Urapnes, I resisted the urge to come on here and flame you. trust me, I had some funny stuff. but I am giving you the benifit of a doubt. that said, I know it's hard not to get defensive when people are dogpilling you on an internet board,
I think most people tried to answer your questions, as best they could without being to specific.

I have met and chatted with some really good people here, and on the other boards, if your not comfortable jumping off into the hobby, thats ok, read the posts, comment when you have something to add, and don't take things so personally.

I got a resonse to pm from a provider here that I thought was rude, and it wasn't even about the hobby. chalk it up to maybe she had a bad day.

I'm not trying to preach to you, but everybody on is a real person with a real life, what connects us is this hobby. and as far as providers being ugly to you, they don't know you from adam. thats why this part of the forum is so great. it lets you get to know people by what they post, and their interests, sence of humor etc.
take some of the ladies who posted in this thread, if you read some of their other posts. you would see that fawn sounds like someone who would be very cool to kick it with, and carrie hillcrest is funny, and someday, when I mortgage my house I would like to see her, but I think you get what I'm trying to say
Lazarus, thanks for being civil in your post. You asked questions, here are my answers

a) how did you find this site? Browsing
b) have you ever been with a prostitute before where you paid cash for sex?
When I was in the Navy, in Puerto Rico and Israel
c) have you been to strip clubs and gotten anything other than "air dances"?

Also, Fawn, thanks for the advice and your nice tone.

I really dont know if the hobby is for me at this point. The beating I have taken for my questions have been brutal. The women I have been most interested in have been so negative and their tone has been so ugly.

I mean I know I am new. I have offered a couple of providers just to meet me at a restaurant for a reasonable fee and I pay for lunch, in order to meet me and feel comfy. If not, they never have to see me again. How the hell is that suspicious. Once they see and meet me, and spend some time, they would realize i was cool and not po po. But all I got was very leery providers. Why? If I ever go to a provider, we will laugh our asses of that anyone thought I was po po.

Again, this is one of the most viewed topics in co ed discussions, because people are so interested in the questions, yet why cant we get any answers? Originally Posted by URAPNES
Wow I don't even know what to say to that. You made me fell very uncomfortable, but asking if I see black men right off the bat, then telling me that your not black, and you want me to be with your friend, who is black. I nicely say no then you say I don't want your bussiness. So yes I am staying away from you. Then you come on here and use the word po, po, come on, after you make it in clear detail that your not black?
Lazarus, thanks for being civil in your post. You asked questions, here are my answers

a) how did you find this site? Browsing
b) have you ever been with a prostitute before where you paid cash for sex?
When I was in the Navy, in Puerto Rico and Israel
c) have you been to strip clubs and gotten anything other than "air dances"?
This is interesting info
Also, Fawn, thanks for the advice and your nice tone.

I really dont know if the hobby is for me at this point. The beating I have taken for my questions have been brutal. The women I have been most interested in have been so negative and their tone has been so ugly.
It might be in response to what you say to them
I mean I know I am new. I have offered a couple of providers just to meet me at a restaurant for a reasonable fee and I pay for lunch, in order to meet me and feel comfy. If not, they never have to see me again. How the hell is that suspicious. Once they see and meet me, and spend some time, they would realize i was cool and not po po. But all I got was very leery providers. Why? If I ever go to a provider, we will laugh our asses of that anyone thought I was po po.
Most providers don't mix business with social activities until they develop a trust or friendship.

Again, this is one of the most viewed topics in co ed discussions, because people are so interested in the questions, yet why cant we get any answers? Originally Posted by URAPNES
The answer is people love to watch a

The best advice is read up as much as possible what the proper etiquette is in discussing hobby issues, when you post something thats not generally accepted by the community at large then just learn a lesson and stop whining about being mistreated.
The hobby is built on trust that the guy's are good and the ladies will be discrete about your and their business.
Chevalier's Avatar
Again, this is one of the most viewed topics in co ed discussions, because people are so interested in the questions, yet why cant we get any answers? Originally Posted by URAPNES
Actually, it's because we enjoy tuning into "As the World, err, make that ECCIE, Turns."

Keep in mind P4P is considered illegal by the police and a bizarre deviant subculture by the media and a lot of civilians. That breeds a lot of very understandable (and healthy) paranoia among those of us in the P4P community. Paranoia is part of how we stay safe. So I might have some mild curiosity about the answers to those questions, but as an experienced client I would not expect or want ladies to provide answers: (a) publicly where anyone could see them; or (b) even privately to someone whom they don't know is legit. Such answers might be used by those who would like to harm the community (police, reporters, anti-P4P advocates, etc.). That's the same reason that, for example, the ladies may not divulge publicly full details of what they do (or screening services such as P411 do) to screen prospective clients.

That's why we consider some of your questions are inappropriate -- not even the type of thing we would necessarily ask someone privately after we'd seen her BCD and both knew each other was legit. Even though I'm curious, I recognize there are things it's better I don't know. And that asking might make me sound like a "loose cannon" who is a potential danger to those who deal with him.

The beating I have taken for my questions have been brutal. Originally Posted by URAPNES
Dude, if you think the responses here have been "brutal," believe me, you're better off avoiding any Internet board, not just those devoted to P4P. This was actually pretty mild compared to what you find in most online communities. If you're uncomfortable with it, best to avoid it.

Once they see and meet me, and spend some time, they would realize i was cool and not po po. Originally Posted by URAPNES
Seriously, no they would not. You think police can't appear to be "cool"? You think spending an hour together with you (or anyone else for that matter) is enough to make someone comfortable they know who you are, what you do, and what you might be like BCD?

I know a few ladies may risk "screening" solely based on a public meeting. But it's very dangerous. See comments above about why paranoia is a good thing in P4P.

If you think such a meeting is enough to convince someone that you're "safe," experienced members may conclude that either: (a) you want to be "screened" that way (rather than normal methods) because you've got something to hide; or (b) you're too careless, not cautious enough, and may endanger not only your own safety but also others.


Or, to put it more succintly:

Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom. Paranoia is the price of eternal vigilance.
Very applicable in the world of P4P.