Trump Is in Trouble and He Knows It

Precious_b's Avatar
... But will YOU learn from it? ... That's the question.

And staying on-topic - let me remind you lads
that trouble or not, TRUMP remains the MOST POPULAR
politician in the country! ...

But don't just take me-own word for it.
The new Harvard Caps Harris Poll surely SHOWS THIS.

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
My vote is for Oatmeal Willie

Of course Salty never actually read the poll. He just parroted something he saw in a Breitbart headline. The actual poll doesn’t state anything about “most popular”. It lists favorability and unfavorability. Also, Obama was left off the poll since he can’t run for president so it’s only possible presidential candidates. Nothing to do with popularity.

Now as to the content of the poll it asked favorable vs unfavorable. Trump has a 42% favorable and 50% unfavorable. Bernie is next with a 40/42. Biden is 39/54. DeSantis is 34/27.

Of course it’s not above good ole Salty to lie. Well, actually he didn’t lie, he just had no clue what the fuck he was talking about because he doesn’t actually read anything.
oilfieldace's Avatar
Leave Salty out of your insults please. You are really a lonely vile person
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Leave Salty out of your insults please. You are really a lonely vile person Originally Posted by oilfieldace
I’m quite sure salty can handle himself. He is Australian after all. Everything there tries to kill you. You on the other hand, not so tough.
I’m quite sure salty can handle himself. He is Australian after all. Everything there tries to kill you. You on the other hand, not so tough. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
... Lads, let's ALL quit-with the insults.
Thank you.

... So Trump is NOT the most popular politician??
Who is? ... Show us please.

Trump - in trouble or not - REMAINS the odds-on
FAVOURITE to Win in 2024. ... LOOK at all the polls.

#### Salty
HedonistForever's Avatar
First off Biden doesn't give a fuck if he wins if he even runs. And for sure if he gets beat he wont whine like a pussy ass 2 year old for over a year after. Fuck trump train mother fuckers. Originally Posted by royamcr

I see you haven't been keeping up with the news AGAIN or is it that you have but you refuse to accept reality?

Anyway, Biden is whining about all the talk of who should replace him. All the headlines about how a majority of Dem's now say they don't want Biden to run again and they want him to say so now so that they can start shoveling money at whoever they deem to replace him and Biden is furious and yes whining.

The good news is he won't have to worry about getting beat again because there isn't a chance in hell Democrats will nominate him for a second term and if you had been paying attention, you would know this but then again, you probably do but your one of those "to the death" kinda guys and it shows.

When Biden doesn't get the nomination, I see a complete break down in his future. He'll be to embarrassed to show his face in public. All that time waiting for the job he wanted more than anything and he fucks up so bad that his party doesn't even want him to finish his first term much less run again.

Precious_b's Avatar
I’m quite sure salty can handle himself. He is Australian after all. Everything there tries to kill you. You on the other hand, not so tough. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Tejas would be the closest second home stateside for him.
Not as many, but we got all sorts of strange critters here that can hurt a person. Loved seeing the looks of Airmen Basics going through boot camp seeing all sorts on news bugs they didn't know existed.
Tejas would be the closest second home stateside for him.
Not as many, but we got all sorts of strange critters here that can hurt a person. Loved seeing the looks of Airmen Basics going through boot camp seeing all sorts on news bugs they didn't know existed. Originally Posted by Precious_b
Yeah I did basic at Bliss. I saw plenty of desert creatures I did not expect.