So Looks Like BRET KAVANAUGH May Have Raped A Girl In High School

gfejunkie's Avatar
Even the FBI sees it for what it is. Not going to investigate.

Pretty pathetic attempt at a smear campaign. Can't believe this is really the way Feinstein wants to go out. Really beneath the dignity of a Senator.
Kinda like the moon landing?

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Kinda, but this case doesn't even have video. Just a bunch of air heads making shit up.

Why are yall hijacking my thread? ;-) Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

OK, I won't do that. This is the SECOND thread you started within a 24-hour period on the (forlorn) hope that Kavanaugh won't be confirmed. Could you please point to a reason that posting this in your other thread would not have attracted enough attention to suit you? If so, I'd love to hear it!

You seem to pretty amped-up about this issue. Has it not sunk in on you yet that you're virtually certain to be disappointed?

The desperate senator seems not to realize what a fool she's making of herself, and that this ridiculous spectacle is more likely to redound to the benefit of Republicans than to benefit her side's campaign to even the slightest degree.
LexusLover's Avatar
If Diane Feinstein had a ounce of credibility and dignity, left, she just lost it. Originally Posted by Jackie S
She lost it a long time ago.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
OK, I won't do that. This is the SECOND thread you started within a 24-hour period on the (forlorn) hope that Kavanaugh won't be confirmed. Could you please point to a reason that posting this in your other thread would not have attracted enough attention to suit you? If so, I'd love to hear it!

You seem to pretty amped-up about this issue. Has it not sunk in on you yet that you're virtually certain to be disappointed?

The desperate senator seems not to realize what a fool she's making of herself, and that this ridiculous spectacle is more likely to redound to the benefit of Republicans than to benefit her side's campaign to even the slightest degree. Originally Posted by Ex-CEO

I'm not amped at all. You folks always get the wrong impression of expression and misunderstand why I'm here.

Again with this revelation Murkowski and Collins have all the reasonable doubt they need to vote no which should be enough to derail the pick. That's all we needed to do was convince enough Republicans he's no good and this gets us closer to that realization. On to the Victory my good friend. Smoke a stoogie
gfejunkie's Avatar
You would be doing yourself a favor by listening to this talking corpse...

It's all just a shit show of the worst kind and everybody knows it.
Hopefully this is enough for Murkowski and Collins to vote no. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
They would be foolish to sway their vote based on the imaginations of a bunch of screwed up liberals.

I'm not amped at all. You folks always get the wrong impression of expression and misunderstand why I'm here.

Again with this revelation Murkowski and Collins have all the reasonable doubt they need to vote no which should be enough to derail the pick. That's all we needed to do was convince enough Republicans he's no good and this gets us closer to that realization. On to the Victory my good friend. Smoke a stoogie Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

Reasonable doubt? About what?

Surely you're just funnin' with us. Please tell us that you don't actually believe this BS!
lustylad's Avatar
Why are yall hijacking my thread? ;-) Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Nobody is hijacking. We're just pointing out you have violated one of eccie's nuclear rules by discussing (forbidden topic). Other threads like this one have been closed by the mods and resulted in points being issued to the OP.

You folks always get the wrong impression of expression and misunderstand why I'm here. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Ya thinks? Tell us then, in your own words... why are you here?
LexusLover's Avatar
Reasonable doubt? About what? Originally Posted by Ex-CEO
"Again with this revelation Murkowski and Collins have all the reasonable doubt they need to vote no which should be enough to derail the pick."

A reasonable doubt exists when a factfinder cannot say with moral certainty that a person is guilty or a particular fact exists. It must be more than an imaginary doubt, and it is often defined judicially as such doubt as would cause a reasonable person to hesitate before acting in a matter of importance.
all persons are presumed to be innocent and no person may be convicted of an offense unless each element of the offense is proved beyond a reasonable doubt —Texas Penal Code
.. even Republicans and the Judges they nominate to a higher bench.
lustylad's Avatar
You Can’t Bribe Susan Collins

A crowdfunding campaign threatens the Senator on Kavanaugh.

By The Editorial Board
Sept. 11, 2018 7:11 p.m. ET

After the undignified theatrics at Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearings last week, it was hard to imagine that the opposition to this competent Supreme Court nominee could get any more embarrassing. Well, how about a campaign to trade a Senator’s vote for political donations?

A crowdfunding website is trying to strong-arm Senator Susan Collins, the Republican from Maine, by giving more than $1 million to her 2020 opponent—unless she opposes Judge Kavanaugh. Donors are asked to make a financial pledge and then enter their credit-card information. As of Tuesday afternoon, 37,425 people had put down $1,041,878.

The fine print makes clear the quid pro quo: “Your card will only be charged if Senator Susan Collins votes for Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court.” To avoid the money bomb, all Ms. Collins must do is vote “no.”

It isn’t clear this is even legal. We’re all for citizens exercising their free-speech rights, including campaign donations, for or against political candidates. But federal law defines the crime of bribery as “corruptly” offering “anything of value” to a public official, including a Member of Congress, with the intent to “influence any official act.” The crowdfunders in this case are offering something of value—withholding funds from her opponent—in return for a Supreme Court confirmation vote.

“I have had three attorneys tell me that they think it is a clear violation of the federal law on bribery,” Ms. Collins says. “Actually, two told me that; one told me it’s extortion.”

She adds that her office hasn’t “made any kind of decision” about whether to refer the matter to prosecutors. But her astonishment at the strategy is clear: “It’s offensive. It’s of questionable legality. And it is extraordinary to me that people would want to participate in trying to essentially buy a Senator’s vote.”

Another pressure tactic, one Ms. Collins says she finds “incredibly offensive,” is “the out-of-state voicemails being left on the answering machines of my state offices.” Many of the messages are profane. “In one case—and we are going to turn this over to the police, but unfortunately, of course, the person didn’t leave a name or number—but they actually threatened to rape one of my young female staffers.”

The Senator’s office also has been receiving coat hangers in the mail, a grisly attempt to insinuate that a Justice Kavanaugh would restrict abortion rights. About 3,000 have arrived so far. “I am pleased to say,” Ms. Collins says with a small chuckle, “we had a group that has a thrift shop that helps low-income women ask us for 300 of the hangers. So at least 300 of them have gone to a very good cause.”

Even diehard opponents of Judge Kavanaugh must recognize the unseemly nature of this bid to intimidate a U.S. Senator. Not that it will work. “I’m going to do what I think is right,” Ms. Collins says. “I am going to cast my vote—as I have done on all of the other Supreme Court nominees that I’ve been called upon to consider—based on his qualifications, his character and integrity, judicial temperament, his record, and his respect for the rule of law and fidelity to the Constitution.”

Some two-thirds of Maine voters supported Ms. Collins in her last election, so opponents will have their work cut out in 2020. Meanwhile, the next time progressives complain about the menace of money in politics, remind them of their failure to object to the crowdfunding bribe offered to Senator Collins.
lustylad's Avatar
A Late Hit on Kavanaugh

A bad confirmation gets worse for Sen. Dianne Feinstein.

By The Editorial Board
Sept. 13, 2018 7:31 p.m. ET

The Senate Judiciary Committee is aiming to vote on Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination next week, so get ready for the late hits and last-ditch smears. The latest came Thursday when ranking committee Democrat Dianne Feinstein announced that she has “information”...

Of course she does. Some Democrat was bound to have something. Mr. Kavanaugh had come through his confirmation hearing last week without a dent, and Democrats had made themselves look bad by editing his quotes and spreading innuendo unrelated to his judicial views. Meanwhile, the political left is demanding that Democrats do something, anything, to stop the highly qualified jurist from joining the High Court.

Enter DiFi. “I have received information from an individual concerning the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court,” Ms. Feinstein said in a statement. “That individual strongly requested confidentiality, declined to come forward or press the matter further, and I have honored that decision. I have, however, referred the matter to federal investigative authorities.”

Ms. Feinstein offered no details, and Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley said Thursday that she didn’t share the information with him. News reports say the information refers to a letter from a woman concerning possible sexual misconduct when she and Mr. Kavanaugh were both in high school. That would have been sometime in the early 1980s.

News reports also say that Ms. Feinstein has had the letter since the summer, and that it was first sent to the office of Rep. Anna Eshoo, a Democrat from Silicon Valley. But if the “information” is worrying enough to send to the FBI, why did Sen. Feinstein wait so long? She didn’t bring it up during the summer in the run-up to the hearings, didn’t mention it when she met with Judge Kavanaugh, and didn’t think it was important enough to tell her colleagues.

The charitable explanation is that she didn’t think the information was credible enough to warrant investigation, but that now under pressure from her colleagues she felt obliged to surface it. In the current #MeToo frenzy, Democrats may think the story will scare Republican Senators when nothing else has.

Look for Mr. Kavanaugh’s opponents to say that, while they don’t know if the information is true, Mr. Grassley must delay a vote until the FBI can investigate an episode that may or may not have happened between two teenagers nearly 40 years ago. Yet the FBI has already investigated Mr. Kavanaugh many times over his 25 years in government, including for jobs in which he handled important secrets. The FBI said Thursday it has not opened a criminal probe in the case but has put the letter into Mr. Kavanaugh’s background file.

So here’s what we have: A story floated at the last minute about an accusation whose details are unknown from a woman whose identity is secret. The episode says more about the desperation of Democrats than it does about Mr. Kavanaugh, and the real disgrace would be if Republicans did anything other than move promptly to a confirmation vote.
LexusLover's Avatar
The episode says more about the desperation of Democrats than it does about Mr. Kavanaugh, and the real disgrace would be if Republicans did anything other than move promptly to a confirmation vote.
Actually this disgusting display of spurious gossip is exactly why it is imperative that Judges like Kavanaugh should be appointed and approved to assure that the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of the U.S. Constitution are faithly protected and enforced on government.
Actually this disgusting display of spurious gossip is exactly why it is imperative that Judges like Kavanaugh should be appointed and approved to assure that the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of the U.S. Constitution are faithly protected and enforced on government. Originally Posted by LexusLover

I think we should all take a moment to read this. Twice.

Great word.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Actually this disgusting display of spurious gossip is exactly why it is imperative that Judges like Kavanaugh should be appointed and approved to assure that the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of the U.S. Constitution are faithly protected and enforced on government. Originally Posted by LexusLover
If you really think about it. Judges should be elected and not appointed. In this case Cavanagh is highly likely guilty of attempted rape. It seems to me that in this me too movement climate that Republicans think all Dems are guilty and all Republicans are innocent when in fact 99% of the allegations are proving to be true. In light of the fact Republicans in Congress are going out of their way to conceal and hide Kavanaughs records and considering he's lied under oath to Congress on multiple occasions i have no choice but to reasonably conclude he's guilty as fuck. He did that shit. Republicans support all kinds of sexual predators and rapists