Dont answer the question

bojulay's Avatar
Your things got holes in it?

Who shot LBJ?

Would you like to Supersize that?
You bet your ass!

Starfish or minnows?
OldGrump's Avatar
Pizza topping

Who shot JR?

BBBJTCNQNS or Pearl Necklace?
Bella of Ftw's Birthday

Is the square root of tequila Cake or Icecream?
If a light sleeper sleeps with a light on, how does a hard sleeper sleep?
Coast?cruiser's Avatar
On his back.

If Cinderella's shoe fit so damn good why did it fall off?
Gentlemen Rendezvous's Avatar
Because penguins fuck standing up.

Does dick or pussy rule the world?

snugger fit or magnums?
OldGrump's Avatar

Which is more fun, sports, sex, or sport sex.
St.Mateo's Avatar
A barrel of monkeys

69., MFM or water sports?

Monkey see, monkey do??
St.Mateo's Avatar
Jungle Boogie

ThatHotNurse. Kim Kardashian orthe. StayPuff Marshmellow Man
Aunt Jemima

George! George! George of the..... ?