---- GUESS i SHOULD say.... ...... ... .... . .

I will apologize if there is some kind of "pain" this lady is going through.
But for someone who doesn't know her reading this post I would have no idea if she was being serious ,drunk or whatever. So I did not see pain but another user who went off on a rant.
From the parts I could gleen from it , she seemed to be poking fun at some things and just totally off the wall on others.
So instead of calling people bullies maybe you should be sure it is warranted.
Then again the person calling people bullies is a new user who's first thread was considered by many to be the work of a troll.
Anyone that knows me, cando and many of the others accused of bullying knows the complete opposite is true .
This post just caught everyone on this site off guard. As I said I have no knowledge of this persons history or past postings .
It isn't the first time someone has posted some type of gibberish that the rest of us can just say "what?"to.
So what she seems alittle off, aren't we all, so instead of stomping all over her, just leave her alone in her bubble.

And pass her some cigarettes. Now the cigarette part I can relate to, its touch and go moments, when I do not have one.....I think Jules may lock me in the closet in a few minutes.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
lol yea get in the closet bish!
CenterLock's Avatar
Wow. Two "top" lists in one week - both ends of the spectrum, too.

Pain? I don't see "pain". I see rant. Every rant has a cause - some plausible, some not. What got me on this one was "where did this come from"?

Someone said "chat" was a possibility. From what I've read (never seen it, so I don't know), I'd say "okay" to that.


That's a lot like walking into a room full of strangers and blowing up at everyone because of what happened that morning at home. WTF?

If it had started (as most rants do around here) with "Alright you fucks - In chat X was said by Y, Z, and the cop at the donut shop", I'd have been cool with letting it be (as I do most rants). This one didn't. Apparently we were supposed to just know.

I have my coffee. I have my smokes. I just assumed everyone else did, too. (All I didn't have was popcorn. Stupid me.)
Will you pass some coffee to go with my smokes.....lol
Torito's Avatar
I am not at all certain what the original post was about. The remainder of the thread has been about nothing, going nowhere.

Our troll is walking right on the edge.

We're done here.
