Thanks Houston =/

Yes, it is becoming a trend....1 time with being towed and actually breaking down it is a trend. Having the courtesy to call gets one bashed...yet lying is rewarded. Go figure. I hope others that wanted to make the mistake of seeing LD have chosen NOT to do this BS hasn't cost me any $$$ at all..and if her BS cost her one appt, I laugh my ass off....its too bad I never did what LD claimed, or I would say I am glad I did it.
Mojojo's Avatar
This thread isnt about you and LD so please both of yall take that to your pm boxes. Get back on track please about the NCNS subject.
Still Looking's Avatar
What’s this thread about? Lot of shooting from the 3 point line here! That being said, I heard that Viagra had a recall. Seems some funny guy switched the formula and the last batch in Houston was salt peter. Could account for some of the car problems. Or could be that Hobbyists here spend every last cent on their hobby and don't bother doing they're scheduled auto maintenance?!

Just saying.....
This thread isnt about you and LD so please both of yall take that to your pm boxes. Get back on track please about the NCNS subject. Originally Posted by mojojo213

Actually, it was you who brought it up! But of course you can do no wrong, so I guess I'll take the blame on bring it up and Ill drop it.
this guy is sick, and it was brought up because he wasted December Love's time just as he did mine.. don't worry h65, everything is not for everybody. For everyone who hates what I have to say sometime, there will be someone who loves it so it's no skin off my back. I don't lie about silly shit, like some dude NCNSing me... I only blasted you because you didn't even have the courtesy of responding until I started a thread about it. All is forgotten by me, I could care less because that was your loss, but I wouldn't be surprised if I hear your name come up with another booking and lame excuse of not showing.
I thought Mojo said to drop it? Or did he mean just me and not you?
Mojojo's Avatar
I said both. She's been warned.
LexusLover's Avatar
I have never understood why people think calling minutes before apt. to cancel makes everything good. Originally Posted by simpleton
My business depends on appointments and scheduling, so when I get no calls or last minute calls to cancel or "reschedule" I take that into consideration when I later get a call from the same person for an appointment or they ask for a "reschedule" .... at the last minute.

IMO to answer the question of "calling minutes before apt." ....

.. it is satisfy themselves that "they called" .... plain and simple.

It certainly isn't about respect for me and others who want to schedule.
Sorry I semi-abandoned the thread, was getting ready for my tour and simply didn't check back in.

I had one cancellation that I believe more than the others. It was a "make-up" appointment on my part and I have no reason to believe that the gent was just playing games, particularly given the deal I offered him.

Houston65-- I had more faith in you until a few things were brought to light (which, would not have happened had you not tried to make yourself look good in a thread that I didn't even mention any names in). And yes, you did call-- but you've gotta know that calling 8 minutes before the scheduled time is cursory at best.

The others, well I am fairly certain it was intentional. All booked via the same method, all scheduled prime times (my prime times are pre 9AM and the 11-2 lunch period), and all canceled due to "car troubles" within 30 minutes of each other.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
December that sounds like a setup...... Book, get you here, then cancel on purpose....

Complete BS in my opinion and I along with many others feel you should name everyone of them right here...
If they were Eccie guys, I would have already considered calling them to the carpet. They and others like them are why I've recently began my not taking appointments via email. From now on-- if you don't want to reveal a handle, you've got to have a P411 (unless we have met, of course).

The problem with calling them to the carpet though, is the fact that they DID all call and cancel, all with "ample notice". None of them were last minute cancels. Yeah-- car trouble a day in advance is fishy, but I cannot say that they called 15 minutes before time, as they didn't.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
You ladies ought to start requiring p411 & eccie handles...

why start a thread here on eccie if most if not all were not from here?
  • LynnT
  • 05-30-2011, 09:12 PM
Something was in the air there as I did not have such a good visit either.

Had great food and went to a great party though, still had some fun. Met some great people. I hope I get to enjoy some for a visit next time I come.
I totally agree with you December. I stayed off Kirby and 59 from Tuesday until today, and I had a lot of fake bookings.....I had my room paid for the week so I hung out and perservered and I ended up doing okay in the end but I do believe there was some BS going on out there and I can only guess as to who is perpetrating it...PM me if you ever feel like talking about it as I don't want to appear to be a paranoid weirdo in public. What happened to you really sucks. Most of my biz this past week, especially over the holiday weekend, ended up being late night biz. I had to wait it out to come through.

I also had three different clients get pulled over by the police in the past week and one got arrested. While I found it hard to believe, I didn't freak out about it because he was a repeat client and he brought me a $ 200 gift card plus my fee this past week when I saw him. They really all did get pulled over...murphy's law shoot.

As for 'Houston65', this is the kind of guy who will bail you out, pay your bills or come pick you up in the middle of nowhere if you have trouble. He did have car trouble. How do I know? My husband is his mechanic. He just bought a little used car and is working through some kinks it had he did have issues on more than one occasion, because Vinnie had to go out and rescue him. I can't defend him in regards to other situations in the past, but this I know. And before anyone goes and says some bullshit about a bad mechanic or a shitty car, get off your frikkin high horse. Some of us can afford jalopies and some can afford Mercedes. If you're the Mercedes, count your blessings and STFU about the jalopies. You get to be a Mercedes because of all us jalopies. My friendship with Houston65 precludes my membership here, and I know he is good people or I wouldn't send Vinnie out rescuing him off the highway.

There were 4 other guys who canceled on December and we're not crucifying them, so let's leave Houston65 alone too. He will have to deal with the natural consequences of having shitty cars and shitty computers without us blasting him to the frikkin moon.

I'm so sorry December that this happened to you. And I'm sorry Houston65 is having fits with his 'new' ride, too.

So are we going to find out who is giving Houston a bad rep with the cancellations.