the law. And he clearly is clueless as to the reality of policing. Trying to discuss it with him is only going to cause you frustration. It seems he watches a lot of television....."police" shows. Then when he gets caught in his bullshit he calls it "rhetoric" and claims he really didn't mean it!!!! It's like picking up mercury.
  • shanm
  • 05-03-2015, 03:58 PM
Cherie ... He lacks a grasp of the facts. He has no knowledge of the law. And he clearly is clueless as to the reality of policing. Trying to discuss it with him is only going to cause you frustration. It seems he watches a lot of television....."police" shows. Then when he gets caught in his bullshit he calls it "rhetoric" and claims he really didn't mean it!!!! It's like picking up mercury. Originally Posted by LexusLover