The Debate Change any minds?

ICU 812's Avatar

It is my belief that President Biden has made few, if any, real policy decisions since being sworn in in 2020.
texassapper's Avatar
It would be impossible to say that those decisions were incorrect due to his mental acuity. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
LOL... so yeah, you believed the propaganda outlets.

Just say so.

"I believe what the government is telling the people because the government would never lie to me."
Precious_b's Avatar
The lesser of 2 evils. Just like 2016. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
And just like 2016, neither of the evils is fun

The debate has shone that one mind has changed . . .and it was President Biden's.

Did CNN Deep-Fake that?
Originally Posted by ICU 812
OMG! Are you saying the CNN intentionally made him look like a goober and he is going to, like Winnie says, have Dark Brandon show up and mop up the stage with donnys cheap hairdo?