Are you serious? You sit around passing judgment on people on a HOOKER BOARD!!! And then you say something totally irrelevant and ridiculous to justify your hypocrisy. From your post: "Do you see any irony in posting on a hooker board and despising beating women?" .
Originally Posted by albundy
I don't believe WU was so much "passing judgement," as laying claim to a moral high ground. Which, in this example, he's entitled to. You lie and cheat on your spouse, your life's mate, and he does not. Like it or not, it seems very cut and dry.
His claim of moral superiority is similar to a fellow who fudges a little on his taxes feeling superior to the embezzler of the company's pension fund. Or the arrested barroom brawler considering himself a better man than the home invader, or especially the rapist.
All prisoners, or so its reported, consider themselves superior to the pedophile.
So yes, there can be morality on a hooker board. Or do you expect that "anything goes" because one person chooses to pay another person for sexual entertainment, and that with that payment the former becomes somehow disqualified from commenting on another person's behavior?