The Negativity Posters

Lana Warren's Avatar

We will always have some drama and as long as I am not party to it, I enjoy a good train wreck. [/quote]

LMAO! So do I!
I always just assumed that we are all here to have some fun and live some parts of life that we may not have been able to otherwise. It seems like no matter where a person goes on the internet, you can't get away from the know it all jackasses that seem to have infinite time to troll forums and show what geniuses they are. It sucks that this place is starting to see more and more of this type of behavior. we should all try and remember why we're here and ignore the bullshit. just remember DON'T FEED THE TROLLS!!!

props to you Looie for getting this out there.
MarieLynn of DFW's Avatar
Hehe, I was just conversing about this same topic with one of my good friend hobbyist that we are all here to get away from the world for a tad and to 'escape', in my opinion, (what a great and fun job I have!). I think that's what the hobby should be about and the friendships that are formed (hobbyists & companions) have honestly, been some of the best people I have had the pleasure of knowing (you know who you are ). The hobbyists and companions that hang out together (non-hobby time) and check to see how each other is doing and everything certainly do not go unnoticed in my book. And I agree with Looiecypher (I dig the name btw , lol). I know when it comes to myself, I can usually judge as to whether a person is being respectful and playful (which is cool) or just plain being outright cruel when posting (not so cool). I take note of those individuals. We do have a great hobby community here and I've been in this business for a tad over 3 1/2 years. We all look after each other so when one 'bad apple' weaves there way through this nice message board, it is very easy to spot those individuals and call 'bullshit'.

When it comes to any type of message board or forum, whether that be a music forum, sports forum, etc., there will always be a small percentage of posters that simply want to cause or stir up trouble and 'hide behind the keyboard', as my good friend would say. I've spent some time on non-hobby message boards throughout the years and I've found that in all cases, it's best to rise above and simply ignore it.

Is the glass half full or half empty? For me, it's ALWAYS filled UP! Positivity always wins with me... because negativity is not cool.

stevesanderson's Avatar
As a result, you have a 25 page narrative of negativity that spiraled completely off topic. Originally Posted by Tabitha Bleu
Your one page long signature line doesn't help with the page length.

looiecypher stated that what bothered him was "Using the terms prostitutes, whores,hookers all the more degrading terms to describe the ladies who we meet and discuss on this and other boards."

Then you came along and said "Whore in this sense is not a noun, it is an adjective describing the small kinky side of me."

I agree with looiecypher, and ANYONE describing a woman, even herself, in a co-ed forum as a "whore" bothers me.

If I had come along and commented that is was OK to describe a woman as a whore in certain context, or as an adjective (as you did here), I would have been told that in NO circumstance should a woman be referred to as a whore.

Tabitha, you have made the exact argument I would have, but because you are a woman, it's not questioned.
Your one page long signature line doesn't help with the page length.
My Signature line, lol! What does that have to do with the topic at hand. Things that make you go "Hmmmm."

Looie can correct me if I'm wrong, but I think he meant other hobbyists referring to providers as such. Yes I think it is a tacky for providers to call themselves whores. And, yes that is negative. You picked a bad example. Again, It was the only freakin word I could think of that RHYMED WITH DOOR! LOL!

My posts are meant to entertain, to make people laugh or smile. I don't think my posts are negative including that one. And, you are actually he one that referred to me as a whore, lol.

"Tabitha Bleu, the Neighborhood whore."

I agree with you. Your post did in fact prove Looie's point, just not the way you intended.
Anyway, I'm beating a dead horse. I'm done with this.
There is a big difference in a lady using the word whore in their ads ;as saying they want to be your dirty little whore ,etc. Obviously a play on dirty talk.Maybe not the most tactful way to advertise but definitely not what I was talking about.
Its another to use the term to describe a person in a derogatory way as in saying .
She is nothing but a whore and deserves no respect. Way big difference.
If the guy can't see that he is the one with the problem.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
On another site that I frequent this specific issue is a direct violation of the board rules. Here is a copy/paste

Banned Words
The words "Whore", "Bitch" and "Cunt" are not allowed because these words are commonly used to denigrate women, and that's not what this website is all about.
I happen to agree with the rule. They are simply fire-starters whenever they are used. I respectfully submit to the owners of this board to consider implementing the same here.