Nikki Is The New RINO or Maybe Pocahontas or Maybe Incompetent

  • Tiny
  • 02-16-2023, 01:29 PM
I am not really a fan of Scott. I’m not bothered by Haley. As with Romney or McCain prior, I might not vote for them But wouldn’t be bothered if they won.

Were Biden to step aside and the choice was Haley v Harris, I’m not sure it’d be an absolute choice either way.

My concern with any republican president is their inability to resist the right flank. No matter the nutso complaints of the right wing right wing media, Biden has effectively neutralized his left flank and governed as a moderate.

I don’t really see common sense conservatives being able to do that. Also, no moderate republican can win because the coalition includes the MAGA and racists which they can only give the lightest of lip service to rebuking, as they still need them to turn out. Until the republicans get a new coalition, they will lose by millions of votes in the presidential election.

The democrats coalition is more sustainable for now. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Fair enough. We have a different definition of "right wing," but yes, too many Republican Congressmen, Senators and prospective presidential candidates kiss Trump's ass and put up with his lies, the biggest being the outcome of the 2020 election. I'd like to see the party move to the left on certain social issues, but that's probably not going to happen, as the base isn't behind it. However, the social issues are unimportant to me compared to economic issues.

I disagree about Biden. The left, led by acolytes of Elizabeth Warren, has heavily influenced his administration. It was Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin who had a moderating influence on the left flank, not Biden. President Biden is a good bit to the left of President Obama. Oil and gas policy in 2021 is a good example. Obama bragged about record U.S. oil and gas production. Biden campaigned on banning new permits on and issuance of federal oil and gas leases. And doing away with the industry by mid century.

Biden would have the USA become like western Europe, which I believe would result in a sharp drop in living standards. And he's under the unfortunate delusion he can do this without running up the national debt to unsustainable levels and without taxing anyone more except the top 1%. But true, he's not like Sanders and Warren, who would take us far to left of any European government in recent history, save Francois Hollande's France.

the problem i see in you relegating social issues to unimportance is

social issues always seem to trickle into torrents of economic issues

and other things as well
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REVEALED: Nikki Haley Is One Of Globalist Wold Economic Forum Founder Klaus Schwab’s ‘Young Global Leaders’
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REVEALED: Nikki Haley Is One Of Globalist Wold Economic Forum Founder Klaus Schwab’s ‘Young Global Leaders’ Originally Posted by bambino

Klaus Schwab


Author of the annual Global Competitiveness Report (since 1979), numerous articles and several books.

His latest books are The Fourth Industrial Revolution (2016), a worldwide bestseller translated into 30 languages, Shaping the Fourth Industrial Revolution (2018), COVID-19: The Great Reset (2020) and Stakeholder Capitalism (2021)

What Is Stakeholder Capitalism?

Stakeholder capitalism is a system in which corporations are oriented to serve the interests of all their stakeholders. Among the key stakeholders are customers, suppliers, employees, shareholders, and local communities. Under this system, a company's purpose is to create long-term value and not to maximize profits and enhance shareholder value at the cost of other stakeholder groups.