Things you should know about Korean agencies PIMPs

Ghostrider's Avatar
Alot of useless advice here. I remeber when we could not get a mod or anyone on the board when that person posed pictures of the vehicles in front of Blue.

AG is not fair, nothing tells me any different. He has stalked me to other boards and outed me there and post the similar things here but fails to admit that he allowed his buddies to roam free and to create havoc.... Thats bad juju. he lives throught these 2 same guys that he knows to stir up the shit. in the end, he hides.

Chung is right!!! Peterbola and Vadc are on first name basis with AG. Thats documented in a post by AG. Damage control is not working and it falls on my deaf ears.
B.Wayne's Avatar
whats the beef? why would AG go after you?
Boltfan's Avatar
I get that trolling and lying are sactioned, even sometimes encouraged for entertainment purposes. I used to ignore and just RTM.. Guess what? It didn't work. Doesn't work.

I know there has been several times when I RTM'd as soon as the next vadc handle appeared. Many here did. It would take WEEKS to ban the ''new'' handle. The excuses were always ''we need proof''. Meanwhile 90 fucking percent of the members knew who it was.. Every time we were proven right. And each time the ''new'' handle snickers and reveals that, yeah, you are right, I am who you say, just before he is banned again. It is a farce. I got banned for ''excess RTMs'' about this guy, in January 2021. No joke.. Cryptkicker to be exact. He literally tired of my RTM's, and banned me to shut me up.

It is easy to say don't respond. It is easy to say ''we are allowing this multi-handles Jackass to say whatever he wants, and we can't prove it's him''.

Really, the answer is for the Moderation team to act swiftly when this guy appears again. You don't. You won't. And he has been mocking the Website for 4 years.

Do you remember the Mod who quit, some 3 years ago? I won't reveal who it is, but I RTM'd for several days, about the return of vadc's near altar-ego, Peter Bota. This Mod got back to me, and was royally pissed that not a single Mod had addressed any RTM for DAYS! That Mod had been out of town, and quickly banned Bota, then quit, because the rest of you shirked your Mod duties. You were not a Mod then, of course. But the other Mods really caught the ire of their then fellow Mod. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
And CryptKicker ain't a mod no more. Ironic if he did indeed ban you for excessive RTM usage. I will have to go look that one up for curiosity sake.

Regardless of mods doing or not doing their duties, you still are getting worked up over some random morons. Sorry my friend, that is a you issue. That's all I am trying to say. FWIW, I consider you a valuable resource for no bullshit information. Many do. Let the Trolls troll. Your decision my friend.
Boltfan's Avatar
Negative Ghostrider. You know, I have no idea who you are or what you are. I am choosing to speak to Chung who I value as a member. Not as staff, as a former and sometimes visiting Dallas monger.

You don't see behind the curtain. Call it whatever you like. But to be certain, you don't know me either and don't know my motives.
CryptKicker's Avatar
I got banned for ''excess RTMs'' about this guy, in January 2021. No joke.. Cryptkicker to be exact. He literally tired of my RTM's, and banned me to shut me up. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
It amazes me how you can complain about someone lying when right here you are telling a bald faced lie. I have never and would never have banned someone for excess RTMs. That is not a infraction. I have backed you many time CT on the issues in this forum. Don't drag me into your shit show now that I'm no longer a moderator.
Bonferroni's Avatar
Trolling is not against the site rules. Lying is not against the site rules. Responding gives them power. Just sayin man. Multiple handles is against the site rules. I hope you have the power to RTM and move on. The additional clicks, etc. are because there is engagement. Don't engage. AG is a pretty fair dude. If you don't agree with points RTM the warning or points and his peers can review and comment if needed.

But the best situation is to simply ignore. Don't become one of those whiney babies from the political forum.

Don't know what else to say. Those that matter don't care when the Trolls make stupid statements. We just roll our eyes and laugh when cartoon characters post their rant of the day and RTM little perceived slights.

Don't have an aneurysm over Trolls. Originally Posted by Boltfan
Excellent advice Boltfan!

Bantering with the rather nefarious folks on this site not only encourages them but can also do some damage to you (points and bans).
Admiral Giggle's Avatar
Alot of useless advice here. I remeber when we could not get a mod or anyone on the board when that person posed pictures of the vehicles in front of Blue.

AG is not fair, nothing tells me any different. He has stalked me to other boards and outed me there and post the similar things here but fails to admit that he allowed his buddies to roam free and to create havoc.... Thats bad juju. he lives throught these 2 same guys that he knows to stir up the shit. in the end, he hides.

Chung is right!!! Peterbola and Vadc are on first name basis with AG. Thats documented in a post by AG. Damage control is not working and it falls on my deaf ears. Originally Posted by Ghostrider
Look Boy, you really should get your facts straight when you say I stalked and outed you.

Stalking and outing are not what happened. But, since you want to go down that road.

As for being on first name basis with a few people, yes, I a on first name basis with over 100 people from here and OH2, who cares?

Admin banned you, Ghostrider, in March of 2021 for creating the following handles which wrote fake reviews to promote K-Fest and the New Lovely Angels. The same fake handles were used on OH2 to write the same fake reviews to promote them too. So any reviews under these handles you know are bad.

Guys had bad experiences with some of the girls who they saw based on YOUR fake glowing reviews. I called you out and you didn't like it because it affected your bottom line to promote and sell the agency.

A few of the guys sent me PMs telling me you were threatening them for writing the bad reviews. You also chose to send me a few colorful emails too.

on OH2 you cried to CK and Mokoa and I guess was treated like the girls over there and I had an infraction for hijacking the fake reviews of the guys who had bad experiences. I wear it still like a badge of honor.

Exposing your fake handles on that site was not outing or stalking. It was helping the guys not lose their hard earned money due to fake reviews.

John Dutton

And now we have a slew of handles that have been banned again.

So before you go saying I stalked and outed, you should untwist your panties and get the facts straight.
B.Wayne's Avatar
MIKE DROP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
B.Wayne's Avatar
that explains why he never promoted lovely angels. screw that guy. him being gone from La is better. Hes not good at what he does. looking at you kfest. issues happening over there? whats the common denominator? hmmmmm?
Chung Tran's Avatar
Don't drag me into your shit show now that I'm no longer a moderator. Originally Posted by CryptKicker
Glad to see you showed up in this thread.

We now have 4 Mods (ok, one EX Mod) that have posted. You all need to take grievances more seriously. At least you're iin here to hopefully listen.

Of course the Official ban reason was not for excess RTM's. But those contributed to your frankly rash and unjustified reason for banning me. You used the term that I was ''crying Wolf'' about vadc (whichever handle he was using in January, 2021). That tells me you were annoyed, and attempted to take the easiest direction out. I also blasted the Website openly at that time, for dragging its feet, and allowing the vadc character to completely hijack the threads. That is not a violation, but reasonable people could put that with your ''crying wolf'' commentary, and conclude that you wanted away from the heat.

Thing is, like every time before and since, I was RIGHT. And have been proven so. The vadc character itself eventually admits it.

Why don't you guys (and girl) simply try to do more to stifle this character, instead of just saying ''let his comments be water off a Duck's back''? Do you want a single Troll Liar controlling the Website?

Why is it 4 Mods (ok, one is an Ex) have posted in this thread AFTER the bad actor (the OP) claims to have retired? I'm glad you are here, finally, to listen. But where were you for 4 years?
pmdelites's Avatar
hmmmm, talking about jumping track !!!

i thought this thread was about "Things you should know about Korean agencies PIMPs".

oh, i get it now... :^}
B.Wayne's Avatar
oooohhhh,,, i see what happened there.
Grace Preston's Avatar

Why don't you guys (and girl) simply try to do more to stifle this character, instead of just saying ''let his comments be water off a Duck's back''? Do you want a single Troll Liar controlling the Website?

Why is it 4 Mods (ok, one is an Ex) have posted in this thread AFTER the bad actor (the OP) claims to have retired? I'm glad you are here, finally, to listen. But where were you for 4 years? Originally Posted by Chung Tran

1. I've been a mod now for less than 6 months

2. As a female mod, I moderate the ladies only sections of the board. In addition-- if I see ad violations in the wild, I act on them as I'm typically online more than the guys. I'm also allowed to act if there is a serious nuclear violation. Continual turf wars between parties who ALL have numerous handles do not fall under that heading.

"Try to do more"... careful what you wish for. People really need to learn to walk away when they're ahead.
Admiral Giggle's Avatar
"Try to do more"... careful what you wish for. People really need to learn to walk away when they're ahead. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
They don’t walk away, and that’s why the main players in the Dallas AMp/Studio forum who always scream the loudest all see that the staff are watching them. Not quite stalking, but watching with interest. They wished it, they got it.
Chung Tran's Avatar

"Try to do more"... careful what you wish for. People really need to learn to walk away when they're ahead. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Not sure what that's supposed to mean. If you're insinuating I am one who is involved in turf wars, with multiple handles, you are 100% incorrect. I believe that is much of the reasons Mods have not responded.. You (not you, per se, since I'm going back 4 years) assume that because vadc has posted it regularly, that it is true.

The facts are that out of the past 2 years, I have been banned half the time. Did I wish it? No. Did I give a real rat's ass? No. This Website has lost many members the past 4 years, for uncontrollable, unfortunate reasons. vadc is simply one more problem.

Since you clearly believe I have many handles, as alleged, let me ask you and the other Mods to name them. You can't. I have had this one handle (and avatar) exclusively for 9 years. How do I manage to post so fucking much with this handle, while juggling others? Serious question. I have asked it before, nobody responds. vadc never has, truth fucks with his bullshit narrative.