What body type am I?

Finkle's Avatar
You seem sweet and have a cute face. However, the photos you posted in this thread make me not want to meet you. Have you considered professional photo shots? An investment in your online presence will pay dividends in the future. Just a recommendation.
Iaintliein's Avatar
What body type?

Rubenesque I think:
PsychedelicMut's Avatar
Edit to add: I would reconsider showing your face. You're very pretty but that exposure will never go away and you don't know what the future holds. I'm so grateful today that I never caved into the pressure of showing my face. I could have gotten a lot more business but it's not worth losing your privacy imo. Just some honest feedback. Worth what you paid for it. Originally Posted by THN
I agree. I love looking at your face. I would hate to have to look at it through iron bars, because LE recognized you and put together a sting.

In the old days, an hour-glass figure was made up of busts and hips the same measurement with a waist 10" less. It seems like the paradigm was 36-38 C, 24-26, 34-40, 5'6", 120-130 lbs. Notice that the desired waist might be a little smaller than 10" less than the other two and some leniency on the hips. Ladies over 5'6" were considered tall.

I would classify your body as: Fuck me blind. I'll buy a white stick and get a seeing eye dog.
PsychedelicMut's Avatar
Hmm. Chunky?
It sounds like something describing a BBW to me. Originally Posted by PiperPosh
At one point in time, my nieces and nephews called me Unky Chunky. It was significantly understated.
The key for me IF you think you are average ....
Not a lot of demand for average. By definition that could be interpreted as like everyone else. Spinner is something different and guys that like that will be attracted to ads claiming to be a spinner. BBW may also be something some guys prefer. If you are stuck in the middle somewhere and defy any label beyond average could I make a suggestion? Average however does not set you apart from the crowd much.

Just bypass the whole label part completely. You do not to do that. Your pics will speak for themselves. Instead focus in your ads on what you will do to/with a client. Focus on how you will make him feel.

I will give you an example. One of the best at writing ads is Eva Davita. Before I ever saw a pic I was tempted to call and request a meeting. That is because of how well she described what could/would take place.

Average as a lablel is not going to be a selling point. But if you can claim a service or quality of service and have that backed up by reviews then that will set you apart.
The key for me IF you think you are average ....
Not a lot of demand for average. By definition that could be interpreted as like everyone else. Spinner is something different and guys that like that will be attracted to ads claiming to be a spinner. BBW may also be something some guys prefer. If you are stuck in the middle somewhere and defy any label beyond average could I make a suggestion? Average however does not set you apart from the crowd much.

Just bypass the whole label part completely. You do not to do that. Your pics will speak for themselves. Instead focus in your ads on what you will do to/with a client. Focus on how you will make him feel.

I will give you an example. One of the best at writing ads is Eva Damita. Before I ever saw a pic I was tempted to call and request a meeting. That is because of how well she described what could/would take place.

Average as a lablel is not going to be a selling point. But if you can claim a service or quality of service and have that backed up by reviews then that will set you apart. Originally Posted by ValenTX
Thanks for the mention hun

I agree...OP, you know and look at yourself everyday. You know your body more than these members online do. Give a brief self description in your ads/showcase - and move on. Although I stay fit and literally live at the gym, there are hundreds of ladies to select with AWESOME and unique body types and frames...so focusing on that will only get you so far.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Angles in pictures are a hugely tricky thing. A little high or little low completely changes the perspective of a subject. Combining those aspects with a mirror can be even trickier. Pics 1 and 2 in your post looks like two completely different people. First pic, uhhh, probably wouldn't want to see you based on that one. Second pic, do not bend over like that in front of me unless you want to get POUNDED.

Yeah. The second pic really does it. First pic, I would NUKE if I were you.

If it's any consolation, every person on Earth has an unflattering angle or two...or 10.
PsychedelicMut's Avatar
After viewing your showcase and this thread dozens of times, I think it's the pose that makes the difference. I think that getting a pro photographer, that knows how to pose ladies would change some people's perception of your body. (Not mine! To me you're perfect.) Based on your reviews, no matter how flattering the pro pics might be, no one would be disappointed or feel deceived when meeting you in person. I wish I could say it based on first hand experience.

Dozens? You may ask. If that's an exaggeration, it's not by much. I might be just a little obsessed. You're my favorite fetish. I can hardly wait until we meet.

You make me want to be a wetter man. (There are no typos in the previous sentence.)

With all my desires, PDog
HOT !!!!
IBnorthof Dallas's Avatar
[QUOTE=PiperPosh;1057916923]Would someone, or everyone, please tell me what body type they think I am?
I describe myself as curvy. But I've been told I'm "girlish". But, I'm sure I'm not a spinner type.

As for your choices that you have available, I would say that curvy fits you best. As for me, I like curvy. I personally have never enjoyed a rib bone, although I loves me some ribs! As others have said, I would be a little disappointed if I expected one thing, but then received another. That said, update your pictures and remember that it's not what's you've got inside the box, but more of how you wrap the package!

Some guys will like the spinners, but as for me I'm not out to rattle some bones. I think sexy is in a smile with lipstick (hey, we put icing on cake) and bedroom eyes that look into mine like I'm the only one she wants.

I agree that you are very brave to show your face totally, however I think you are a very beautiful woman. Flaunt what you got!

whitechocolate's Avatar
Definitely go with Rubenesque!!!!
BigDBone's Avatar
You are not even close to a BBW. You are thick. Your breast looks nice and firm. Like the ass! Some of us can use some improvement on our bodies, but there comes a time when it will not happen. If you are comfortable in your body then you are fine. My question to you is your body soft. I love thick soft flesh.