Reviews and expenditures

boardman's Avatar
I'm guessing most guys can read through the bullshit threads. I to get disturbed at some of the threads to. I'm guessing the hobby attracts it's share of assholes.....maybe more than it's share Originally Posted by tbone2u

Yeah, it's not hard to detect the bullshit. The problem for me is I see it as narcissistic attention seeking. Sure, I started some look at me threads back in the day but it was a different board atmosphere back then. People had fun with it. Some of those threads went on for 20 pages or more and for months. The people who commented were mostly regulars who have since disappeared.

Now we have a few starting threads that really have nothing to do with the hobby, they don't contribute anything to the hobby but they are clever enough to disguise it as a hobby topic. They start threads knowing it is just going to stir the shit and no one really wants to hear it. The majority of the responses, mostly negative, to those kinds of threads are giving them the kind of attention they are asking for. I'm getting to the point that I don't really care to add to it. I don't get anything out of it.

I don't intend on writing reviews anymore so that those guys get the benefit of it. For the few I think might want info I have I'll share it privately from now on. I hope they'll do the same for me.
Jess.... I don't haggle with the price either. If I can't afford the lady then I don't go...or I wait until I can.

I'm also curious if the ladies see the guys that haggle. Originally Posted by tbone2u
I don't haggle, but I have a personal policy not to exceed a certain ceiling, and if the lady names a rate that exceeds that, I politely tell her that's above my personal limit. I then mention that her rates are her rates, and I'm sure others are willing to pay them, but not me, because for one thing, at my age and physical condition, I have a very short list that I enjoy doing with a lady, so I'm not going to be giving anyone the kind of workout that a young stud would.

About half the time, the lady will come back and agree to my personal limit. It's also been my experience that the hourly rate I paid had very little to do with the experience I've had.

As far as the reviews go, I write them but it's a real shame that new ladies who get a few glowing reviews nearly always raise their rates afterward, so this practice definitely discourages clients from writing reviews.
I can more than understand that Oldrogue because I don't require all the extra services either. I'm normally a very easy session.

I think the haggling the ladies bitch about is more than what you or I do.
I think some use reviews to get lower prices and I guess that's ok if the ladies agree. I'm guessing there are probably more guys that just plain ass haggle.

Maybe we can get some ladies to clarify
boardman's Avatar

About half the time, the lady will come back and agree to my personal limit. It's also been my experience that the hourly rate I paid had very little to do with the experience I've had.

. Originally Posted by Oldrogue

And there you go. Some providers will settle for less than their published or stated rate. In Oldrogue's case they'll even bring it up "about half the time" without being asked. It's part of the culture of the hobby and the providers are as responsible for it as anyone. They(even if it's just a few) have at one point said yes to a lower offer and so guys will continue to ask.

I'm going to say this again before going any further. I don't haggle with providers, never have. I research extensively and if her rate is satisfactory to me for what she offers I'll go in. If not, I won't even bother to contact her.

What gets me is the number of providers who somehow get insulted by simply being asked the question. They'll come on the boards and rant about it. I could see taking it as an insult if it weren't a prevalent part of the hobby culture but it is so there is nothing to be insulted about.
I'm thinking part of it may be the way they are approached. I think Oldrogue and I may have an advantage. The ladies may offer because it's somewhat of a mercy-fuck
tyboy1's Avatar
That's some funny shit bones. I may be included being an old fart myself.
Jess.... I don't haggle with the price either.
If I can't afford the lady then I don't go...or I wait until I can.
The few guys that are always bitching about the prices and telling people who pay the prices...that they are fucking up the market don't get it.
I don't think they realize how many guys see these girls and never even post here on eccie. Again...the silent majority. They won't post because they get tired of others bitching about what they paid.

I'm kind curious as to what percentage of the guys ladies see or don't see......actually haggles.

I'm also curious if the ladies see the guys that haggle. Originally Posted by tbone2u
Its a total turn off !! A way to have a lady not so happy to see you when she opens the door.. If you don't have what the lady asks its easier to move on, or come back when you do than to try and low ball the lady. I simply let guys know that "Maybe next time" is the best option for them because I don't want to agree to something that I know is going to irritate me and I treat them well to say it politely "NOT the same as I normally would".
Jess - thank you for sticking with this thread and giving the provider perspective.
I don't haggle, but I have a personal policy not to exceed a certain ceiling, and if the lady names a rate that exceeds that, I politely tell her that's above my personal limit. I then mention that her rates are her rates, and I'm sure others are willing to pay them, but not me, because for one thing, at my age and physical condition, I have a very short list that I enjoy doing with a lady, so I'm not going to be giving anyone the kind of workout that a young stud would.
Originally Posted by Oldrogue
I should probably clarify that I only have the above discussion with ladies who do not post their rates in their ads. If their rates are already posted, and they exceed my personal limit, then I don't even bother to contact them.