Thats how you do it John? Whatever works for you, never heard of honcho magazine myself. I know now why you don't review.
Originally Posted by trey
It's because he's gay. Of course there's nothing wrong with that, just saying.
Regarding the op, there seems to be a certain segment of the resident whale population who think they can spam us and bombard us into believing that everybody loves big, heavy, greasy hookers. Then once they've mentally beat us into submission with their relentless propaganda, they will start to capitalize on their trickery by CHARGING US BY THE POUND. Ever read "The Tipping Point"? And that's when all hope will be lost.
Therefore we must fight! We must fight back with our keyboards. We must fight back with our smartphones. We must fight back with our cable and dsl connections. We must fight back with our wallets.
The whales are resilient and determined, but WE ARE MEN! We are the top of the food chain! No matter how long and hard the struggle, we mustn't surrender. Fight back I urge you! Fight!