I didnt know I was a rapist and a stalker

Wow. Wtf...If there is a such a thing as eccie pals, I would say Butch is one of them. We're always gunning for the same girls it seems and providers have told me he's a great client. Not that I tried to inquire about you Butch. You just crack my shit up so I've asked a few if you were a funny guy..I doubt they would lie to me.
Ghostrider's Avatar
Chung ...Amazing.....Butch....hang in there and forget about this shit....You have guided me to more strange than I really would admit to....
justjackie's Avatar
okay, I know this is getting confusing, but that was my good dick. NicholasLinear had it first, he disabled his account, then attempted to transfer his dick to Butch, who refused to take it.. something about multiple IP's.. or multiple shots on goal.. I don't remember now, but I took the dick, and I only whip it out when I see the hottest Providers, such as yourself.. if Butch sees you again, I will transfer the dick to his name, where it should have been in the first place.

by the way, is it rape if you use someone else's dick? Originally Posted by Chung Tran

Lmao!!!! You did a great job confusing me, lol!!

On another note.... Butch, my feelings are hurt that you didn't try to recruit me! Makes me feel not good enough and UNWANTED! I'm gonna go cry in the corner lol!
Ahh.. y'all mofos and your cliques.. smdh.

Aren't bitches supposed to be the most catty? Get a few of you guys around some fresh new ass and you lose your fucking minds. Originally Posted by ~Ze~
Gawd, I adore you. You speak plain speak.