Where White Man Went Wrong

I B Hankering's Avatar
The revenge of the indians......tobacco Originally Posted by The2Dogs
. . . and syphilis!
. . . and syphilis! Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Where did this come from??? how about sheep native Americans didn't fuck sheep just the white man LOL Since they got casinos
joe bloe's Avatar
Where did this come from??? how about sheep native Americans didn't fuck sheep just the white man LOL Since they got casinos Originally Posted by ekim008
Researchers have theorized that HIV originated with green monkeys in Africa and "somehow" crossed over to humans. There's an unpleasant thing to consider. It makes sheep fucking seem down right wholesome.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Where did this come from??? how about sheep native Americans didn't fuck sheep just the white man LOL Since they got casinos Originally Posted by ekim008
Syphilis is a chronic disease, and T. pallidum's only known natural host is the human.


It's likely that researchers will never come to an agreement about where syphilis originated and how it arrived in the Old World. The most widely accepted theory is that the venereal form of the disease arrived on the shores of Europe along with Christopher Columbus's crew, when they returned in 1493 from a journey to the New World. Indeed, although no cases of the disease seem to have existed in Europe before Columbus sailed to the New World, it had reached epidemic levels on the continent by around 1500. But in recent years, pre-Columbian skeletons -- such as those unearthed at the Hull friary in England -- have been found with distinctive signs of syphilis. Those skeletons have turned the nice, tidy picture of New World origins into a muddy mess.
. . .

The earliest signs of syphilis in humans date back to about 2,000 years ago, in remains found on the Colorado Plateau of North America. More recently, Rothschild found skeletal evidence for syphilis in remains from the Dominican Republic dating back between 1,200 and 500 years ago, in an area known to have been visited by Columbus and his crew. That evidence, he says, indicates that the disease could easily have spread from New World to Old by Columbus's crew.
. . .

"There is a suggestion that it might have originally come from Southeast Asia and then maybe spread both east and west," says biological anthropologist Charlotte Roberts of the University of Durham in England.

I B Hankering's Avatar
Went back to and re-read an old college textbook: The Columbian Exchange: Biological and Cultural Consequences of 1492, by Alfred W. Crosby, Jr. On pages 208 and 209, Crosby writes, “The most important pathological organism that America ever exported is probably Treponema pallidum [syphilis]. It has spread everywhere since the fifteenth century, and the wounds it inflicts upon society suppurate beneath the cosmetic of hypocrisy” (208-209, Crosby). Chapter Six (pp. 122-164) entitled, “The Early History of Syphilis: A Reappraisal”, is devoted entirely to recounting the introduction of syphilis into the Old World by crewmembers from Columbus’ initial, historic, transoceanic voyage. Crosby then uses contemporary reports, dating from 1493 onward, to trace the spread of syphilis from Barcelona, Spain, throughout the rest of Europe.

Crosby recounts how Europe was in the throes of dynastic struggles. Hence, according to Crosby, as French and Spanish armies marched to and fro to battle in Europe, they carried with them and spread the “new pox” of their age. Great mortality was noted and ascribed to the “new pox”.

This book was published in 1972, so it appeared that PBS’ newer information, circa 2000 and cited at post # , about the Augustinian friary in Kingston upon Hull superseded Crosby’s findings. However, upon further investigation, the original findings at the Augustinian friary in Kingston upon Hull are now also suspect after a study in 2008, so it appears Crosby’s book and findings are still valid and relevant.

Columbus did bring syphilis from America
By Roger Highfield, Science Editor, 1:00AM GMT: 15 Jan 2008

“. . . after studying these remains and using genetic evidence from the bacteria that cause syphilis and related diseases, Kristin Harper of Emory University has done a groundbreaking study that provides new support for the Columbus theory of syphilis's origin. . . .

“Harper was backed by colleagues from Emory, Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, the University of Toronto, the Lakeridge Health Centre, Ontario and the University of Oxford. . . .

“‘Syphilis was a major killer in Europe during the Renaissance,’ says Prof George Armelagos, an Emory colleague of Harper whose research put him at the forefront of the syphilis debate 20 years ago. . . .

“Most of the evidence in recent years has come from bones of past civilizations in both New World and Old World sites, since chronic syphilis causes damage. ‘I actually got the chance to travel to England and look at the Hull skeletons,’ Harper says.

“‘One skeleton, 1216, did look a lot like treponemal disease - however, it didn't have the lesions (called caries sicca, found on the skull) that would have made it diagnostic beyond a doubt. Even so, I think it is likely that this one individual represents a case of treponemal disease.’

“But, she adds, ‘the big problem with the Hull site is the dating so none of the individuals studied (including skeleton 1216) can be reliably dated to before 1495. Until the Hull researchers can demonstrate that their dating is solid, I think their claim to syphilitic fame is suspect.’”


All of that, and still not one mention of 'sheep', Ekim the Inbred.

Well you just keep on fucking them I B the lame. When you are done with chickens.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-22-2012, 12:58 PM
Well you just keep on fucking them I B the lame. When you are done with chickens. Originally Posted by ekim008
You forget, he wants to use "sarcasm" as a defense for his posts he is called to task on, but what is a clear sarcastic comment in this case--he ignores the sarcasm.

Ekim, you just don't understand, IB is a superior being and allowed to make his own rules. Quit bothering such a fine person.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Well you just keep on fucking them I B the lame. When you are done with chickens. Originally Posted by ekim008
Your failure to do other than cast aspersions doesn't change the facts, Ekim the Inbred.

"Syphilis is a chronic disease, and T. pallidum's only known natural host is the human."


“The most important pathological organism that America ever exported is probably Treponema pallidum [syphilis]. It has spread everywhere since the fifteenth century, and the wounds it inflicts upon society suppurate beneath the cosmetic of hypocrisy” (pp. 208-209, The Columbian Exchange: Biological and Cultural Consequences of 1492, Crosby).

"The earliest signs of syphilis in humans date back to about 2,000 years ago, in remains found on the Colorado Plateau of North America. More recently, Rothschild found skeletal evidence for syphilis in remains from the Dominican Republic dating back between 1,200 and 500 years ago, in an area known to have been visited by Columbus and his crew. That evidence, he says, indicates that the disease could easily have spread from New World to Old by Columbus's crew. . . ." http://www.pbs.org/wnet/secrets/prev...lis/index.html

You forget, he wants to use "sarcasm" as a defense for his posts he is called to task on, but what is a clear sarcastic comment in this case--he ignores the sarcasm.

Ekim, you just don't understand, IB is a superior being and allowed to make his own rules. Quit bothering such a fine person. Originally Posted by Old-T
How considerate of you, Old-goaT. Ekim the Inbred did need your help to flock his flock.
You forget, he wants to use "sarcasm" as a defense for his posts he is called to task on, but what is a clear sarcastic comment in this case--he ignores the sarcasm.

Ekim, you just don't understand, IB is a superior being and allowed to make his own rules. Quit bothering such a fine person. Originally Posted by Old-T

this is what is fun,you can throw somethiing in,and I B spends time researching to prove you are wrong.It keeps him from chasing the farm animals.
I B Hankering's Avatar
this is what is fun,you can throw somethiing in,and I B spends time researching to prove you are wrong.It keeps him from chasing the farm animals. Originally Posted by ekim008
No, what is really fun is watching a jackass like you admit you are full of bullshit -- like you just did, Ekim the Inbred! . . .
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I never need to prove that a person is wrong, they need to prove they are right. Come on post me some links to whatever bullshit you ar3 throwing so I can ignore them and scoff at your ineptness.
I bet you arent even a real ekimo. I know some ekimos and you dont sound like one.
No, what is really fun is watching a jackass like you admit you are full of bullshit -- like you just did, Ekim the Inbred! . . . Originally Posted by I B Hankering

No I B you are stone dumb it is because your parents were related,and not by marriage
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-23-2012, 06:37 AM
I never need to prove that a person is wrong, they need to prove they are right. Guilty until proven innocent--love it!

I bet you arent even a real ekimo. I know some ekimos and you dont sound like one. Now THAT isn't a racial slur, is it? Don't you mean "Your kind all look the same to me, sometimes I wonder how you can enen tell yourselves apart! And quit sounding like you're educated or something; that ain't the way your kind are supposed to act/sound/think." Originally Posted by The2Dogs
I B Hankering's Avatar
No I B you are stone dumb it is because your parents were related,and not by marriage Originally Posted by ekim008
Ekim the Inbred, your the dumb-ass who -- not once, but twice -- proclaimed:
OOh native Americans did not raise sheep in those times .Guess where syphilis comes from Originally Posted by ekim008
http://www.eccie.net/showpost.php?p=2424075&postcou nt=25

Where did this come from??? how about sheep native Americans didn't fuck sheep just the white man LOL Since they got casinos Originally Posted by ekim008
http://www.eccie.net/showpost.php?p=2436867&postcou nt=47

Ekim the Inbred, your persistent dumbness doesn't change the facts:

"Syphilis is a chronic disease, and T. pallidum's only known natural host is the human."


“The most important pathological organism that America ever exported is probably Treponema pallidum [syphilis]. It has spread everywhere since the fifteenth century, and the wounds it inflicts upon society suppurate beneath the cosmetic of hypocrisy” (pp. 208-209, The Columbian Exchange: Biological and Cultural Consequences of 1492, Crosby).

"The earliest signs of syphilis in humans date back to about 2,000 years ago, in remains found on the Colorado Plateau of North America. More recently, Rothschild found skeletal evidence for syphilis in remains from the Dominican Republic dating back between 1,200 and 500 years ago, in an area known to have been visited by Columbus and his crew. That evidence, he says, indicates that the disease could easily have spread from New World to Old by Columbus's crew. . . ." http://www.pbs.org/wnet/secrets/prev...lis/index.html
Af-Freakin's Avatar
And sadly black on black violence with be the black man's downfall. Why shoot and kill someone because they made fun of your big shiny chrome rims? Or better yet.. "Dissed" you?? Seriously where are the rev. bro. Al and Jesse when this happens?? Originally Posted by bladtinzu

poverty breeds violence. white mans racism keeps blacks in poverty & thus violence. also, 20% of the black genepool is european. the crackers that owed slaves were violent mutha fuckas. when they raped black women they introduced the violence gene in2 the black genepool. yep, white mans fault.