CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I was illustrating the futility of confirming a source of something obvious. Give me an example of a source I could quote that you would respect, or even understand, and I will put out the effort.

This thread is about Obama and National Security. Ok, he killed a couple guys. Whoopee. There are no controls on our borders to prevent terrorists from entering the US. Need a cite for that? It's obvious.

Here's a national security cite for you, the Administration has been lying and stonewalling about Fast and Furious.


This guy might as well be John Mitchell. (Nixon's AG, look him up.)

Now report me to Attack Watch and STFU.
  • MrGiz
  • 10-04-2011, 10:23 PM
Like I said earlier. . . The Middle of the Beginning of the End!

Having an AG who is a Bold Faced Liar is rarely a good thing... especially when he's not very good at it!
Munchmasterman's Avatar
I was illustrating the futility of confirming a source of something obvious. Give me an example of a source I could quote that you would respect, or even understand, and I will put out the effort.

This thread is about Obama and National Security. Ok, he killed a couple guys. Whoopee. There are no controls on our borders to prevent terrorists from entering the US. Need a cite for that? It's obvious.

Here's a national security cite for you, the Administration has been lying and stonewalling about Fast and Furious.


This guy might as well be John Mitchell. (Nixon's AG, look him up.)

Now report me to Attack Watch and STFU. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Confirming a source of something obvious is futile? Actually it’s the exact opposite. Confirming the obvious is obviously easy. How does
Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Ok, munch. Find a source that says a serviceman or woman ISN'T out there to take a bullet for us. There's enough air in your head to fill a Steiger tractor tire.

become an illustration of the futility of confirming a source of something obvious? If you can’t explain that, you’re just like the rest of us.

You illustrate the futility of getting an answer from you that makes sense.

My posts have used a bunch of different sources. Since I used them correctly, that probably means I understand them. About the only source I don’t respect, don’t trust, and can’t understand is……you.

I know what this thread is. Your only posts on it until this one ,
Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
WE, you are hysterical! Except where you denigrate a person who's son is out there to take a bullet for you. Otherwise, you are the quintessential establishment shill.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Ok, munch. Find a source that says a serviceman or woman ISN'T out there to take a bullet for us. There's enough air in your head to fill a Steiger tractor tire.

are off topic.
This one
Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I was illustrating the futility of confirming a source of something obvious. Give me an example of a source I could quote that you would respect, or even understand, and I will put out the effort.

This thread is about Obama and National Security. Ok, he killed a couple guys. Whoopee. There are no controls on our borders to prevent terrorists from entering the US. Need a cite for that? It's obvious.

Here's a national security cite for you, the Administration has been lying and stonewalling about Fast and Furious.


This guy might as well be John Mitchell. (Nixon's AG, look him up.)

Now report me to Attack Watch and STFU.

clearly illustrates the futility of your desperate attempt at salvaging the tiniest thread of credibility.

“ok he killed a couple of guys. whoopee”?

You can give Bush any or all of the credit. The list of names and its length is very impressive.

“No controls on our borders”?

Good thing the terrorists can’t read a map. Let a Border Patrolman know even though his service is at a record level of strength and still increasing that he means nothing as a deterrent and his efforts at enforcement are worthless. Just another government worker sucking on the public tit. Don’t you wonder why all the terrorists try to enter by plane?

And as the cherry on the ice cream, you think the weeklystandard blogs are a national security SITE.

Report you to Attack Watch? You’re back to being funny again, right?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Munch, please cite to something that says the Weekly Standard article is wrong. I'd like to know if Obama has been open and transparent about Fast and Furious. Thank you.