Think for Yourself

rioseco's Avatar
I knew that analogy would tick someone off. What I'm trying to convey is that no group (in this case white Europeans, that is if you call Spaniards white) sit around thinking how they are going to take all the land from indigenous peoples anymore than someone goes out intent on running over a raccoon. It just happens over time. I'm also trying to say that this is not an American failing, this is a universal failing of mankind. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

I now understand and agree.
While it may be scarey to several here, again we are on the page.
Why is socialism such a dirty word? People don't take the time to research how things started in this country, but we had a somewhat socialized beginning as far as people banding together for the greater good. It morphed into something else and now it's every man and woman for themselves. It's sad. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Very good point. Many think socialism is communism. It is like comparing applies to oranges. Look up the definition of socialism. This type of government is concerned with providing equal rights and opportunity to the whole, not just a few people at the top. France and other European countries have a good model of true democracy, in my opinion. The government in France is afraid of the people, whereas in this country the people are afraid of the government. All this nonsense about spending billions "to protect our security" is just that. Any one with half a brain would see it's just an excuse for the military industrial complex to tax our system even more and force us to become slaves, in order to satisfy their ever ending greed, which will never be satisified.
Very good point. Many think socialism is communism. It is like comparing applies to oranges. Look up the definition of socialism. This type of government is concerned with providing equal rights and opportunity to the whole, not just a few people at the top. France and other European countries have a good model of true democracy, in my opinion. The government in France is afraid of the people, whereas in this country the people are afraid of the government. All this nonsense about spending billions "to protect our security" is just that. Any one with half a brain would see it's just an excuse for the military industrial complex to tax our system even more and force us to become slaves, in order to satisfy their ever ending greed, which will never be satisified. Originally Posted by SeekingTruth
Fucking Ocommiezombies...

There are varying degrees of socialism as this definition points out:

In many ways, it does encompass many issues involved in liberterian philosophy.

There are many shades of grey here, so it would take an open mind to carefully analyze what would benefit the majority of society, not just the multi-national corporations, military industrial complex, and the .01 percent of the country that owns over half the wealth in the world. I believe our government looks more and more like "fascism", and here is the defintion of that: This was Nazi Germany.

Here is another definition of all three types of government from the University of Idaho.