The Sandbox is not full of Sand Its full of Hate

berryberry's Avatar
No that wasn't it. Sorry. Originally Posted by Cody69
Really - so you are ok with that type of hate directed at 74 million upstanding Americans?

Wow, if you are ok with that, what could you be upset about?
Dude you wouldn’t know a patriot if he fell out of a tree and killed your dog. Your answer to things you don’t like is to suppress peoples inalienable rights. Day after day after day you call for everything that goes against the foundations of Americanism. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
The only right you like to defend is the right of others to be racist, homophobic, transphobic, islamaphobic, southern immigrant hating, pieces of shit, but there's a lot more to the foundations of Americana than that. Immigrants are the foundation of America. People of various religions are the foundation of America. People of various races are the foundations of America. People of various ethnicity are the foundations of America. People of various genders and sexualities are the foundations of America. The 14th Amendment has been interpreted by the American people as a protection of all these various groups. The only right you want to protect is the right to shit on these various groups who are doing no harm to others, then you try and make the false equivalence that opposing this kind of hate is equally as bad. You would benefit a lot by reading up on the paradox of tolerance.
Day after day after day you call for everything that goes against the foundations of Americanism. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Let's see if you actually can back this statement up. I won't hold my breath, because it's not an accurate statement. Can you name two things I call for that go "against the foundations of Americanism?" Before you start talking about the first Amendment, keep in mind that I have never advocated for the government to censor anyone in here.
Really - so you are ok with that type of hate directed at 74 million upstanding Americans?

Wow, if you are ok with that, what could you be upset about? Originally Posted by berryberry
Who said 74 million? Not me. I've always said that it's not all Turd voters. It's the extreme contingent amongst them which is sadly in the tens of millions, but there are tens of millions of others who just pull the red lever no matter what.
berryberry's Avatar
Who said 74 million? Not me. I've always said that it's not all Turd voters. It's the extreme contingent amongst them which is sadly in the tens of millions, but there are tens of millions of others who just pull the red lever no matter what. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
You did by constantly referring to anyone who voted for Trump as Cult 45.

But ok, if you want to walk it back from all 74 million to Tens of Millions, then Cody are you ok with that type of hate directed at Tens of Millions of upstanding Americans?
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Yup. I’ll defend their right to express themselves any way they please, just like anyone who expresses the opposite viewpoint. This country is advanced citizenship. The guy standing up for things you’ve spent your entire life fighting against is as entitled to his say as you are to yours. You desire to squelch those rights, which makes you exactly what you purport to be against.
You did by constantly referring to anyone who voted for Trump as Cult 45.

But ok, if you want to walk it back from all 74 million to Tens of Millions, then Cody are you ok with that type of hate directed at Tens of Millions of upstanding Americans? Originally Posted by berryberry
I've never once said that every Turd voter was in Cult 45. In fact, on a bunch of occasions, I have clarified that not all Turd voters are in Cult 45. Here's an example from ten days ago:
i'm confused. explain "maga cult" so i can intelligently respond.

is "maga cult" everyone who voted for Trump in 2016?
is "maga cult" everyone who voted for Trump in 2020?
is "maga cult" everyone who will vote for Trump in 2024?

what is "maga cult", valued poster?

asking for MAGA Gurl

bahahahahaaaaaaa Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

No, but getting closer. If he's unable to run, I'd say that those who write him in are card carrying members.

12 Pages worth of their delusions should be enough for you see who's in it and who's not. It's Trump's Cult of Ignorance. Cult 45. Those who believe lie that con man tells and follow his every order, some of whom are even in federal penitentiaries now due to following his orders. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
You've put up another straw man.
Yup. I’ll defend their right to express themselves any way they please, just like anyone who expresses the opposite viewpoint. This country is advanced citizenship. The guy standing up for things you’ve spent your entire life fighting against is as entitled to his say as you are to yours. You desire to squelch those rights, which makes you exactly what you purport to be against. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Are you gonna answer the question? Can you name two things I call for that go "against the foundations of Americanism?" Before you start talking about the First Amendment, keep in mind that I have never advocated for the government to censor anyone in here.

You know what's un-American? Not understanding the scope of the first Amendment.
He's not playing a card. He's telling the truth. People post dozens of threads about their hatred of immigrants, dozens of threads of their hatred of LGBTQ, etc. When you look at the language used in the threads, it's quite obvious to any reasonable person, that the threads are an expression of hate. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
Yep, and if you try to meet them down at their level, you get written up for it. Certain members (we all know who) seem to be allowed to spew hatred ad nauseum, but you're not allowed to come back at them with a taste of their own medicine. The Sandbox is rigged, for sure.
Hating someone for being a piece of shit is ok with me. Hating someone for their race, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, religion, and other things like that, is not ok with me.

Cody hasn't weaponized the word. He's simply told the truth. Language like "scumbag illegals," and "deranged trannys" is hateful. People in here have even advocated arbitrarily machine gunning and land mineing "illegal immigrants." Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
Yep. It's obvious why most of America hates trump (and if it's not obvious to you, you're part of the problem), but why the hate for CATEGORIES of people? Some folks on here just make blanket statements of hate toward "immigrants" or "trannies" or "leftists" as if they're monoliths. These statements say "scumbag illegals" are "invading the US", as if it's a unified front of an adversarial military force.

It's all bullshit. It's all coming from a bad place, and it needs to be shown the door here.
This place is just going to become a tighter circle-jerk with a bunch of fat senior citizens making 35 unhinged political posts every day and the OP replies to himself three times in a row. Whether the mods and admins share their politics or not, it should be pretty evident that the kind of posting that dominates this board is bad for the overall health of the site. Originally Posted by El-mo
Exactly. And they say trump haters are "deranged". Lol. The sheer volume of posting by certain members here (again, we all know who) will tell any objective observer who is deranged.
You sure do get a lot of passes for your blatant site rule violations. You would have been banned long ago if you were held to the standards that I've received points for. This is the kind of hate that the OP is talking about. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
Sandbox is definitely rigged. If you try to meet certain posters at the level they've already established, you get points.
Cody69's Avatar
Sandbox is definitely rigged. If you try to meet certain posters at the level they've already established, you get points. Originally Posted by tommy156
You are so right. How well I know. It just happened today, a certain poster tried baiting me. Not today.
Cult 45 is not a hundred million strong, but I certainly don't mind being strongly opposed to people who are racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamaphobic, transphobic, anti-Semitic etc. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
Cult 45 is about 50 million, tops. He got 70 million votes, but at least 20 million were from people who pull the red lever no matter what.
The clown got 74 million votes. Not all of them are members of Cult 45. If you want to see who the members are, revisit the other thread. The numbers are dwindling. Cult 45 are the opposite of patriots. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
Cult 45 is completely unAmerican. There's nothing "patriotic" about putting party over country. Nothing "patriotic" about placing your feelings over facts.
The only right you like to defend is the right of others to be racist, homophobic, transphobic, islamaphobic, southern immigrant hating, pieces of shit, but there's a lot more to the foundations of Americana than that. Immigrants are the foundation of America. People of various religions are the foundation of America. People of various races are the foundations of America. People of various ethnicity are the foundations of America. People of various genders and sexualities are the foundations of America. The 14th Amendment has been interpreted by the American people as a protection of all these various groups. The only right you want to protect is the right to shit on these various groups who are doing no harm to others, then you try and make the false equivalence that opposing this kind of hate is equally as bad. You would benefit a lot by reading up on the paradox of tolerance. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
Amen, brother.