The Highest Form Of Flattery?

You can teach Edward to sass all you want but he won't beat my dog. Originally Posted by Ansley
Is that a dog??? I thought you were posting a picture of your favorite local squirrel lol
That statement is so true! My sister has a really high IQ and will never let a person forget. I want to scream so what, you couldn't find your way out of a brown paper bag. Originally Posted by Ansley
My sister is that way, too. Smart attorney (is that an oxymoron?) but no common sense or street smarts.
Is that a dog??? I thought you were posting a picture of your favorite local squirrel lol Originally Posted by Becky
I haven't said this in a long time...
Bite Me!
I haven't said this in a long time...
Bite Me!
Originally Posted by Ansley
lol, now I would say it back , but I am not sure that the squirrel/dog has any teeth in his mouth
Sorry, The T&T marathon has turned me into a cruel bitter stage mom, and I do not even have any children:d isgust1:
Okay fine you be that way. (sniff sniff) Ole Edward's sassy walk down that runway will be foiled with tape stuck to the bottom of his paw. How graceful will he look then? ha
Sorry, The T&T marathon has turned me into a cruel bitter stage mom, and I do not even have any children:d isgust1: Originally Posted by Becky
Okay, you're officially banned from watching TLC.
OneHotMale's Avatar
Is that a dog??? I thought you were posting a picture of your favorite local squirrel lol Originally Posted by Becky

LMAO!!!!!!! Damn Ansley I did not realize that you were the proud owner of a ball of fur lap dog. Heck my dogs would have fun with that ball of fur.
ed_mustafa's Avatar
This is more fun than my local Schutzhund club!
Edward knows how to sparkle with , or without his sassy walk.

Did you start to wonder about your dog??? when he preferred nuts to kibble.Hey I know this real cool dog who needs a new home. Are you possibly interested??? He is black, and white and has very cool bark.
Okay, you're officially banned from watching TLC. Originally Posted by SR Only
Take away TLC, and I will just find my Toddlers and tiaras on on demand

LMAO!!!!!!! Damn Ansley I did not realize that you were the proud owner of a ball of fur lap dog. Heck my dogs would have fun with that ball of fur. Originally Posted by OneHotMale
We must try to be kind here. Poor Ansley has just discovered that her beloved dog of many years is actually a squirrel.
DG, don't even bring up a Guppy.
OneHotMale's Avatar
Take away TLC, and I will just find my Toddlers and tiaras on on demand

We must try to be kind here. Poor Ansley has just discovered that her beloved dog of many years is actually a squirrel. Originally Posted by Becky

Dang Becky you are certainly on a roll. Any particular variety of tree rodent that is native to Ga.?
We must try to be kind here. Poor Ansley has just discovered that her beloved dog of many years is actually a squirrel. Originally Posted by Becky
Well I talked to Tannie and he is okay being a squirrel. He said that it was much better than being confused for
Dang Becky you are certainly on a roll. Any particular variety of tree rodent that is native to Ga.? Originally Posted by OneHotMale
Ummm I think you have contributed more than your share.