richPrick asking for BBFS

Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 12-27-2014, 11:25 PM
ty moose knucle I have lots attention that's not great Originally Posted by sexy booty

Centaur's Avatar
ECCIE has a chat room? So it does. Is there not a way to RTM chat activity without posting useless non-alerts? you believe the officer in Ferguson was justified by laying vengeance on the man that tried to beat him up in the car....

Be careful how you word your statements lest someone twist your meaning. Originally Posted by Toyz
While the funding won't be enough to equip all police in America (especially the way the GSA, and the USG in general, wastes money), it does appear this might be the start of a real impetus to get cops to wear evidence cams. Anyone who follows the technology won't be surprised this is coming, but this the first push I've seen by any of our nation's top politicians or executives to move policing towards this sort of on-uniform evidence gathering.

Normally I'd expect state and local authorities to resist this to the bitter end whether over turf or merely because Obama suggested it, but if there's one thing local government likes doing, it's surveillance. If this program does get off the ground, I'll be closely following the legal framework and network security that develops to encompass it. Off the bat, my thoughts are LE should not have direct access to any secure storage layer or video file buffering. Uploads should be in real-time and automatic to a database under the auspices of the Courts. And each beat cop's camera should be secured by separate passwords and user accounts (registered only to officers of the courts), so a single hacked camera doesn't jeopardize the entire network. Cops are pack animals. Let the cameras keep track of each other so that if one camera is "broken" in the line of duty, the others are still keeping tabs.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 12-28-2014, 12:17 AM
ECCIE has a chat room? So it does. Is there not a way to RTM chat activity without posting useless non-alerts?

While the funding won't be enough to equip all police in America (especially the way the GSA, and the USG in general, wastes money),. Originally Posted by Centaur
No, not when we are paying millions for grand juries each time a criminal who just strong arm robbed a store minutes before being shot, of course we can't afford cameras! Not to mention the subsequent police necessity in the communities caused by vandals & robbers veiling themselves in the guise of "protesters".

But as always I have a solution! In the towns where they don't want police enforcement, simply disband the police force! Then in 3 months, send in hearses and teams to shout "Send out your dead"!! We'll save money, they don't have to worry about police brutality, and millions will be taken off the welfare roles!

Its a foolproof solution~

And while it might not be the safest thing out there, there are no eccie rules or statutes concerning BBFS. This "alert" (which backfired) was never an alert...
Centaur's Avatar
Call me crazy, but I have a little problem with summary judgement death sentences issued for unarmed robbery of $50 worth of cigars.

Maybe the disinfectant of sunlight (or camera footage) will shed a little light on these police shootings of minorities that have been and will continue to happen like clockwork. If the police we invest extraordinary power in to enforce the laws of the land are blameless, they should welcome the chance to be exonerated by an unbiased witness. We're always being told how we have nothing to fear if we have nothing to hide. Suddenly that doesn't cut both ways?

And maybe a little damning footage will result in a little less impunity in the use of excessive force. Maybe society will finally begin to appreciate the stupidity of militarizing what was originally supposed to be a civilian police force. Maybe we'll even see amelioration in our lifetimes of the rift dividing trenchant police and the resentful communities they're mandated to protect.

Or we could just not ask any questions when a black teen dies, because only white folks' lives are worth a grand jury hearing? Clearly the only options are completely unaccountable use of lethal force by police and total anarchy! #sarcasm

No, not when we are paying millions for grand juries each time... Originally Posted by Toyz
Source(s) please?

Not that I'm a fan of how grand juries are practiced...

Though, like police, I'm all for them in principle, and they are provided for in the Firth Amendment. Anyone remember that little piece of parchment, our Constitution?

And while it might not be the safest thing out there, there are no eccie rules or statutes concerning BBFS. This "alert" (which backfired) was never an alert... Originally Posted by Toyz
I was under the possibly mistaken impression it was strongly discouraged by the mods. But I stand corrected if there was nothing to RTM.
happybanana's Avatar
With the direction this thread has taken (not that I don't enjoy the cerebral banter you boys are engaging in), I agree with the OP on her request for closing it... And then I would love to see the current topic picked back up in political forum and watch you two go after it....��

Hero Zimmerman's Avatar
I wish we could post private messages. Sexybooty just sent me a couple hilarious incoherent ones....
sexy booty's Avatar
and if they seen me or not thay don't want to see your bs caomments about what you want to say or not and ztonk don't change the subject stay on post or subject
With the direction this thread has taken (not that I don't enjoy the cerebral banter you boys are engaging in), I agree with the OP on her request for closing it... And then I would love to see the current topic picked back up in political forum and watch you two go after it....��

HB Originally Posted by happybanana
Eccie is not in the habit of rescue missions. When you post in public forums, the public will post. It's not always going to be stuff you want posted, but that is the nature of free speech.

If nothing is breaking guidelines why would they choose to censor?

I definitely believe Rambro should be getting thread hijacking points for his violation. Hero Zimmerman posted nothing about the derailment, Rambro took offense to his user name.

So back to the topic of the alert, not an alert.
It was ill advised because obviously others could come in and agree or disagree with the topic.
Ladies have a private area where none of these comments would exist, if you want a show, you're likely going to get one in public forums.
sexy booty's Avatar
Uh oh ztonk she demands it! lol

Don't think it's going to happen without a pretty please with a cherry on top blowjob.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 12-28-2014, 07:54 AM
Call me crazy, but I have a little problem with summary judgement death sentences issued for unarmed robbery of $50 worth of cigars. (Really? you believe that is what happened?)

Robbery, using force, is a felony. the "summary judgment" was AFTER he was attacked in his car by a 300# man and assaulted. Did you fail to get that through all the testimony?

Maybe the disinfectant of sunlight (or camera footage) will shed a little light on these police shootings of minorities that have been and will continue to happen like clockwork.

Well when you attack someone they will defend themselves. And when you level a gun at someone they will shoot back. Minority or not...

If the police we invest extraordinary power in to enforce the laws of the land are blameless, they should welcome the chance to be exonerated by an unbiased witness. We're always being told how we have nothing to fear if we have nothing to hide. Suddenly that doesn't cut both ways?

I don't see a both ways...I see criminals that would be alive today had they obeyed the law. There IS video of the one at the gas station that caused a riot. He pulled a gun, pointed it at an officer and the officer shot him. Yet we still see indignation and riots...why is that?
Want to keep more from being killed? Teach your children that if you don't break laws or make officers fear for their safety, you very likely WON'T GET SHOT.

And maybe a little damning footage will result in a little less impunity in the use of excessive force. Maybe society will finally begin to appreciate the stupidity of militarizing what was originally supposed to be a civilian police force. Maybe we'll even see amelioration in our lifetimes of the rift dividing trenchant police and the resentful communities they're mandated to protect.

And maybe my fairy godmother will grant all my you have a clue the areas where this is happening? Gang infested, police hating.

Or we could just not ask any questions when a black teen dies, because only white folks' lives are worth a grand jury hearing? Clearly the only options are completely unaccountable use of lethal force by police and total anarchy! #sarcasm

Questions sure. Public outrage when a thug gets put down, no. Turning everything into a racial issue is simply race baiting. Surely, surely you don't agree that an officer should turn the other cheek when hes attacked? Neither of us know if there was excessive force used in the Brown situation. A grand jury decided IT WASNT. But we continue to see riots, thefts & violence in the name of "protest". Its not protest, its a reason to smash and grab.

Source(s) please?

Not that I'm a fan of how grand juries are practiced...

Though, like police, I'm all for them in principle, and they are provided for in the Firth Amendment. Anyone remember that little piece of parchment, our Constitution?

Which guarantees life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness...which in no way means rob a store, break the law, attach a cop & suffer no penalties (the cop is subject to the same constitutional rights, agreed)?. A thug died. It was tragic. But that's about all that happened here. People wanted a cause celebrity and made a poor assed choice...

Repeat after me...THE GRAND JURY SAID THERE WAS NO EVIDENCE TO INDICT THE OFFICER. The police didn't decide that, a jury of CITIZENS decided that.

Had they decided there was sufficient reason, I would have agreed with them, but after reading much of the testimony I agree they mad the right decision.

I was under the possibly mistaken impression it was strongly discouraged by the mods. But I stand corrected if there was nothing to RTM. Yes you were wrong. Its a simple mistake as much as the act is frowned upon, but its NOT illegal or against any bylaws....its just not a topic of discussion often Originally Posted by Centaur
Are you old enough to remember the riots after OJ Simpson was exonerated? It was bloody. CPAs, Lawyers, Housewives all banning together to burn down their neighborhoods in protest.
Throwing rocks through the Coach shop, Breaking into the Ralph Lauren shops & stealing shoes from Florsheim. You don't remember? That's because it never happened...

And we're just debating a topic Centaur, nothing more...I'm not all angry and organizing a protest because we disagree on some points. The thread is going to get shut down pretty soon anyway cause Booty is freaking out now. (But am guessing her Ho phone is blowing up)
I feel like I'm watching a an SNL comedy skit.

SB usually alerts or accusatory threads are closed only after both parties have had their say and the thread has become old and redundant.

As of yet nobody has heard a peep from RichPrick and this thread is anything but old and redundant.

You can't really start a fire and then demand that the mods put it out just because you're the one who got burnt.

That being said they might just shut it down because they feel like it or if things get out of hand and nasty which they haven't.
Depends upon whether Z has had his coffee yet and is stuck in front of the screen because the weather outside is cold and rainy.

Since you're no longer the main topic of the thread it shouldn't really even matter to you one way or the other.

The self incriminating posts will remain posted for all to read whether they close the thread or not.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 12-28-2014, 08:14 AM
I feel like I'm watching a an SL comedy skit.

SB usually alerts or accusatory threads are closed only after both parties have had their say and the thread has become old and redundant.

As of yet nobody has heard a peep from RichPrick and this thread is anything but old and redundant.

You can't really start fire and then demand that the mods put it out just because you're the one who got burnt.

That being said they might just shut it down because they feel like it. Depends upon whether Z has had his coffee yet and is stuck in front of the screen because the weather outside is cold and rainy. Originally Posted by Windinhishair
If the thread is left open I am certain we will

  • Find a cure for Beauty Queens Ebola
  • Work out all racial hate/issues in America & the world
  • Cure world hunger
  • Find a way to have "Koo-pun" day for $37.50 GFE hours
  • Teach Booty English
  • Teach Centaur & Ms V English
  • Get more titty pics from Nikki
  • Fix pollution caused by the burning of fossil fuels
  • Break humpty enough that he can't be put back together
  • Get congress to agree on something....anything
• and rockerrick is going to say Fuck You at some point.

richPrick was in chat, who's to say he even looks at Austin coed?
[*]Get more titty pics from Nikki Originally Posted by Toyz
That right there is reason enough to leave it open. Screw saving the world.