Ask a former "Pimp" anything

nzone's Avatar
  • nzone
  • 08-05-2011, 09:16 AM
If I cant take a few more questions because of the hypocrits and nay sayers then I'd like to say it was nice speaking with the few who held it together. I'll still be around reading and posting for the fun of it
notdeadyet's Avatar
I haven't a clue whether the guy is a troll, but at least he writes with some clarity and hasn't responded to inquiries with lots of sarcasm and rudeness -- until the post preceding this one )

A few comments/questions for the providers might be:

1. All one need do is read the reviews to know that some providers need a "manager", or someone who can write literate ads, keep a schedule, etc. Or so it seems to me. Is that correct?

2. What should a lady do if she doesn't have the skills or inclination to do her own ads, booking, etc? Or (an issue that's been raised a number of times on this board) she doesn't have the credit history or resources to rent an apt/condo?

3. If a new provider came to you and asked you to help with ads, schedules, etc., what, if anything, would you charge her?

In short, like most things, the managing business might not be as black-and-white (no racial implication should be read into that term) as we'd like to think.
nzone's Avatar
  • nzone
  • 08-05-2011, 09:21 AM
bwahahahaha my mental workload?????? wtf is that?? how freakin hard is it to post up ads, keep track of your schedule, screen your clients, and provide good service???

Also from what I have seen and heard a lot of pimped girls do not screen and take unnecessary risks to meet their pimps "quota"

Let me rephrase my question. What can a pimp do for me that is worth me giving up a red cent to him?? Im gonna need a better answer than "Its a matter of reducing your mental workload." Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
I was trying not to "give up the game" as you put it earlier but now you're biting pretty hard.
Its for the lazy girls or maybe the girls who just dont want to do all the outside work. Keeping up with ads, pictures, messages on sites, security(physical), picking a good location and booking it, making sure all the necessities are in order, driving to outcalls(good to have a driver/someone there). There's alot of detail in it but you get the idea(obviously)
Hobbyfun's Avatar
Since your a legitimate businessman now are you going to do the right thing and pay the girls back the money you stole from them our do you think they Ode it to you.
They were the ones working, you were just stealing from them because you were to LAZY to work at a real job.
nzone's Avatar
  • nzone
  • 08-05-2011, 09:30 AM
I haven't a clue whether the guy is a troll, but at least he writes with some clarity and hasn't responded to inquiries with lots of sarcasm and rudeness -- until the post preceding this one )

A few comments/questions for the providers might be:

1. All one need do is read the reviews to know that some providers need a "manager", or someone who can write literate ads, keep a schedule, etc. Or so it seems to me. Is that correct?

2. What should a lady do if she doesn't have the skills or inclination to do her own ads, booking, etc? Or (an issue that's been raised a number of times on this board) she doesn't have the credit history or resources to rent an apt/condo?

3. If a new provider came to you and asked you to help with ads, schedules, etc., what, if anything, would you charge her?

In short, like most things, the managing business might not be as black-and-white (no racial implication should be read into that term) as we'd like to think. Originally Posted by notdeadyet
1.I see where you're going and i follow but on the flip side, some of these girls are with illiterate, dumbfounded "managers" so whats the point. As mentioned before I consider myself to be business savvy and not in the sense of rapping, drugs or even escorting. Im a marketing man by nature. Advertising is my specialty along with just about anything computer related.

2. I have the resources to get a girl, with no real job history, into residential housing. Never was a problem.

3. not now I wouldnt. I work 3hrs a day doing what I LOVE and will be getting paid almost 6figures/yr
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
I was trying not to "give up the game" as you put it earlier but now you're biting pretty hard.
Its for the lazy girls or maybe the girls who just dont want to do all the outside work. Keeping up with ads, pictures, messages on sites, security(physical), picking a good location and booking it, making sure all the necessities are in order, driving to outcalls(good to have a driver/someone there). There's alot of detail in it but you get the idea(obviously) Originally Posted by nzone
sorry but im not sold... but to each its own.

3. not now I wouldnt. I work 3hrs a day doing what I LOVE and will be getting paid almost 6figures/yr Originally Posted by nzone
Oh Boy !!!
nzone's Avatar
  • nzone
  • 08-05-2011, 09:36 AM
Since your a legitimate businessman now are you going to do the right thing and pay the girls back the money you stole from them our do you think they Ode it to you.
They were the ones working, you were just stealing from them because you were to LAZY to work at a real job. Originally Posted by Hobbyfun
Normally I wouldnt respond to hypocritical comments but its funny how you just called SEX work. Most of the girls in the biz could get away from it if they WANTED to but have you ever thought that they're being LAZY and may like what they're doing?

People crack me up pointing the finger. You got 3 pointing back at you
sorry but im not sold... but to each its own. Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
wasnt trying to sell. you asked, twice
Lets try to hold back on the personal attacks. Been plenty of threads about pimps. So far, nzone has been respectfull and polite. Lets keep it that way

You seem somewhat legit and level headed on your answers. But I know from experience that most ladies are very difficult to organize and get together in this business. "Like trying to herd a bunch of cats" is the expression I once heard. The only thing I can think of is that some of these ladies who were working with you/for you were somewhat illiterate themselves and lacking real knowledge on how to run their business in the right way. Maybe some of them did not have transportation and you provided that to them so that makes it an easier sell as well. Being lazy? Well, maybe they didn't have access to computers or have the skills to go online and place ads etc. I really don't know. I am still trying to figure out how you really convince them to start working for you. Did you approach ladies who were street walking? Send emails to independent ladies?

I have been in this "thing of ours" for roughly 8-9 years maybe longer off and on, but I have never once met any lady who had a pimp so to speak with the exception of spa/salon owners and agency owners. I have met a couple of ladies who had life long boyfriends or actual husbands that helped them with setting up their online ads, and manage their financial affairs (so I guess that would be considered a pimp), although I never saw them as an actual pimp. Not that much different than being married and helping a spouse with their business and pooling monetary resources. Anyway, for someone so young you seem more mature than most your age.
LazurusLong's Avatar
Ok ill bite, What the hell could a pimp do for me that im not already successfully doing for myself already? Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar

Given that you had what really appeared to be the name of a pimp in large letters in pimp script on your tit that became that large cover up tat you got all the grief about down in Austin, why don't you explain/answer that for yourself?

Dannie has admitted she had a pimp many years ago so let's ask her what her pimp did that she cannot do for herself?

This photo was posted many times on review sites such as ASPD by Geniusman.

Edit to add. How can a photo that was posted all over this site and CL and Backpage AND credited properly to Jules be considered "stolen"? Someone might regret it was ever posted on the internet but stolen? Not hardly.

BTW, this photo WAS posted numerous times on ASPD when she first showed up and I have neither the time or inclination to go search ERAPS for the links.

OK, this is not on topic and seems more of a personal attack on Jules. Everyone stay on the OPs topic to avoid more points Bubba3452
absorbed's Avatar
Normally I wouldnt respond to hypocritical comments but its funny how you just called SEX work. Most of the girls in the biz could get away from it if they WANTED to but have you ever thought that they're being LAZY and may like what they're doing?

People crack me up pointing the finger. You got 3 pointing back at you

wasnt trying to sell. you asked, twice Originally Posted by nzone
Legit or not...I respect the OP's maintaining a cool an calm demeanor while a small team of passive aggressive posters try to make their presence known.

First, I don't think any hobbyist has the right to necessarily bad mouth a "pimp", "manager", whatever the preferred term is. I'm certain there are providers in the hobby for all the wrong reasons, have been taken advantage of, and victimized in all sorts of ways. However, without the demand there would be no supply. So, if you consider one of these individuals (the pimps) to somehow be lower on the "moral pole" than the hobbyist visiting with the same, victimized provider you are clearly a hypocrite. Unless of course you belong to the "Pretty Girl" club of hobbyists with a fantasy of saving some young gal from a life on the street. Give me an F'ing break.

Now I'm certainly not condoning any behavior by anyone that's harmful to others. Also, I'm a firm believer in an individual's right to do what they want with one's body, including our hobby. However, I also realize that I'm playing a part in something that does vicitimize a large number of women (including minors), and there's always potential to do more harm than good by visiting with a provider.

My point...some folks really need to get off their high horse. We are all involved in something considered by law to be criminal, and by most of society to be unethical, immoral, etc... I mean seriously, does anyone actually read half the reviews on here? I don't see how anyone has the right to talk smack about anyone else's moral compass on this entire board.

nzone's Avatar
  • nzone
  • 08-05-2011, 10:11 AM

You seem somewhat legit and level headed on your answers. But I know from experience that most ladies are very difficult to organize and get together in this business. "Like trying to herd a bunch of cats" is the expression I once heard. The only thing I can think of is that some of these ladies who were working with you/for you were somewhat illiterate themselves and lacking real knowledge on how to run their business in the right way. Maybe some of them did not have transportation and you provided that to them so that makes it an easier sell as well. Being lazy? Well, maybe they didn't have access to computers or have the skills to go online and place ads etc. I really don't know. I am still trying to figure out how you really convince them to start working for you. Did you approach ladies who were street walking? Send emails to independent ladies?

I have been in this "thing of ours" for roughly 8-9 years maybe longer off and on, but I have never once met any lady who had a pimp so to speak with the exception of spa/salon owners and agency owners. I have met a couple of ladies who had life long boyfriends or actual husbands that helped them with setting up their online ads, and manage their financial affairs (so I guess that would be considered a pimp), although I never saw them as an actual pimp. Not that much different than being married and helping a spouse with their business and pooling monetary resources. Anyway, for someone so young you seem more mature than most your age. Originally Posted by Guilty Pleasures
The best way I can put it, is that most people dream of having there own business but either arent aware of the time and dedication it takes to run a business or they simply dont want to deal with the stress. I only would sell ladies based on their pictures, because I'm also a photographer can work pretty well in photoshop CS3. An escorts pictures says alot about her current situation and based on that I can introduce or offer them to new ways of increasing their revenue. Not just ads online or reviews.

Thank you and I've been hearing that since I was 17,lol. Thanks again!
Guest091314's Avatar
WOW! I should have woke up earlier this morning....

I have fully admitted to when i first started in AL I had a "pimp"....that lasted for about a week. I would never endure that again.
Boltfan's Avatar
Since Cando isn't here I am taking notes...