Still Looking's Avatar
They can bitch and moan and complain all they want! But its just jealousy wanting my baby troll avatar!
They can bitch and moan and complain all they want! But its just jealousy wanting my baby troll avatar! Originally Posted by Still Looking
I actually miss that damn troll
Still Looking's Avatar
I actually miss that damn troll Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou
He will be back but very soon! LOL

I want to make sure we stay on topic.... so why is everyone jealous of Charles???
macdeft's Avatar
think i'll go whack off to some backpage pics
They can bitch and moan and complain all they want! But its just jealousy wanting my baby troll avatar! Originally Posted by Still Looking
He will be back but very soon! LOL

I want to make sure we stay on topic.... so why is everyone jealous of Charles??? Originally Posted by Still Looking
charlestudor has no enemies. He is his own enemy and is envious of himself. He looks in the mirror and inflicts unprovoked insults...that is just not right!

I've been upfront from the start that I want that baby avatar troll. Why do you keep bringing this up? I've moved on and found my own avatar. Okay?

Damn...when are you bringing it back? How can you hide such a work of art?
jyoshi917's Avatar
wow this thread turned into quite a drama eh? I'd say just let people do what they do and not let them affect you too much.

off topic, shayla, i love your avatar!
Irish Vixen;
I have to agree those who think people want to be like them because of superficial reasons in addition to thinking they are so much better than everyone else have major issues. It usually means they are lacking something within and in order to feel complete they must place themselves on a pedestal and that is not healthy. Mijo you claim you love her..I must ponder how you can love someone whom you have yet to meet?

Utterly Amazing Isn't it.
Irish Vixen;
I have to agree those who think people want to be like them because of superficial reasons in addition to thinking they are so much better than everyone else have major issues. It usually means they are lacking something within and in order to feel complete they must place themselves on a pedestal and that is not healthy. Mijo you claim you love her..I must ponder how you can love someone whom you have yet to meet?

Utterly Amazing Isn't it. Originally Posted by acp5762
It's called reading comprehension folks. In this case the author (mijo) figuratively used the word 'love' connotating agreement with fondness. Love has been and will always be mis-construed on this board in ways more worse than what I stated. Don't get stupid.

acp5762 get your hard legs off of my DICK (that is if you are who you say

I'm sure there's numerous reasons why people dislike her, I can't speak for them. Myself, I don't like the holier than thou attitude, the need to put other ladies down to better herself, the constant bragging and her constant line of "you hate me because you wanna be me, you want what I have, you wish you looked like me, etc." All that crap gets old and its played out.

I don't care what she looks like, I don't wanna look like her, I don't want to be her nor do I want whatever she may have and I'm sure there's lots of ladies who feel the same way as I do. I'm glad she's pretty (I'm assuming as I have not seen a face pic of her), glad she has a nice body, glad she does good for herself, but I wouldn't want to be her for 20 mill.

I gave my reasons and I'm sure some reasons of others of why I dislike her or why others might dislike her.

I'm sure there's people who don't like me and I'm fine with that. But, I don't throw out the "you hate me cause you wanna be me" crap to them. I could care less if people dislike me on here.

I have found that those who brag, don't have. Originally Posted by MsElena
Yes, yes. I understand. And, I agree. I'm being honest in saying I haven't seen that in her UNPROVOKED. And, when she defends herself, as we all have the right to do, it is 'labeled'. She can be tough in her retort when defending herself. That's why no one should fuck with a stranger. A mere offense may result in death, although a simple verbal correction could've sufficed. She's more of a 'killer' in her responses. I agree. And, that's why I like her and love her board presence. I can identify with her. In RL, if I'm attacked, my first response is to disable a person (temporarily or permanently depending on the circs). Z challenges a challenge. And, there is NOTHING wrong with that! No matter how anyone tries to characterize it!

But, at the same time, I respect how it comes off to you and others. Just don't start a damn thread. Handle your business BCD. Covertness is next to Cowardliness!

Thanks for your candor. It IS appreciated (by P.R.I.E.S.T, hobbyist formerly known as mijo). And BTW, anything I state regarding myself and/or my DICK is RL from what fems are constantly saying. I don't embellish.

Enjoy your sexiness! It brings joy to many!!!

Lol really? Another jealousy thread? Originally Posted by Shayla
Gawd you are sexy. You are B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L
texasjohn1965's Avatar
It's called reading comprehension folks. In this case the author (mijo) figuratively used the word 'love' connotating agreement with fondness. Love has been and will always be mis-construed on this board in ways more worse than what I stated. Don't get stupid. Originally Posted by mijo(BFE)
Someone needs to check this persons gender. I refuse to refer to "it" as a male anymore, because it writes like a teenage girl.

I hope my previous post did not offend anyone......
Are you her fucking lap dog?

You post just like the bitch.

I thought COG was the biggest pussy whipped lacky, but you have taken the lead.

Grow a pair.
Originally Posted by texasjohn1965
I meant it, but I probably should have put a smiley face with it so that everyone would think it was a joke.

Someone needs to check this persons gender. I refuse to refer to "it" as a male anymore, because it writes like a teenage girl.
Originally Posted by texasjohn1965
I'm glad to know that I'm not the only person that has those same thoughts.
Covertness is next to cowardliness? Tell that to the seal teams.

You haven't seen it doesn't mean it hasn't happened. So, you're going based off of what you've only seen and not what you've dealt with it. She's the classic passive/aggressive behavior chick and if you get in her crosshairs, you'll deal with it yourself. There's been a few guys who haven't deserved the crap she's dealt them.

What does your dick have to do with this? I could care less, we're never going to meet. The fact that you've spent the afternoon defending her makes me giggle though and think of what a good bitchboy you'd be.

God bless it I hate white knights. They should be forced to turn in their man card.
Someone needs to check this persons gender. I refuse to refer to "it" as a male anymore, because it writes like a teenage girl.

I hope my previous post did not offend anyone......

I meant it, but I probably should have put a smiley face with it so that everyone would think it was a joke.
Originally Posted by texasjohn1965
So, now you call me a girl for using proper English.
You refuse to respect the MOD, EA (our Houston 'ome Boy!)
You hurl insults but forgot the OP or challenge Q from mijo
You insult my emoticon, it is a Zemoticon, yet you continue to attack her
None of us mean shit...we are all creatures of circs. My avatar nails it: NOTHING IS TRUE. EVERYTHING IS PERMISSIBLE (even your disregard for the MODs)...very interesting.
I won't use the RTM button. Keep diggin your IGNORANT ass grave. 'ome Boy!

Hopefully this beauty pacifies your ass before you get into trouble. Look at her and all of your troubles subside.
You are soooo ASSuming...nope, it was me. Stevie Wonder could see who this is about. If we cannot argue on this board publicly then what's the benefit.

These guys jump to ASSumption, yet don't answer the Q, your's nor mine!

Z hasn't commented. How do you ASSume she thinks this thread is about her. Did she send you a PM or something? Do tell!!!

Amazing how out of all of the fems on this board, someone (hater) starts in on her. I'm not defending her. Trust me. She can handle herself. I just don't like to see this (talk about BITCH) bitch maneuver where you throw something out there and everyone talks covertly about (her). THAT is BITCH, not my intelligent retort. Originally Posted by mijo(BFE)

I am so confused right now LOL.