Providers: What would you do if a client bought you a ROLEX / Hobbiests would you buy your ATF a ROLEX

fun.time.hobbyist's Avatar
He bought a nice present for a lovely lady. I don't see the big deal. Like Angelina said, this probably should be in the D&T forum. However, I don't think he's gone out of his way to be creepy. I have to jump in to defend a hobbyist & provider who have a special relationship beyond the hobby. It does happen from time to time as there are truly good people on both sides of the hobby. It may not be comfortable or even of little interest for most. However, if you don't care, then move along. Nothing to see here. Don't pile on the guy and lady in question. These types of special friendships do develop and in my time I have been in this hobby have been some of my best friends even after the hobby activities stop.

FWIW, if I were ever lucky enough to meet the lovely Angelina, it is quite possible to see why he developed a special relationship with her. Angelina's reviews speak volumes to her attention to detail and desire to build a connection beyond the wham bam, thank you ma'am. I hope to find out some day for myself.

Mojojo's Avatar
I didn't initiate the thread. I jumped in midway because I felt bad because a friend/client was being criticized for posing a hypothetical question. People pose hypotheticals on here all of the time and don't get criticized for it because they have been posting on these boards regularly. Relax.

TMI in this thread? The reviews and several other threads in my opinion give out "too much information". Goodness. What is interesting is you took a short quote from me and are taking it out proportion to further your case. I was simply responding to Dagny with yet another hypothetical to justify the fact that I deserved the watch. I am upset that Californian had to say anything on these boards because there is always one person who has to hate. At the end of the day, I have a nice watch. It's done already. Case closed.

I do agree that this thread belongs in the HDH/Diamonds and Tuxedos thread. I don't think his thread was creepy by any means. He was proud of his purchase, so what? Men reference buying gifts for providers all of the time. I think the more perverse threads are creepy if you ask me. Maybe this is the reason why I limit my participation on the boards. I'm done with Austin Co-Ed.



Mods, can you move this thread to the Diamonds and Tuxedos forum? The DT threads always embrace expensive timepieces. Originally Posted by Angelina Adams

Wowzers! Booth got pwned!
Go Angelina shake them haters off girl! Who cares its a discussion board let the man posts whatever he wants to. I dont find it creepy at all, its not like he was talking about how he wants to marry her, have a kid with her, etc etc.
Great point, Dagny, but let me pose a hypothetical.

Suppose Californian and I have seen each other 20-25 times in the past (which we have, by the way) over the 2-3 months of knowing one another and he spends an average of $700-$800 per 2-3 hour session.


I imagine Californian's pm box will be busting at the seams with providers wanting to have him as their client!

Angelina Originally Posted by Angelina Adams

Well, I'm no Angelina Adams...but...Hi Californian... I'm Casey...(Go Bears!)
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 04-04-2010, 12:40 PM
I don't have any problem in the basic premise of giving or receiving an expensive gift. But most of us live dual lives, and you'd want to ensure that the gift exchanged fits into your (or their) non-hobby existence.

But, specifically, a Rolex? That would be a very difficult thing for many people to explain to friends / family / coworkers. I also wouldn't want my expensive gift to make the lady feel uncomfortable or give her the sense she "owed me" or that I was somehow entitled to something in exchange.

One year I gave a few of my favorite ladies a holiday gift of a Lelo Gigi vibrator. (Highly recommended by the ladies, btw.) One of them scolded me the next time I saw her because one of her friends had seen her toy and wanted to know how much she paid for it. She obviously didn't know and had some explaining to do when the friend found it on for $85! So even the not-so-expensive gifts can be problematic.
OneHotMale's Avatar
Well, I'm no Angelina Adams...but...Hi Californian... I'm Casey...(Go Bears!) Originally Posted by CaseyTaylor

LMAO you go Casey. And guys it is only a Rolex. Hell if I had all of the $$ that I spent on cars and jewelry and yes a Rolex or 2 for my ex. wife and my last g/f then yeah I would have been retired a long time ago.
Joel Goodson's Avatar
Umm, Im starting to think that this thread was not about watches at all.

Therapist Joe says:

Someone got spooked.

Someone else is wondering, "things were going so well, what the heck just happened?" and wanted advice.

-If 10k is truly walking money for this gentleman no need to freak out.

-Endeavor to not come off as possessive to the fiercely independent. They will usually want to bolt.

I hope you two crazy Diamond and Tuxedo kids can work this out.
KosherCowboy's Avatar
I don't care what other guys give girls, or what they give them as gifts. Some guys have so much money that it is not an object to them and money is just money, some have a ton of it and to some it grows on trees. So if a guy wants to give his ATF a gift card to Chilis, a plasma TV, take her on a trip to Tahiti, give her a Rolex, get her a new Ferrari, buy her a vacation home in Palm Springs; so be it. His money to piss away as he feels fit. $10,000 to me might be $1.76 to some rich guy on his private plane now on the way to Vail, perhaps he has an escort with him wearing the Rolex I gave her..

OneHotMale's Avatar
I don't care what other guys give girls, or what they give them as gifts. Some guys have so much money that it is not an object to them and money is just money, some have a ton of it and to some it grows on trees. So if a guy wants to give his ATF a gift card to Chilis, a plasma TV, take her on a trip to Tahiti, give her a Rolex, get her a new Ferrari, buy her a vacation home in Palm Springs; so be it. His money to piss away as he feels fit. $10,000 to me might be $1.76 to some rich guy on his private plane now on the way to Vail, perhaps he has an escort with him wearing the Rolex I gave her..

Originally Posted by KosherCowboy

LMAO!!!! So Kosher did they throw in the Prada handbag at a discount?
Tarlon125's Avatar
I didn't initiate the thread. I jumped in midway because I felt bad because a friend/client was being criticized for posing a hypothetical question. People pose hypotheticals on here all of the time and don't get criticized for it because they have been posting on these boards regularly. Relax.

TMI in this thread? The reviews and several other threads in my opinion give out "too much information". Goodness. What is interesting is you took a short quote from me and are taking it out proportion to further your case. I was simply responding to Dagny with yet another hypothetical to justify the fact that I deserved the watch. I am upset that Californian had to say anything on these boards because there is always one person who has to hate. At the end of the day, I have a nice watch. It's done already. Case closed.

I do agree that this thread belongs in the HDH/Diamonds and Tuxedos thread. I don't think his thread was creepy by any means. He was proud of his purchase, so what? Men reference buying gifts for providers all of the time. I think the more perverse threads are creepy if you ask me. Maybe this is the reason why I limit my participation on the boards. I'm done with Austin Co-Ed.



Mods, can you move this thread to the Diamonds and Tuxedos forum? The DT threads always embrace expensive timepieces. Originally Posted by Angelina Adams

Heck if could afford a Rolex i would buy you one too your worth one and a whole lot more
MrQuixote's Avatar
Californian ad I have terminated our provider/client relationship and remain friends who will have a casual lunch or dinner infinitely since his gift was so extraordinary and to allow him to see other girls. Angelina Originally Posted by Angelina Adams
Is that why he started this thread? Because you terminated the provider/client relationship after he gave you the watch?
78704's Avatar
  • 78704
  • 04-04-2010, 05:04 PM
Implying it hypothetical when it's not is the off-putting part. Stating it's hypothetical when it's not, which he didn't do but AA did, is dishonest. If he'd started with "I gave AA a Rolex so she's stopped seeing me, WTF happened?!" I'd've reacted much more sympathetically, to be sure. Sorry CA, guys are idiots and women are crazy, it's problematic.
78704's Avatar
  • 78704
  • 04-04-2010, 05:34 PM
More likely, on reflection, not dishonesty but error; sorry.
ThrillBill88's Avatar
Is there any way to forward this thread, and Californian's thread (from the bankrupt state of offense Californian but I'm tired as shit of Texas tax dollars paying for for nancy pelosi's face lifts) to Opray Winfrey or Dr. Phil? Would love to hear their tender response.
Is that why he started this thread? Because you terminated the provider/client relationship after he gave you the watch? Originally Posted by MrQuixote
I know it does seem this way but that's not even close to what happened. The reasons for us terminating our provider/client relationship had nothing to do the watch I gave her (or implications from it) and I'm sure she will be the first to tell you that. Go back and look at her posts, especially the first. If this was the case then she certainly wouldn't come on the boards to defend me after starting a thread like this one.

I started the thread because I was geniunely curious about provider/client relationships and how different providers might react to to such a gift.
Tarlon125's Avatar
I know it does seem this way but that's not even close to what happened. The reasons for us terminating our provider/client relationship had nothing to do the watch I gave her (or implications from it) and I'm sure she will be the first to tell you that. Go back and look at her posts, especially the first. If this was the case then she certainly wouldn't come on the boards to defend me after starting a thread like this one.

I started the thread because I was geniunely curious about provider/client relationships and how different providers might react to to such a gift. Originally Posted by CALIFORNIAN
Dude Cali you don't have explain you owe us nothing, what happens between you and someone else is your business, cool you gave the watch cool she liked it. Kudos for being thoughtful.
If more people did the world would be a better place.
Peace out