Claire She Blows and PlainVanillaATX

THESE ARE HUMAN BEINGS. Leave people the fuck alone!!!!!!!!!
You had asked me how much work? How about leave for a while until you figure out how to entertain yourself without fucking with people's lives?! How bout that?
Whispers's Avatar
Have you no shred of human decency for anyone?

Me? I'm not the one on a social media site bragging about calling a client's married husband intent on making sure he can't have his wife and kids... That would be your friend right? Where is the decency in that action?

My posts and comments are here, on a Information site and presented in that fashion.... There is nothing personal about it....

I don't think you do. Nope. I think you are a sociopathic narcissistic evil man that gets his jollies off fucking with people and bullying women online, because you are a miserable fuck. You are fucking text book case. But what do I know?

What would you know about what? Outing people? Contacting wives? Trying to drive a wedge between a married man and his family? I have no clue.... You lost me with the rant...

but as I recall..... It IS something I believe you have some experience with right?

I'm just a dumb whore?! Why don't you admit, while you are outting people's info, that the dude that was in that room with Claire that night was YOUR GOOD FRIEND.

My good friend? Nope. Had only met him one time before that night and never really interacted with him in any manner including that night......

You CAN'T be objective even if you didn't hate her before.

Hate her? Hate is a strong word and implies way too much emotional energy for someone I don't know that well....She and you and others tend to spin lies, fabricate stories and attack people personally with your made up shit..... Exactly what have I posted here about Claire and what she has done to PlainVanilla is not accurate?

You seriously are the king of misery here. You make me sick sometimes.

Go ahead get me banned, out my information, bully me, fuck with personal life, whatever the fuck you gonna do... It was worth getting to say that. You are out of control lately. Originally Posted by The Infamous One

Me? Out of control? Nope....

You seem a bit excited though...

In what way have I outed someone?

Somewhere on some social media website a whore is posting pictures of herself with a married man and telling the world about the time they spent together to try to get his wife to dump him?

If she gets outed it will be because of one of the three different ladies or 2 guys that are passing around the screenshots because THEY hate her for whatever it is she did to them....
Whispers's Avatar
You had asked me how much work? How about leave for a while until you figure out how to entertain yourself without fucking with people's lives?! How bout that? Originally Posted by The Infamous One

True or False..... Claire has publicly posts that she called a member of this board's wife to tell her of his time with her along with a her reasoning for trying to insure he can't salvage his relationship with her?

What is fucking with people's lives? A whore that does that to a client that is a member of this board? Or someone that shares that information so that people considering seeing her can be aware of the risks involved in doing so?

Maybe you missed the part where Claire stated nothing negative comes from these posts... They just increase her business....
I need some midol, a week off and some icecream. Thank you for the pm. I apologize. Sorry to add more drama to this thread too. I'm better than this to act like such a spazz anymore. We all know I'm a lil hot headed, but I'm outta control too. Sorry y'all... All of you in this thread.
Still Looking's Avatar
As Steve Harvey would say... "not me" this time! :

  • sydmo
  • 05-21-2017, 08:21 AM
"Yeah? What did your mommy and daddy suggest you call the prostitutes when you were paying them to fuck you? How would they refer to them today if they knew?"

Mr. Whispers, my Mother and Father passed away long ago, however, if they were here today I am positive they would not approve of me using the term "whore" in regards to any Lady, including a prostitute. It's just who they were and who I am as well. I do feel sorry for you, you either weren't taught common decency and respect for others, or, somewhere along the way of your life you lost the ability to display it. Either way, my sympathies to you friend. And please understand, I've been burned by the Ladies a few times, it's part of the game we all play, I just choose to let it go and move on. Hope we can have a beer one day sir. Same to all you other Ladies and gentlemen. A cold beer, a pretty Lady and $300 can fix almost anything
FirePhoenix's Avatar
FirePhoenix's Avatar
The term "whore" was actually never meant to used as it's used in America today. In fact the definition of the word still isn't being used correctly and being highly misinterpreted for the sake of of some misogynistic attitudes.

True or False..... Claire has publicly posts that she called a member of this board's wife to tell her of his time with her along with a her reasoning for trying to insure he can't salvage his relationship with her?

What is fucking with people's lives? A whore that does that to a client that is a member of this board? Or someone that shares that information so that people considering seeing her can be aware of the risks involved in doing so?

Maybe you missed the part where Claire stated nothing negative comes from these posts... They just increase her business....
Originally Posted by Whispers
True or False: did I publicly post anything related to the hobby? Did I tell my BOYFRIEND'S wife about this godforsaken website? Did I post his handle? Did I tell her that he's seen multiple prostitutes? Did I post their handles/hobby names? Did I tell her that I was a hooker? Did I tell her that's how he and I met? Did I tell her that we hired other hookers and had a threesome for his last two birthdays? Did I tell her that we had other threesomes just because, and even had a foursome once? Did I tell her that I hired two hookers to surprise him at my house while I was out of town?

The simple truth is that a man and a woman broke up, and the hurt woman who had been lied to for two years, the hurt woman who had found a lump in her breast and whose boyfriend broke up with her because of it, told another woman the truth. She posted the realities of a relationship without ever touching on the subject of the hobby. This breakup and all of the facts posted had zero to do with the hobby or this goddam board.

This is my PERSONAL LIFE that you're posting about on this board. Cease and desist.
True or False: did I publicly post anything related to the hobby? Did I tell my BOYFRIEND'S wife about this godforsaken website? Did I post his handle? Did I tell her that he's seen multiple prostitutes? Did I post their handles/hobby names? Did I tell her that I was a hooker? Did I tell her that's how he and I met? Did I tell her that we hired other hookers and had a threesome for his last two birthdays? Did I tell her that we had other threesomes just because, and even had a foursome once? Did I tell her that I hired two hookers to surprise him at my house while I was out of town?

The simple truth is that a man and a woman broke up, and the hurt woman who had been lied to for two years, the hurt woman who had found a lump in her breast and whose boyfriend broke up with her because of it, told another woman the truth. She posted the realities of a relationship without ever touching on the subject of the hobby. This breakup and all of the facts posted had zero to do with the hobby or this goddam board.

This is my PERSONAL LIFE that you're posting about on this board. Cease and desist. Originally Posted by Claire She Blows
He's nothing but a self loathing fat slob who crosses the line(s) here incessantly and the mods let him do it.
I mean,dragging your RW bidness on here?!
It's none of his business.
His only currency is petty gossip.
Not many would feel sorry for him if people started dumping his personal life to and fro.
Whispers's Avatar
The simple truth is that a man and a woman broke up, and the hurt woman who had been lied to for two years, the hurt woman who had found a lump in her breast and whose boyfriend broke up with her because of it, told another woman the truth.

Did she ask for the truth? What was the reasoning again? Why don't you share it so all can know what type of evil person you are? He broke up with you because you have a lump in your breast? That's cold. Sorry to hear that Claire but I doubt that is the reason..... He's been trying to leave you and the craziness that surrounds you for a long time.

There was a phone call from you to her right? That's telling her.... That, in and of itself, is wrong. No one else would know.... But your social media posts and pictures? WOW! What was your reasoning?

If he doesn't want YOU he isn't going to have anyone?

I posted the realities of a relationship without ever touching on the subject of the hobby. This breakup and all of the facts posted had zero to do with the hobby or this goddam board.

This is my PERSONAL LIFE that you're posting about on this board. Cease and desist. Originally Posted by Claire She Blows

He was a client you met here on the board and you admitted in your rants that he gave you money every month. That seems to be the consensus around here of a P4P relationship.

Yours and his story is an example of how horribly wrong it can be for a client to get involved with a whore. That is a very current topic these days unfortnately

What you have done, are doing, hurts a woman who's only crime is being better than you and a child that knows nothing of these types of issues.

Whores never understand how they will never win when the other woman is not a whore.

Hell... You couldn't even keep him from the other whores right?

How can you possibly believe that it is NOT outing to do what you have done? Or that it does not deserve to be discussed here so that every guy that considers seeing you can understand the risk that comes at the time he decides to move on?

Your Social Media feeds are obviously something you share with others in this community..... I know of 5 different people that were emailing and texting the links and screenshots to others....

I certainly never knew anything about it but after your rape thread and my response it was sent to me and then I understood you recent outburst and need for attention.... You not getting what you want from him trying to blow up his personal life and are looking for sympathy wherever you can get it....

Show some decency and remove the posts. You've done your damage...
Whispers's Avatar
It's none of his business. Originally Posted by Observing
I'm sorry lady but when one of you whores feels it is OK to contact a clients wife and to publicly post pictures of the two of you together and put his life on blast it's information that other's here might appreciate having prior to booking an appointment.
Whispers's Avatar
The simple truth is that a man and a woman broke up, and the hurt woman who had been lied to for two years, the hurt woman who had found a lump in her breast and whose boyfriend broke up with her because of it, told another woman the truth.

She posted the realities of a relationship without ever touching on the subject of the hobby. This breakup and all of the facts posted had zero to do with the hobby or this goddam board. Originally Posted by Claire She Blows
Whore meets John.

Whore Calls John's wife and tells her "I've been fucking your husband. Here are pictures to prove it"

You want us to believe that is not outing because in doing so you do not mention you were a whore?

You want to believe that not a single other guy here would not want to know the possibility of this happening when making a decision to see you?
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Whimpy, can you at least use the term "whore " in correct terminology? You also lose more creditablity when you go after Claire on this subject. Try to read everything objectively as an outsider looking in, then examen how you would about the person named "whispers". This will probably be ignored advice, but at least it was given.