Favorite part of a WOMAN?

pyramider's Avatar
My Avitar is the dead giveaway for my favorite part. Then I follow it right on down to get to my second favorite part.....a great ass. Originally Posted by Gbfsl

Avatar... rainbow kitty. Oh I get it ... you like lesbians.
ten_man's Avatar
My favorite part are their legs. Especially a nice set of tan, toned thighs!
Crazy answer, I know...but...I have different favorite parts on a woman. It all depends on their body, since everyone is different. Sometimes breasts, sometimes behinds, sometimes the curve of their back, sometimes legs. One constant though, nothing is sexier than a great mind with lots of sexual energy!
Hips!! Hips that curve right into a nice ass.
doug_dfw's Avatar
The inner soul, which controls the mind which exudes the character who reaches out and connects ( or Not) with yours, leading to appreciation of the other parts of the union.
karmapolice's Avatar
The Mons, the crease between the leg and vagina (as stated by another member), and a firm pliable ass.

This little playground keeps me going and the worship gets the juices flowing before diving in.
mark77070's Avatar
Her pussy. I prefer mine pink, especially on the light-skinned Mexicans who tend to be dark down there. All that color dazzles my eyes and makes me long for the good old days of monogamous relationships and I could slurp and lick those little clits and crevices to my heart's delight without fear of catching something.
txexetoo's Avatar
Her back
Bruce Dickinson's Avatar
Favorite part? Yes!