Yssup Rider's Avatar
What is your point, SLOBBRIN?

What does this have to do with Whir-LIE-turd's ridiculous claim at the head of this thread?

And ...

never mind. You just keep doing that thing you do!
If that one went over your little pea-brain... This one will make you curl up in the corner and cry like the bitch that you are... poor little pea brained Hissy Fit

Egypt’s Sisi First Egyptian President Ever To Attend Coptic Christmas Mass…

Posted on January 8, 2015 by sundance

Handout picture of al-Sisi kissing the mother of an army officer, who was killed during the recent Egypt uprising, during the graduation ceremony of a new batch of non-commissioned officers at the NCOs' Institute in CairoYou won’t hear about this in the MSM, not because it’s not historic and not because it’s not intensely important, but rather because Fattah El Sisi is a genuine “moderate Muslim” leader – and the Obama administration hate him.

The U.S. administration loathe him - Because el Sisi took down their man Mohammed Morsi, the now jailed leader of the Muslim Brotherhood and former extremist President of Egypt.

President Obama despises Fattah el-Sisi. Obama never called him to congratulate him on his massive election victory; President Obama and John Kerry were furious that el-Sisi stood up and supported Benjamin Netanyahu, and pressured Hamas to concessions and peace, then el-Sisi began destroying the Sinai terror tunnels to Gaza. El Sisi retains a massive 82%+ approval rating in Egypt.

HatTip to Sharon: (Via American Thinker) In a historic event that set Cairo ablaze, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah elSisi made an unannounced appearance at the Coptic Cathedral where Christmas Eve Mass was being celebrated by the Egyptian Pope Tawadros II. The Coptic Church celebrates Christmas on 7 January because of its use of the Julian calendar instead of the Gregorian. It was the first time ever that an Egyptian President was honoring a Coptic Christmas celebration with his presence.

Though famed President Gamal Abdel Nasser laid the cornerstone of the cathedral, he did not attend mass — a clear signal that the religious dimension of Coptic Christianity was not to be wholly honored by Muslims. Likewise, President Mubarak was twice forced by protocol to attend a funeral there, but not a mass. Christmas celebrations at the cathedral were traditionally attended by government officials at the minister level.

Further emphasizing his recent declaration that Islam must reform itself, Sisi shortened his visit to Kuwait to be able to come and congratulate the Coptic community. He went straight from the airport to Saint Mark’s Coptic Orthodox Cathedral, arrived as service had just begun, and apologized for interrupting the mass. The ceremony was live streamed on Egyptian State TV, and showed him being greeted by a jubilant congregation.

His presence was greatly appreciated, especially in light of the recent persecution of Copts at the hands of radical Muslims. As an outgrowth of the unfortunately named “Arab Spring”, Churches and Christian sites have come under attack since the revolution that ousted Mubarak in 2011. Even after Morsi was deposed in July 2013, a wave of violence spread across Egypt, in particular when the dispersal of two pro-Morsi protest camps was followed by the torching of dozens of churches and attacks on Christian property. (read more)

Readers and visitors to the Treehouse community know full well we have watched Egypt intently. We continue to share that no international leader has done more to confront ALL the tentacles of radicalism than El-Sisi.

Yet he has also been the recipient of marginalization-at best, and admonishment-at worst, as he has carries out a challenging mission to provide secular stability not only to Egypt, but also to the entire region.

When David Cameron says “all extremism” must be confronted, he need to look no further than Egypt to see it confronted not only on the streets but also in politics, in the media, and within the places of worship where hatred is the tenet that fuels the congregation.

Both Cameron and Obama correctly identify and define extremism yet fail to acknowledge the root. Extremism stems from a culture of hatred, that culture exists because the West will not confront it. El-Sisi confronts the culture of hatred head-on.

El-Sisi is by no means perfect, nor is Egypt as a whole; however, the intellectual and cultural center of the Middle-East is once again rising like a Phoenix thanks -in no small part- to the grit and policy of one principled man. A man thoroughly committed to the stability of his nation, and to the broader, predominantly Muslim, nations surrounding it.

Sisi has defended Coptic Christians from persecution, supported Israel’s right to exist, pushed back strongly against Hamas and their terror networks, deconstructed The Muslim Brotherhood, fought against Qatari financial influence in support of terror, and is the tip-of-the-spear in confronting the latest regional threat, “Libyan Dawn”.

Yeah, as Cameron would define – El-Sisi’s confronted “extremism” in all it’s inherent forms.

So it is against that backdrop where we ask you to REALLY consider the commitment of Obama and Cameron against their isolationist finger-pointing toward the only international leader who has actually put action behind his words.

Really think about this one.

Think about what it says about the credibility that would be assigned to words of President Obama or Prime Minister Cameron, “words”.


Both Cameron and Obama stand in the sunlight visibly praising Turkey’s Sunni President Recep Erdogan, who has done what to stem, curtail, impede or confront violent Sunni extremism?

What has NATO member Turkey done which would confront extremism? What has Erdogan actually done to portend him such friendship?

It does not fly unnoticed -at least to us- that Erdogan has factually acted to aid Sunni extremism and while doing so has benefitted from Western engagement.

Meanwhile, El-Sisi has factually acted to curtail Sunni violent extremism, without such benefit from allies in the fight against extremism.

Again, Obama and Cameron speak. Mere words.

…”The louder he spoke of his honour, the faster we counted our spoons”

Do you think President Obama would have invited El-Sisi to the White House following Sisi’s U.N Speech? He didn’t.

Do you think there should have been a state dinner to celebrate the only Mid-East leader actually committed to the principles of freedom? There wasn’t.

Do you think President Obama or David Cameron will openly begin praising the fact that El-Sisi, not them, has actually confronted and eliminated “extremism”?

…. and if not, what does that say about Obama’s actual commitment to fight ISIS?

Yssup Rider's Avatar
You are fucking nuts.

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
You are fucking nuts.

Certifiable. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Fuck you, faggot!!
Fuck you, faggot!! Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Someone mentions nuts and you get all aflutter.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Sybill strikes again!
Someone mentions nuts and you get all aflutter. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
You two need to QUIT talking about NUTS... ur'a bootlicker and Hissy Fit. Typical Ozombies...
You two need to QUIT talking about NUTS... ur'a bootlicker and Hissy Fit. Typical Ozombies... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
NUTS NUTS NUTS now go whack off cocksucker. Fucking dimatard.
lustylad's Avatar
What is your point, SLOBBRIN? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Ok dipshit, we'll try again.... from the WSJ, read it slowly:

Western leaders need to be more forthright in defense of liberal values... The Obama Administration made a mistake in September 2012 when it denounced the so-called Prophet Muhammad movie and blamed it for the attacks in Benghazi.

This is exactly the wrong signal, since it implicitly legitimizes illiberal offense-taking and sends mixed messages about the West’s commitment to its core values. Islamists gain confidence in their violent means when they see this lack of self-confidence in the West. It may be necessary to warn against “Islamophobia,” as German Chancellor Angela Merkel recently did. The West needs Muslim allies. But more Islamophobia is inevitable unless... Western leaders stop apologizing for Western principles like free speech.

From today's edition:

Jihad is more attractive when it is succeeding, and Islamic State has infused militant Islam with a new charisma. All the more so after President Obama announced a campaign to destroy it, began bombing, and then—very little. The desultory offensive so far may be winning more recruits for Islamic State than it is inflicting casualties... The West will have to consider more aggressive interventions... The indispensable and now-missing requirement for this counteroffensive is U.S. leadership. Mr. Obama clearly is unable to supply it. His May 2013 speech announcing victory in the war against al Qaeda may have reflected his sincere belief. But it also revealed his willful naivete about the nature of Islamist terror, and it encouraged jihadists to conclude the U.S. was in retreat. He can’t even find the words to forthrightly defend the anti-terror programs his own Administration uses.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
So, you toffee nosed little poseur, you really believe that what we're seeing in the Muslim world is the product of Obama's efforts?
lustylad's Avatar
So you foreign policy dunce, do you really believe our national interest and security are well-served when we draw red lines and fail to enforce them, promise assistance and fail to deliver any, or proclaim we will "destroy" ISIS and follow up with a "desultory offensive" against them?

Do you really believe those punk terrorists are not emboldened when we react to their massacres and other atrocities by blaming ourselves?

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Just answer my question Junior. Do you agree with Whir-LIE-turd that what is going on in the Middle East is "OBAMA'S ISLAMIC SLAVE STATE?"

Yes or no?
lustylad's Avatar
You don't like hyperbole, asswipe? That's funny, you use it all the time. There are degrees of ownership. ISIS is happening on his watch, isn't it? Didn't you fault Bush Sr. for sending the "wrong signal" to Saddam Hussein just before he invaded Kuwait in 1990? Yet you won't admit Odumbo keeps sending the wrong signals to Muslim terrorists?

And why are you too chickenshit to answer my questions in #56? You demand answers to your own questions and duck everyone else's.
LexusLover's Avatar
So, you toffee nosed little poseur, you really believe that what we're seeing in the Muslim world is the product of Obama's efforts? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
What "efforts"? Improving his golf game?

He's not any better picking his nose. Please tell him the glove won't fit!!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Didn't you fault Bush Sr. for sending the "wrong signal" to Saddam Hussein just before he invaded Kuwait in 1990? Originally Posted by lustylad